“Self-driving cars hold the promise of making America’s roads safer, creating new economic opportunities, and helping seniors and those with disabilities live more independently. Here are the steps for Status of Legislation: Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research In Vehicle Evolution Act or the SELF DRIVE Act. The bill would also prohibit states from regulating the mechanical, software and safety systems of autonomous cars. Most important for people who bike and walk, this bill does NOT include a Vision Test, or any other requirement to ensure automated vehicles can detect, identify and respond to pedestrians, bicyclists, or … Related Posts. 2. A quick recap in case you forgot: the Republican-controlled House of Representatives unanimously passed the SELF DRIVE Act in 2017, which would … 3388 would clarify the federal role in regulating vehicles that can drive without a person controlling the vehicle. ( Maximize opportunities for research and development here in the U.S. to create jobs and grow economic opportunities so that America can remain a global leader in this industry. It is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol level of 0.05 per cent or higher, or to drive under the influence of illegal drugs. Proud to work w @boblatta toward legislation that keeps US at the forefront https://t.co/wKjKzwEH6Q, — Rep. Debbie Dingell (@RepDebDingell) June 27, 2017. ( H.R. [displayText] => Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Energy and Commerce. This bill establishes the federal role in ensuring the safety of highly automated vehicles by encouraging the testing and deployment of such vehicles. Congressman Fred Upton is hailing committee passage last week of legislation designed to help regulate self-driving cars without holding back their development…Upton tells us self-driving vehicles could lead to the creation of thousands of jobs in Michigan, especially if the state becomes a major center of design and testing. Greater Mobility for All. SELF DRIVE Act Cruises from Committee to Full House On July 27, 2017 the first federal bill that addresses autonomous vehicle technology advanced to the full U.S. House of Representatives. Reaffirm the role and responsibilities of federal and state governments. A "highly automated vehicle" is a motor vehicle, other than a commercial motor vehicle, that is equipped with an automated driving system capable of performing the entire dynamic driving task on a sustained basis. Are you constantly forced to hold shipments until you have a full truckload? 3388, SELF DRIVE Act. As autonomous cars shift the responsibility of driving from humans to autonomous car technology, there is a need for existi The new bill is being written with input from both chambers in the hopes of avoiding last year’s breakdown. Blog, In The News, Press Releases, Recent Posts, Transit, Transit Blog/ Press Release: The TWU Opposes Decision to Eliminate Vaccine Prioritization for Transport Workers in California Our country is experiencing an uptick in highway fatalities unlike any we have seen in decades. It’s still far from becoming law, but its Democratic and Republican authors on the supportive House Energy and Commerce Committee believe their rare bipartisan proposal has a shot at success — despite tougher-than-ever partisan divisions on Capitol Hill. The SELF DRIVE Act would: Block states from banning self-driving vehicles. Sec. The SELF DRIVE Act strikes the critical balance of enhancing consumer safety while promoting the continued development of this cutting-edge technology,” said Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) and Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection Subcommittee Chairman Bob Latta (R-OH). Without a national policy, there is a real risk of states developing a patchwork of laws related to self-driving cars. (September 6, 2017), The Washington Post: The U.S. House just paved the way for more self-driving cars: Thousands of self-driving cars are now that much closer to hitting the streets as House lawmakers approved a bill Wednesday to expand companies’ ability to test the next-generation technology. (. 3388, passed the House of Representatives by voice vote, and will; Self-Driving Vehicle Legislation (June 27, 2017), Self-Driving Cars: Levels of Automation (March 28, 2017), Self-Driving Cars: Road to Deployment (February 14, 2017), Earlier today, our committee members spoke on the House floor about the SELF DRIVE Act. The Wall Street Journal: House approves self-driving car legislation: The House on Wednesday passed legislation aimed at removing regulatory barriers to development of self-driving cars, a victory for autonomous-vehicle companies that say a proliferation of state rules has created a confusing patchwork for the industry. (July 27, 2017), Wired: Congress Finally Gets Serious About Regulating Self-Driving Cars: Seven years after Google started developing robocars, 14 months after a Florida man died in a Tesla Model S that was driving itself, and almost a year after self-driving Ubers started picking up passengers in Pennsylvania, Congress might actually start regulating autonomous vehicles. A second test facility representing urban driving conditions is slated for operation starting by the end of next year, and the $110 million project’s plans include future rural, residential, and even off-road test-driving areas. Summary. 