For chocolate lovers out there, there are some good news for you which explains the health benefits of Hershey’s Chocolate. Robert Daly via Getty Images A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating a small amount of chocolate could reduce your risk of … It is the responsibility of you and your healthcare providers to make all decisions regarding your health. And the truth is that you should probably be eating dark chocolate on a semi-regular basis because the stuff is pretty dang good for … Chocolate can improve your mood, especially in high-pressure or stressful situations. Chocolate could be good for your heart. Here are some of the top reasons why eating chocolate can be good for you. Research shows that eating chocolate can increase your risk of heart disease, partially due to its blood pressure-lowering effects. Consider this your secret ingredient to a happy, healthy lifestyle—a bite-size boost at your fingertips. Your senses relax with a feeling of euphoria (thank you, endorphins), blood flow increases to our brain and could help boost memory power, reaction times, attention span and problem-solving skills. 3. If you buy quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, then it is actually quite nutritious. One of my favorite effects of chocolate consumption is a reduction in appetite. Researchers at the University of California-San Diego found that people who frequently eat chocolate … A study by the University of Berdeen concluded that those who ate chocolate every day had a 11% decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and a 23% reduced risk of stroke. Believe it or not, we were able to get hold of 15 damn good reasons why you can eat all the chocolate you want, WITHOUT fretting. It’s comforting to know that I can sit back and relax with a chocolate that will achieve far more than just soothing my woes. Can it be possible that the simple benefits of chocolate could actually help keep you looking young? Home Recipes Ingredients Chocolate & Cocoa. 1. The high flavanol group also recorded increased skin density and thickness, as well as better hydration and less transepidermal water loss. It may help lower blood pressure Flavanols found in cocoa beans aid production of … (Psst: Soy reduces LDL cholesterol, too. Harvard Medical School doctors have suggested that it may decrease the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart failure, and it may also lower bad (LDL) cholesterol. Research suggests that low molecular weight cocoa flavanols such as epicatechin and catechin can be absorbed directly into blood circulation,[18] (unless you mix them with milk) but this is not so for the larger polyphenols. The same amount of milk chocolate has 535 calories. 1) Chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants. Much like Halloween, the only reason why this holiday really rules is because you get to eat sweets, judgement free! You’ve probably read that chocolate affects your brain by causing the release of the “happiness neurotransmitters” serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. I live in Wales, UK with my two sons. This year we travelled for four months around BC, Canada. What makes Bulletproof Coffee Beans Different? Raw cacao has more antioxidants than blueberries, red wine, and 4 times more than green tea. The benefits of chocolate go way beyond a sense of unconditional love—eating around an ounce a day is actually proven to increase the blood flow to our hearts and break up clumps of white blood cells, which can block arteries. [17], While many studies assume that it is the cacao polyphenols acting directly to modulate biomarkers, it is most likely the case that at least some of the effect is indirect, and works through interaction with our gut microbiome. Productivity 7 Surprising Reasons Why Chocolate Is Really Good for You Researchers have proven that making chocolate a regular part of your diet can have tremendous benefits for anyone. They can become host to mold and fungi during pre-processing, so it’s important not to let them sit for long periods of time. Even dark chocolate is good for you, it contains endorphins which is a chemical that makes you feel good. From attempting to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease to convincing your mom that dark chocolate actually protects your teeth (oh yes it does), here are all the excuses you'll ever need. While research shows that cocoa can have a beneficial effect with regards to maintaining healthy vascular tone and insulin sensitivity, the reverse is true for sugar. One study even found the cacao flavanol epicatechin to be responsible for the rise in nitric oxide, which is essential for vascular health. It raises serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that maintains moods and produces a good feeling. [2] Participants were asked to complete serial subtraction tasks of threes and sevens (counting down by 3s and 7s), and a rapid visual information-processing task to test sustained attention. It's something that I want to do again and again. Studies show that dark