DIll’s pause tells us that he is still a child even though he is dealing with adult problems. Why does the narrator take the time to describe her family’s history in Alabama? Tom answered, “No suh, I was scared I’d hafta face up to what I didn’t do.” Maycomb is a racist town that believes every black person is guilty for any crime they are accused of. White people who prefer to be around black people are almost as low as it gets on the caste system in Maycomb, followed by “mixed children”. 4) Mr. Gilmer reminds the jury of Robinson’s place in Maycomb society. But they’re not out kind of folks.”? To Kill a Mockingbird will provide for lively discussion whether you book club is experiencing Harper Lee's beloved novel for the first time or re-reading the classic. Scout is the real hero of the chapter because she caused the mob to disband by humbling Mr. Cunningham and bringing him down to Earth. What can you infer about the black community and the kids based on where they sit. If they were to say the truth that Boo saved the kids from Bob, he would be given cakes and goods from all the ladies in town and Boo would not like that. What does Atticus teach his children (and subsequently, us) about a “Mob”? How does his decision affect Scout's perception of her father? Do you agree with their assessment? He shows that progress is being made. How does Atticus demonstrate his heroism in chapter 15? Answer the questions after reading each chapter. Scout is the real hero of the chapter because she caused the mob to disband by humbling Mr. Cunningham and bringing him down to Earth. 4) Jem finally has something to brag about when it comes to his father. The printable PDF file of the questions is at the bottom of this post. 9-11 First, choose three discussion moves you’d like to practice during this discussion. Why does the town re-elect Atticus to the state legislature? Scout forms an appreciation for Aunt Alexandra and decides to act like a lady in these tough times for her. What really happened between Tom and Mayella? What reasons does she offer? Towards the end of Chapter 23, Jem says there are four kinds of folks: “There’s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there’s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the ... Microsoft Word - To Kill a Mockingbird Discussion Questions.doc Author: Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog. He made Atticus defend Tom. She reveals that Tom has to be found guilty, because if he is not, her father will be going to jail and she will have no other place to go. Scout is a ham for the pageant. 2) Do you think Atticus should have called Link Deas or other character witnesses to vouch for Tom Robinson? What is Atticus’ explanation of why he must? 2) It makes sense to pay special attention to any element that the author includes in the title. Does this make sense to you? How does Mr.Heck Tate define Bob Ewell in chapter 29? Why? 7) Can you explain the logic behind Mr. Raymond’s plan to act drunk all the time? 7) Have you noticed that flowers have special importance in To Kill a Mockingbird? What kind of language does Bob Ewell use to describe what had been done to his daughter, Mayella? Rent the movie of To Kill A Mockingbird to view after you discuss the book. How does Atticus demonstrate his heroism in chapter 15? 13) The content of the Robinson trial is upsetting and troubling, yet many people want to be there. Atticus Finch was the first Finch not to stay on the family land. Kind of a 50/50 statement, it could have been good because women were headstrong and could make/take a different point of view than the others. To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 2 Comprehension Questions, To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 1 Comprehension Check, To Kill a Mockingbird Introduction. 15 Discussion Questions About 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Since the era of enslavement, race relations in America have been largely defined and played out in the field of criminal justice. Because he lost what little respect and credibility he had in the town and he was a joke. 14) Why does Lee want to remind the reader that the Finch family comes from a plantation? (Hint: Think about point of view.). What does Boo Radley come to represent here? Read chapters 27-28 of To Kill a Mockingbird — answer the discussion questions listed below: To Kill a Mockingbird Discussion Questions. Atticus had to defend Tom Robinson even if he didn’t want to .
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