Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Before he could finish his statement, Kai knocks Bumi off balance by sending an air swipe in between his feet, prompting Jinora to remind Bumi to work on his stance and compliment Kai on his form. 1 Aug. 2014. The episode’s most affecting moment comes when Mako and Bolin, having found themselves in the city’s poor lower ring, connect with their extended family who still live there. Having been discovered, Kai hurriedly flees the scene with the two brothers following close behind. Gun escorts Korra to the Earth Queen, Hou-Ting who is overseeing a garden expansion on the palace grounds from a balcony. Book 3 of The Legend of Korra has embarked on a storytelling scheme not often encountered in the modern day. bobos. Gun escorts Korra to the palace and announces that Korra has returned with the tax shipment. Bolin and his brother. Kai can't get rid of his old habit. "When Extremes Meet" is the eighth episode of The Legend of Korra, which aired on June 2, 2012. Back at Team Avatar’s quarters, Jinora notices Kai’s absence, prompting Mako and Bolin to search for him under Tenzin’s request. Ideology can easily tear a family apart when that ideology or expectation overrides concern for the person himself. I should call him the neurotic toady of Ba Sing Se. Out in the streets of the Upper Ring, Kai scams another resident before taking off in an alley, where he is surprised to see several Dai Li agents. Yin brings Mako and Bolin to a room and shows them the letter, which includes a photo of them as children along with their mother and father. Chow introduces Mako and Bolin to their extended family. It does, however, give Bolin and Mako a chance to meet their family, which is huge and loving and I’m not going to lie to you: a very huge part of me wants them to stay there, at least for awhile. In the Lower Ring, Mako and Bolin meet their father’s family, including their grandmother, Yin, who is particularly elated to meet her grandchildren. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. "The Guide" also isn't so major, but it ends with Mako getting framed and arrested. She promptly inquires about her son and daughter-in-law, but is disheartened to hear from Mako that the two were killed while he and Bolin were still young. Mako and Korra end up arguing over it and decide to remain friends for some time. Korra, Mako, Bolin, Lin, and Suyin have infiltrated the giant mecha suit to destroy it from the inside and split up, with Korra deciding to take on Kuvira directly, Mako and Bolin targeting the weapon's core, and the Beifongs going to disable the cannon. That’s far too narrow-minded. Mako tells Wu about his romantic entanglements and eventual breakup with Asami and Korra. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Governments even at their most corrupt follow a set of procedures. The leader instructs Korra and Asami to leave the shipment but the two refuse, causing a fight to erupt in which Korra and Asami quickly take the upper hand. That doesn’t mean though that highway robbery should be the answer. But, instead of describing what he means in finer detail, he says that she's "basically just like Korra" which prompts this facial reaction from Mako. He interrogates the brothers and attempts to intimidate them, eventually tackling the two to the ground after concluding that they were planning to steal fruit. Mako refuses to take part and expresses his disgust at the state of the fruit on display, prompting a wary Tu to appear from behind the stand. Korra talks to Asami about her confrontations with Amon, Unalaq, Vaatu, and Zaheer. Korra and Asami collect tax money for Queen Hou Ting. ( Log Out /  Having suffered from that experience, I imagine that Yin chides the others over their lack of respect but refuses to let their differing opinions sever a relationship. Who’s to say they won’t take their “hard-earned” gold and spend it on a fancy motorcycle rather than return it to its rightful owners? Bolin expresses his eagerness to save the Beifongs from Kuvira, and also hopes to win back Opal's trust and affections, vowing to the airbender that he… Queen Hou-Ting: For being the daughter of Kuei, the Earth Queen doesn’t share much in common with him. The two brothers walk by a fruit stand, and Bolin attempts to coerce the firebender to help him with the “fruit stand scam” they used to execute in the past. The moment that Mako and Bolin encountered Kai, a bond was formed based on their shared pasts as orphans and delinquents. The Legend of Korra. Angered, Korra launches into a tirade, criticizing Hou-Ting for extorting her own subjects to sustain her own lavish lifestyle. Change ). In Harm's Way 23m. RELATED: The Legend Of Korra: 10 Strange Things About The Show That Can't Be Overlooked Jinora reminds Bumi to remain quick and evasive, but he reassures the young airbender that his