chocolate (which contains more of the good-for-you naturally occurring flavonoids than milk chocolate) can actually lower your blood pressure while simultaneously raising your level of HDL-the good kind of cholesterol. Obviously, you still need to use a high factor of sunscreen, but eating dark chocolate also may give you some protection from the inside. Here is why chocolate is good for your health 1.Chocolate Lowers cholesterol Researchers say that, chocolate helps reducing LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or “bad fats” in blood and there is a chance that the plant sterols (PS) and cocoa flavanols (CF) in chocolate bars might have some effect on cholesterol levels. What this means for you is reduced cholesterol levels, blood pressure, heart disease, and chances of cancer. If you’ve read about Unfair Advantage, you know how important it is to have healthy mitochondria, and more of them. Also, due to its molecular makeup, theobromine takes longer to clear from your body, which means this calm energy lasts longer. Theobromin is the primary alkaloid found in cocoa that is responsible for multiple positive effects, one of which is similar to the affects of caffeine. Antioxidants are beneficial to the body in a number of ways. (I’d imagine that it’s because the casein in milk binds to the polyphenols in chocolate, making them unavailable to your body. Chocolate is high in carbohydrates, which increases the frequency of tryptophan entering the brain. Taste of Home is America's #1 cooking magazine. It can also lower the blood pressure that is already high. With Easter just around the corner, not only can you join in the chocolate fest (healthily), you can tell everyone just some of the reasons why your chocolate is a mood boosting, heart friendly, hormone balancing super-food (smug face)!. Try these unique options to get more chocolate into your diet: What are your favorite ways to eat chocolate? [5] Notably, the polyphenols in cacao increase HDL cholesterol (often thought of as the protective kind of cholesterol), which in turns leads to decreased oxidized LDL cholesterol. The cocoa bean contains high levels of plant nutrients called flavonoids, which have antioxidant power. My family live in British Columbia. I love adventure. In one study, rats fed a high-fat, high-sucrose diet for 4 weeks displayed insulin resistance, and decreased endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), which is responsible for creating nitric oxide in blood vessels. [1] Like coffee, chocolate is also a potent source of polyphenol antioxidants, which can fight damaging free radicals and protect your mitochondria. [29] Other studies have demonstrated that the detrimental effect of sugar on vascular function is independent of obesity and insulin resistance, so sugar is bad for you even if you are in otherwise good health.[30][31]. Dark chocolate makes your heart healthier. Here are five reasons why dark chocolate is good for you. “healthy levels of insulin sensitivity. Dark chocolate—and we’re talking quality stuff here, at least 70 percent cocoa solids—happens to be one of the most anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich foods at our disposal. Have you heard? So dark chocolate = longer life. Chocolate is one of the leading sources of dietary antioxidants. The really cool energy-giving molecule in coffee is called theobromine. It puts you in a better mood. He is a two-time New York Times bestselling author, host of the Webby award-winning podcast Bulletproof Radio, and has been featured on the Today show, Fox News, Nightline, Dr. Oz, and many more. But is that really true? [34] The good news is that one study found that the processing of cocoa beans into a finished product resulted in a 93.6% decrease in ochratoxin A. Chocolate can alleviate anxiety, according to a 2009 study during which anxious people who ate 40 grams of chocolate (about five squares) every day for two weeks experienced lower levels of …!po=22....,,, The healthful compounds in dark chocolate can improve many aspects of your mental and physical health. Damaged cells can lead to cancer development. Cacao trees are a tropical crop, making them highly susceptible to fungus and mold. Those who consumed cocoa flavanol drinks prior to the trial had overall better cognitive performance and reported less mental fatigue than the control group. It contains a decent amount of soluble fiber and … But experienced chocolate hackers also know chocolate to be a useful tool for improving performance in lesser-known ways. So, read on: I’m going to let you in on the real reasons we should be including chocolate in our diet. In this case, microflora in the colon work to break down high molecular weight polyphenols, so that the smaller secondary metabolites may circulate throughout the body.[19][20]. ), Chocolate may also have a significant effect on mood, as one double-blind study recorded that subjects were able to subjectively discriminate the effects of theobromine at doses as low as 100-560 mg.