2 articles tagged SELF DRIVE Act. The measure, approved by voice vote, faces tougher going in the Senate, where members are concerned about possible job losses in the trucking industry, and about consumer safety standards. Sec. September 1, 2017. NHTSA’s updated guidance comes on the heels of the Sept. 6, passage of the SELF Drive Act (H.R. 3388) that aims to make several changes to federal law impacting autonomous vehicles. (July 19, 2017), Promoting educational outreach with respect to self-driving technology and its use by senior citizens, individuals with disabilities, and the implementation of this technology within communities traditionally underserved by public transportation; and, Legislators Tour Testing Grounds for Self-Driving Cars, House approves self-driving car legislation, Congress unites (gasp) to spread self-driving cars across America, Where Rosie Once Riveted, Cars Will Now Drive Themselves, Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection (115th Congress). Increases in the use of autonomous car technologies are causing incremental shifts in the responsibility of driving, with the primary motivation of reducing the frequency of traffic collisions. Checking out a self-driving car with @RepGregWalden while touring @Intel in Oregon. Update the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards to account for advances in technology and the evolution of highly automated vehicles, and. 6. The SELF DRIVE Act Motors Through Congress By Mark Pratzel on September 8, 2017 On September 6, 2017 the House of Representatives unanimously passed H.R. H. Rept. The American Center for Mobility, a nonprofit corporation established early last year by the state of Michigan, expects a 2½ mile highway test loop across and near the grounds of the former General Motors Willow Run Transmission plant to be ready for use in December. Videos. Canberra Tracks are eight self-drive heritage trails that will enhance your appreciation of the ACT. H.R. General exemptions. The Trump administration, through Secretary Elaine Chao and the U.S. Department of Transportation, just announced a new guidance … The full Energy & Commerce Committee then passed the SELF DRIVE Act with unanimous support at 54-0. Do you continuously pay for unused space on incomplete trailers? The bill preempts states from enacting laws regarding the design, construction, or performance of highly automated vehicles or automated driving systems unless such laws enact standards identical to federal standards. [actionDate] => 2017-09-05 ), Array “This bipartisan bill paves the way for advanced collision avoidance systems and self-driving cars nationwide, and ensures that America stays a global leader in innovation.”. Where tens of thousands once toiled to make transmissions for traditional human-driven vehicles — and before that, built World War II bomber planes — a testing ground for automated cars and trucks now is under construction. Manufacturers of highly automated vehicles must develop written cybersecurity and privacy plans for such vehicles prior to offering them for sale. 3388, also known as the “Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research in Vehicle Evolution Act,” also known as the “SELF DRIVE Act.” The Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research in Vehicle Evolution Act, or Self Drive Act, would provide standards for the testing and deployment of self-driving cars … This bipartisan bill provides a much-needed federal safety framework to support self-driving technology and its potential to save lives on the road, improve mobility, and create new economic opportunity across the country. Take it from our members, who are already seeing the benefits back home. If driving in a remote or country area, carry up-to-date maps and always inform someone of your intended route. (September 6, 2017), The New York Times: Self-driving cars’ prospects rise with vote by House: Lawmakers in the House took a major step on Wednesday toward advancing the development of driverless cars, approving legislation that would put the vehicles onto public roads more quickly and curb states from slowing their spread. The SELF DRIVE act was strongly supported by a coalition of companies that are deeply engaged in designing self-driving cars — including Ford, Lyft, Uber, Volvo Group, and Waymo. 3388): Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. The SELF DRIVE Act Saving Lives on the Road. Updated or new motor vehicle safety standards for highly automated ve-hicles. The committee held over 250 meetings to develop this legislation with a wide range of stakeholders including manufacturers, suppliers, tech companies, insurance providers, state government officials, seniors groups, and disability advocates. , A post shared by Committee on Energy & Commerce (@energyandcommerce) on Sep 6, 2017 at 11:19am PDT. “Our aim was to develop a regulatory structure that allows for industry to safely innovate with significant government oversight – as safety must be the chief priority. “We don’t want to have legislation out there or regulations that are going to stymie development” of autonomous vehicles. Our country is experiencing an uptick in highway fatalities unlike any we have seen in decades. Wish they had these when I got my license in 1986… pic.twitter.com/kyQCG7x0Tt, — Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) August 23, 2017. 94% of car accidents are attributable to human error. The region had a long, diverse history prior to its development as the nation's capital. This leads to uncertainty for innovators and investors, and the U.S. losing its competitive edge to countries in Europe and Asia that have already enacted legislation. The Department of Transportation (DOT) must require safety assessment certifications for the development of a highly automated vehicle or an automated driving system. [chamberOfAction] => House Sec. The legislation, H.R. Purpose. 