experience in fighting will guarantee an easy victory, even going so far as to minimize Kai as a threat by referring to him as a youngster. “It is so wonderful to finally meet my long-lost grandchildren.” – Yin. Jinora trains Bumi and Kai aboard a Future Industries airship. This mode of storytelling initially requires work on the part of the viewer but reaps the greatest rewards if pulled off successfully. However, they are interrupted by Bolin, who’s heartbroken. He recalls how he once hired Combustion Man, who was capable of the same technique, in a failed attempt to kill the previous Avatar, Aang. ... Mako and Bolin connect with family they've never met. Korra shouldn’t have agreed to the Earth Queen’s request, but she can’t permit lawlessness either. Lin and Suyin destroy the cannon's loading mechanism, rendering it useless. ( Log Out /  I have to admit that I’m not a fan of them except in very rare circumstances. Overall Impression: There’s not enough conflict in this episode to warrant a high rating. He gently lets her down, but when Korra starts seeing Bolin, Mako gets jealous. Upon landing, the group is greeted by the new Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se. The former gives him a passionate kiss, which he returns. Kai is thrown in prison with other airbenders by the Dai Li on Earth Queen Hou-Ting’s orders. They learn that cities secret police, the Dai Li (who are now more firmly under the control of throne, but still sinister in nature) are capturing new airbenders, and indeed Kai is arrested and told he'll have to serve in the army. The divided loyalties, on the other hand, did pique my attention. avatar. However, his goals of leaving conflicted with his father’s wishes, resulting in tensions between the two which caused Mako and Bolin’s father to sever all communication with his family, save for a single letter he sent during his birthday. In the original series, the inner walls divided the different classes into three distinct sections called the Lower, Middle, and Upper Rings. added by lord1bobos. Korra attempts to reason with the queen, but is unable to do so as Hou-Ting begins to yell at her servants. She fails to understand that a queen owes as much to her subjects as they owe to her. ( Log Out /  I think it would have done wonders for Mako and Bolin’s characters if they decided, “Since we’re in the Lower Ring, why not take a detour and locate our family?” Meanwhile, the decision adds narrative tension because Korra and Asami end up in trouble without their aid. I will call it the slow-burn. Something of the sort happened to Mako and Bolin’s father, San, who left Ba Sing Se after arguing with the boys’ grandfather. Mako and Bolin's backstory. Synopsis: Korra suffers from the manipulations of the Earth Queen in her search for airbenders. Things should not happen to your character. I could imagine Bolin feeling this way being raised by Mako, but Kai…. 1. lin biefong. The viewer remains interested but not engaged. ( Log Out /  Change ). If anything, the Lower Ring has become even more squalid, so much so that Korra and the others can detect the stench from their airship. ( Log Out /  Asami expresses concern about the fact that they were unaccompanied, but Korra reassures her by stating that royal guards stationed at the vault would keep them protected. Korra sacrificing her own possible relationship with Mako, telling him Asami will need him after learning her father is an Equalist. Mako, Bolin, and Asami move into Air Temple Island after losing their homes in the previous episodes. Yin reprimands Tu for speaking negatively about the queen, before blowing a kiss to a portrait in her honor. Instead the episode offers character portraits, some more compelling than others. Before he can flee, Kai is apprehended by the agents using earthbending and thrown into an underground cell along with other airbenders, where he is told by the Dai Li sergeant that he is now part of the Earth Queen’s army. Taking place years after the events of The Last Airbender, this spinoff of the classic animated series follows rebellious young Korra as she carves her own path to becoming a fully-realised Avatar 11 "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN" (SEASON 3, EPISODE 10) 9.0 “Do you have these problems with your servants?” – Earth Queen. "A New Spiritual Age:" Unalaq reveals he can destroy souls and threatens to do this to Jinora to make Korra open the other spirit portal. They formerly worked for the Triads until becoming pro-benders to make ends meet, even then just barely. kioljj, shhiambatman and 1 other like this. When he was eight, Mako witnessed his parents being killed by a firebender, leaving Bolin, his younger brother, as his only immediate family and his treasured red scarf as the sole memento of his father. Coincidences: How should a TV show or movie depict an unlikely coincidence? ( Log Out /  The duo eventually encounters Kai in a monorail cart at which point Mako corners Kai and grabs him by the collar. ; The Cabbage Man, the eternal Butt Monkey of the original series, now has his own statue at the company he built. Director: Ian Graham | Stars: Janet Varney, David Faustino, P.J. In the fruit stand scene, Mako and Bolin, being stranded in the Lower Ring, debate on whether to steal a piece of rotten fruit and end up arguing with the owner who turns out to be their cousin. Following his revelation that they worked with the Triple Threat Triad, she asked if he was a criminal. He then explained their story a bit more to her, how their parents were mugged and killed and they were left alone to fend for themselves. Korra and Asami arrive to collect the tax shipment, but became immediately wary of their surroundings after noticing residents fleeing indoors. Release year: 2011. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 3.05 - The Metal Clan - Team Avatar visits Sao Fu 3.06 - Old Wounds - Korra learns new discipline 3.07 - Original Airbenders - Tenzin becomes a … Download File Summary of The Legend of Korra Episode 10 “Operation Beifong“ In the mountains overlooking the city of Zaofu, Juicy lands, allowing Bolin, Opal, and Lin to dismount. The writer topples an established piece unleashing a wave of consequences. She blames Korra for her past life’s decisions to annex Earth Kingdom territory to create the United Republic of Nations. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Apparently, this is not the case. Korra will meet with Zaheer, while Lin, Su, her metalbenders, and Tonraq head up the cliffside as back-up. Soon enough, Bolin excitedly greets the people of the Middle Ring once the airship passes through the second set of walls within the city and the airship promptly makes it way to the Upper Ring. Benders are those who are born with the power to manipulate the elements, decendants of various people touched by spirits a long time ago, whose powers awaken based on natural talent and refined through varouius diciplines. Mako are Pro-Benders. Law and Order: If emotion drives you more than reason, you might let the thieves get away with the gold, especially after remembering the Earth Queen’s corruption and disregard for the well-being of her subjects. Though Korra, Bolin, and Mako managed to hold their own against a cheating team, they then had to contend with Amon's followers attacking everyone in the arena, making for an all-out brawl. The seeds are there, certainly, but nobody experiences a test of character or a true clash of wills. He delights in luring the two onto the train and picking their pockets to add insult to injury. korra. Upon mentioning them, the family members gasp, and reveal how Dai Li agents have apprehended airbenders in the city for the Earth Queen to supposedly use in experiments. Tu’s father exclaims how proud his brother would have been with Mako and Bolin, considering how they were assisting the Avatar in her travels. Your character should make things happen. Luckily, fans weren't disappointed in that regard either. Meanwhile, Kai absconds from the group to pickpocket, and while looking for him, Mako and Bolin meet the family of their late father. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Earth Queen continues to list the problems that have manifested in her nation, telling Korra about roving bands of barbarians in the countryside and her subjects’ refusal to pay taxes. While watching the training from the balcony, Korra expresses her excitement over traveling to Ba Sing Se in search of airbenders and asks Tenzin what the Earth Queen is like. Meanwhile Mako and Bolin meet their family living in Ba Sing Se for the first time. While aboard the Future Industries airship, Jinora, Asami, and Naga watch a friendly airbending spar between Bumi and Kai, with the intention of teaching the two new airbenders the stances associated with the art form. A group of people related by blood? She does not believe the Earth Queen’s claims and states that she will not leave until she finds some airbenders. Without a means to purchase tickets, the brothers decide to sleep in the streets until they find a way back to the Upper Ring. Hou-Ting frigidly addresses Korra, whom she suspects of being in her palace for a favor. The Queen might represent one form of tyranny, but the outlaws represent another, possbily more insidious one. After Korra reluctantly agrees, Earth Queen Hou-Ting instructs her to retrieve a tax shipment from a vault located in a town just outside the city walls, two of which had already been stolen by barbarians. Kai uses his airbending to create a distraction and facilitate his pick-pocketing of rich citizens. Mako was born the son of an Earth Kingdom man named San and Naoki, a Fire Nation woman, two years before Bolin. Watching them go, Korra discloses to Asami that she indeed suspects Gombo to be correct. Arrogant, dismissive, and manipulative, she presents a most unpleasant character. Mako's heroic actions in the finale nearly sacrificing himself in the effort to destroy Kuvira's large robot also drew praise from reviewer Max Nicholson of … Meanwhile Mako and Bolin meet their family living in Ba Sing Se for the first time. . 