[4]. Make sure your chocolate is at least 85 percent dark chocolate, European chocolate tends to be lower in mold toxins, as they have stricter government limits than the US, Take activated coconut charcoal with chocolate to bind some of the mold toxins like I always do, Make a Bulletproof Mocha: add some high-quality chocolate powder to your morning BP coffee. It’s a heavenly way to lift your performance. In fact, according to Healthline, dark chocolate is one of the best sources of antioxidants known to humankind. [11] Bioavailability of nitric oxide is an essential determinate of vascular health as it regulates dilation tone, signals cell growth and inflammatory response, and protects blood vessels from clotting. All milk, flavored or not, has the same unique combination of essential nutrients. And we all know what the best kinds are: chocolate. Yes, it might help. [13] That’s why dark chocolate can also improve/ Keep the following in mind while selecting and eating chocolate: Your options are almost limitless. One study quantified this by giving participants a 100 g serving of either milk or dark chocolate two hours before being served an all-you-can-eat lunch. Dave Asprey is founder of Bulletproof, and creator of the widely-popular Bulletproof Coffee. You can find another nutritional values of many variants of Hershey’s. Chocolate has inflammation-modulating properties. All sorts of maladies can develop in our bodies through stress. If you’re looking for a food to help your heart perform at its very best, dark chocolate may be a good choice. 1. It’s been reported in the media for years that eating chocolate is heart-healthy, helps prevent cancer, and boosts your mood. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 7. One study demonstrated an increased liking for a ‘novel’ drink when it was mixed with theobromine.[28]. If gut bacteria are feeding on the larger cocoa polyphenols, then it follows that they can also change the composition of the intestinal microbiome. Eating a small amount of dark chocolate a day may give us enough antioxidants to help fight wrinkles and sun damage, according to the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. I love all things native. Doesn’t it feel fantastic to be told that some thing usually classed as a ‘guilt food’, is in fact, GOOD for you. [3] Ingestion of dark chocolate was correlated with a 17% lower calorie intake at the following meal, compared to the milk chocolate group. These are our favorite dark chocolate desserts perfect for a healthy after-dinner indulgence. They protect the organs from oxidation damage, which arises out of regular metabolism. Promotes steady energy: Due to the molecular makeup of theobromine, while it promotes energy in the body, it doesn’t exert its effects on the central nervous system – so its effects are a more gentle, feel-good type of energy. Lowers the Blood Pressure. A study comparing the effects of cocoa powder versus an equivalent caffeine and theobromine powder found equivalent improvements in cognitive and mood assessments. By now you may be interested in picking up some chocolate, but be sure to choose one with as little sugar as possible or even none. Unfortunately, due to intensive farming techniques and poor agricultural, processing, and storage practices, much of the world’s chocolate supply is contaminated with meaningful levels of mold toxins. Bulletproof recommends that you consult with your healthcare providers regarding the diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition. Let’s face it: Everyone gets stressed. Chocolate is Really Good … I do. In fact, cacao exerts a systemic effect on the body, with benefits ranging from improved blood flow and cognition to beneficial alterations in gut bacteria! Theobroma Cacao, the Latin name for chocolate, means “Food of the Gods” for a reason. NOW FOR 10 REASONS WHY CHOCOLATE, OR MORE SPECIFICALLY COCOA, IS GOOD FOR YOU: 1.,,,,,,,,,, In one study, two groups of women consumed either a high flavanol or low flavanol cocoa powder for a period of 12 weeks. 8. Chocolate and anandamite substance The flavonols found in dark chocolate are thought to promote healthy blood vessel function. Regular chocolate consumption has been linked to improved cardiovascular health and a reduced instance of blood clotting. After a period of 4 weeks of consuming a high flavanol cocoa powder, subjects had a significant increase in bifidobacteria and lactobacilli populations, as well as significantly decreased clostridia levels. 1. This doesn’t happen to just the young either…dark chocolate does not take part in age discrimination. [14], Chocolate can help you maintain healthy skin by modulating healthy blood flow. With Easter just around the corner, and all that chocolate awaiting us, let’s explore 10 convincing reasons as to why you should eat MORE chocolate! All the effects of chocolate on the circulatory system – lowering blood pressure, opening up the blood vessels and reducing inflammation – can help keep our hearts healthy and ward off heart disease and strokes, research published in the BMJ shows.
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