5. Speed limits are strictly enforced. The bill applies certain safety exemptions and testing standards to highly automated vehicles. Congress loves … Today, Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) re-introduced the Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research In Vehicle Evolution (SELF DRIVE) Act, legislation on driverless cars, or autonomous vehicles (AVs), that would perpetuate a dangerous hands-off approach to hands-free driving, while also restricting states’ abilities to protect their road users from this unproven technology. Aug 16. by Taylor Armerding 0. Who will own the data from your autonomous car? With self-driving cars, tasks like commuting to work, going to the doctor, and visiting family across town could become easier for seniors and those with disabilities. [displayText] => Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote. Improve NHTSA’s access to safety data for future updates and development of safety standards. The Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection, chaired by Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH), paved the way for making the SELF DRIVE Act a bipartisan success. “We’re looking five and 10 years out,” Latta said. Chairman Walden spoke to the bipartisan nature of the legislation, “I truly believe the bipartisan bill-drafting process for self-driving legislation is an example of our committee at its best – working together to pursue the common goal of saving lives,” said Chairman Walden. View Document112.1 KB. (September 6, 2017), Wired: Congress unites (gasp) to spread self-driving cars across America: On Wednesday, the House of Representatives did something that’s woefully uncommon these days: It passed a bill with bipartisan support. States, which now have a patchwork of rules regulating the vehicles, would have to follow the new federal law. [externalActionCode] => 8000 2 this Act is as follows: Sec. The testing, development, and deployment of self-driving cars means economic opportunities for Americans beyond Silicon Valley. The Toledo Blade: Legislators Tour Testing Grounds for Self-Driving Cars (August 15, 2017). The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed the SELF DRIVE Act with a vote of 54-0. Sec. Click HERE to read the full article. Short title; table of contents. In late 2017, the then Republican-controlled House … 115-294. It’s a major step forward for tech companies, Detroit manufacturers and urban planners who believe automated cars will transform the economy. The bill, called the SELF DRIVE Act, lays out a basic federal framework for autonomous vehicle regulation, signaling that federal lawmakers are finally ready to think seriously about self-driving cars and what they mean for the future of the country. [externalActionCode] => 5000 New Talk WSJM: Upton Talks Self-Driving Car Legislation (August 3, 2017). Chairman Latta and the subcommittee unanimously advanced the draft legislation by voice vote. (text: CR H6667-6671) ( No state has yet banned the vehicles outright, although individual... Grant exemptions to existing safety standards for a company's first 100,000 vehicles, in an effort to speed … Enhance protections for cybersecurity, privacy, and consumer education. Oppose the SELF DRIVE Act. The SELF DRIVE Act aims to improve consumer safety by reducing traffic-related fatalities and injuries, clarify the federal and state roles, and stimulate job growth and economic opportunities. Nearly everyone working on this emerging technology, from automakers to the tech companies to the government watchdogs, agrees that it’s about time. Cybersecurity of automated driving systems. The SELF DRIVE Act includes the following provisions: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) can now regulate a vehicle's design, construction and … The SELF DRIVE Act supports greater mobility for all Americans by; With this legislation, we’re strengthening the promise of self-driving technology to improve the lives of millions of Americans who live with mobility and accessibility challenges. Sec. If it becomes law (which still requires it to pass the Senate), then it would make it possible for companies working on self-driving to field a lot more vehicles per year – as many as 100,000 autonomous test cars annually, in fact. Now, the Senate should act quickly to secure American leadership in this space so that folks nationwide can fully realize the potential safety and economic benefits of self-driving cars. Only eight days after advancing out of a subcommittee, the House 7. As ordered reported by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on July 27, 2017. (September 6, 2017), Bloomberg: Where Rosie Once Riveted, Cars Will Now Drive Themselves: In a rare show of bipartisanship, Latta’s panel last month unanimously approved legislation that allows manufacturers to test thousands of self-driving vehicles on public roads while safety regulators come up with rules for driverless rides. The remaining states either have legislation that’s pending or has yet to take action. To date, the subcommittee has held three legislative hearings on the topic of self-driving cars with expert witnesses spanning government as well as tech, automobile, and consumer safety industries.
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