4. It was that night, in Asami's house with Bolin and the rest of their family –or at least, the earth kingdom side of their family- that they realized a burned arm may not be all that was wrong. Still, I have to give the Earth Queen credit. In addition to Vaatu making his present-day debut, the episode also reveals that not only is Unalaq evil, he is The Dragon to Vaatu. The line is part of a conversation that Korra and Mako have in between searching for Bolin. In the palace, Korra appeals to Hou-Ting for help in recruiting newly discovered airbenders in Ba Sing Se, but she refuses to even consider providing her assistance until the Avatar has completed a favor of her choosing. Upon approaching the walls of Ba Sing Se, Bolin runs to the balcony and calls Mako over to take a look at the view, excitedly declaring that it was where their dad had grown up. As Opal leaves for the Northern Air Temple to start her airbending training, Zaheer and his gang try to kidnap Korra. In fact, it’s only exasperated the city’s issues. As I’ve stated before, the best characters want something and define themselves by how they go about achieving their desires. The Earth Queen claims that the Dai Li have searched the city but were unable to find any airbenders, concluding that Korra and the rest of her team could leave the city. Before he and Bolin met Korra and co, when his and Bolin were young and poor and their lives were precarious, Mako knew that he couldn’t do anything with the knowledge of his family… Overall Impression: There’s not enough conflict in this episode to warrant a high rating. Synopsis: Korra suffers from the manipulations of the Earth Queen in her search for airbenders. The series was expanded further in July 2012 to 52 episodes. "Scratch that! Upset at the Avatar’s defiance, Hou-Ting orders her to leave, which Korra does, though not before promising that she is not done. Kai, however, easily escapes his grasp, sends the two brothers back with an air blast, and slips out of the cart just before the doors close, leaving them stranded in the cart on the way to the Lower Ring. Mako and Bolin decide to leave to return to the Upper Ring to inform Korra, with Bolin once again wondering about Kai. ( Log Out /  Their parents were killed in front of them during a mugging resulting in the two of them growing up on the streets with no family but each other. Their grandmother Yin shows them a picture of them with their parents, and Mako decides to give her his trusty red scarf that originally belonged to her son. Republic City was founded by the … The situation at that time could be partly explained of the massive influx of refugees displaced by the war, but with the war long concluded shouldn’t the squalid conditions of the Lower Ring have improved? Bolin and Mako search for Kai in the Upper Ring and find him scamming unsuspecting residents using his airbending. While this is going down, Mako and Bolin will … Byrne, J.K. Simmons. Create a free website or blog at ( Log Out /  Bolin, steadfast in his dedication to (what he thinks) is a just cause, mentions that Kuvira is passionate and a bit hard to deal with. Having fulfilled her part of the deal, Korra inquires once more about any airbenders in Ba Sing Se. Kai notices a citizen of the Upper Ring laden with jewels and sneaks away from the rest of the group as they are led to their quarters. Since Chief Lin Beifong has resigned, Saikhan takes her … In the Lower Ring, Mako and Bolin meet their father’s family, including their grandmother, Yin, who is particularly elated to meet her grandchildren. The Legend of Korra S1 E1 Welcome to Republic City Book 1 - Having mastered water, earth and fire, Avatar Korra is eager to begin her training in airbending, but trouble in Republic City interrupts her plans. mako. Brotherhood: “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family,” one often hears, but this quote doesn’t capture the sentiment that close friends ARE family. Back in the tundras of the Northern Water Tribe, Zuko tells Desna and Eska of how he built the secret ice prison along with Tonraq and Unalaq in order to contain P’Li, a firebender who can use combustion to create explosions with her mind. Perhaps wresting power back from the Dai Li and reasserting the might of the throne requires such unpleasantness. She promptly inquires about her son and daughter-in-law, but is disheartened to hear from Mako that the two were killed while he and Bolin were still young.
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