Alexandra asks Miss Maudie how the town can allow Atticus to wreck himself in pursuit of justice. This chapter therefore focuses on the hypocrisy of … His face is white, and he asks to speak to Aunt Alexandra in the kitchen. You may think otherwise, but I couldn't have got along without her all these years. “I had an idea, however, that Aunt Alexandra’s appearance on the scene was not so much Atticus’s doing as hers. There he tells her, Scout, Calpurnia, and Miss Maudie that Tom Robinson attempted to escape and was shot seventeen times. Atticus refuses to let her go and lets Alexandra know that Calpurnia is as much of a member of the family as the rest of them. "13 bullet holes in him" -Atticus After living with Atticus for a while, Alexandra makes her feelings about Calpurnia quite clear. • why does aunt alexandra want atticus let calpurnia. About how long does it take the jury to come up with their verdict? She's a faithful member of this family and you'llsimply have to accept things the way they are." ‘Jean Louise, stop scratching your head,’ was the second thing she said.” #2. Aunt Alexandra wants to fire Calpurnia; she feels she is not a good influence on the kids; Atticus refuses Where does Scout find Dill? Cloudflare Ray ID: 633c40f37fd66485 ... Calpurnia. Based on Atticus’s defense below, what do you think Aunt Alexandra’s opinion on Calpurnia is? ... what did Atticus tell Scout to do? He notes that she … SURVEY . When Aunt Alexandra asks what is wrong, he tells her Tom is dead. He wants Calpurnia to accompany him to tell Helen. White man who has a relationship with a colored woman and has mixed children: What does Scout find out about Atticus’ defending Tom Robinson? Atticus means that Cal is just always there for the kids, and when they get in trouble she know what to do and how to act with them. Atticus refuses. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Aunt Alexandra feels that Calpurnia isnt needed anymore since she's there. Answered by Aslan on 10/9/2012 5:39 PM She wants him to relieve Calpurnia of her duties. He takes Calpurnia with him to tell the Robinson family of Tom’s death. Alexandra is pretentious and highly values tradition and show, where Atticus values honesty and fairness. Calpurnia comes to the courthouse, because Aunt Alexandra sent her with a letter to give to Atticus. answer choices . Calpurnia picked up Aunty's heavy suitcase and opened the door. Aunt Alexandra is Atticus’s sister and because she is white, she is “higher” than Calpurnia. Scout gets angry at being lectured and attacks Jem. He was proud. Why does Dill leave? Talk about Negroes. Just then, Atticus gets home early. Why does Jem tell Scout not to antagonize Aunt Alexandra? “‘Put my bag in the front bedroom, Calpurnia,’ was the first thing Aunt Alexandra said. When Aunt Alexandra and Atticus were talking about Calpurnia, Atticus says that Cal is probably harder on the kids then he is (Harper 155). Atticus Bears Sad News He asks Aunt Alexandra to accompany him to the kitchen because he wants to 'borrow' Calpurnia. What does this tell you? He told her to go to her room. Aunt Alexandra comes to stay with the family while Atticus is at trial. He got killed while trying to escape his prison. Aunt Alexandra thinks that Atticus should dismiss Calpurnia, because she does not approve that the children are being seen with a coloured lady at church, and thinks that they will be called a “nigger lover” because of the upcoming case. In chapter 12-14. Aunt Alexandra is very traditional where Atticus is progressive. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. under her bed; she thought it was a snake at first ” Explain. You may think otherwise, but I couldn’t have got along without her all these years.She’s a faithful member of this family and you’ll simply have to accept things the way they are. How does Atticus respond? • Aunt Alexandra Quotes About Her Character #1. When Atticus’ sister, Alexandra, decides to come and stay with the family for the duration of the Tom Robinson trial, she decides that Calpurnia is no longer necessary. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. When Aunt Alexandra asks Atticus to dismiss Calpurnia, Atticus is straight forward to his sister, "Alexandra, Calpurnia's not leaving this house... until she wants to. Atticus tells Calpurnia he wants her to go with him to see Helen Robinson, Tom's wife. English. Chapters 14/15 (Due April 4/5) Why does Alexandra think Atticus should dismiss Calpurnia? The letter says that Jem and Scout had been missing since noon. When Calpurnia leaves, Aunt Alexandra scolds Atticus for talking about Mr. Underwood in front of Calpurnia, since all the black people in town talk. 30 seconds . Aunt Alexandra tells Scout she cannot go back the next Sunday. Maudie replies that the town trusts him to do right. Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra differ in many ways in how they raise the children as a mother role. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra have different roles in the Finch family. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Chapter 13 "Put my bag in front bedroom, Calpurnia," was the first thing Aunt Alexandra said. Q. In Chapter 14 of Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird", Aunt Alexandra tells Atticus that she doesn't think that he needs dismiss his maid, Calpurnia, from her duties. Aunt Alexandra treats Calpurnia like a subordinate, like slavery hadn't been abolished or in a way that seemed as if she'd forgotten. Aunt Alexandra says that she cannot go to her house.Atticus says that because Aunt Alexandra is under their roof, Scout must abide by her rules, as well. Page 131-132- READ ALOUD TO CLASS- Aunt Alexandra knew all the proper social things to do and say, and she knew a great deal of the history of the local families. cause aunt alexandra left them note that the … She will start arguing with Atticus, who already has enough stress with the Tom Robinson case. Cloudflare Ray ID: 633c40f2ddf7dfdb He tells them that Tom Robinson tried to escape and was shot 17 times and killed How many times was Tom Robinson shot? Tom Robinson was dead. What does Aunt Alexandra want Atticus to do about Calpurina? • To get Calpurnia to come with hi to Helen Robinson's hpuse and tell her the sad news. Why does Aunt Alexandra scold Atticus at breakfast? Atticus thinks that Calpurnia has had a good influence on Scout and Jem. 14.2 Comment on Atticus' explanation of rape. 2. Later, she tries to convince Atticus to get rid of Calpurnia, saying that they no longer need her. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. How did Atticus feel about the children showing up the night before? What does Jem say he will do if Scout antagonizes Aunt Alexandra? Please enable Cookies and reload the page. She want to be the influence in the kid's eyes, not a "black" nanny. Just as everyone is biting their lips, Atticus comes home early from work. Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra relation is a bit shaky even though they both are a helping hand for Atticus. Atticus will have nothing of it. Calpurnia is the black cook of the house and she is also a maid in a way. a. 8. Moreover, Aunt Alexandra tries to make Atticus fire Calpurnia, but he refuses on the grounds that she's done an excellent job of running the house and raising the children, and the children love her. "Jean Louise, stop scratching your head," was the second thing she said. 17 times Atticus even says he regards Cal as a faithful member of the family (Lee 157), which goesagainst all that Alexandra has tried to teach Scout. In chapter 13 how does Aunt Alexandra treat Calpurnia, their maid? • Your IP: If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. Asked by aylin m #219603 on 10/9/2012 3:50 PM Last updated by Aslan on 10/9/2012 5:39 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. Atticus and the children see Calpurnia as family.... Alexandra sees her as nothing more than hired help. Why does Calpurnia come into the court? What does Aunt Alexandra tell Atticus not to do in front of Calpurnia? Scout and Miss Maudie follow, and he explains that Tom is dead: he tried to climb over a fence in prison and the guards shot him. Aunt Alexandra believes that Calpurnia is not a good addition to the family. It appears that he is saying it only because Aunt Alexandra demanded that he do so. Tags: Question 7 . Who is Dolphus Raymond? 7th - 9th grade. What does Atticus tell Aunt Alexandra, Calpurnia, Scout, and Miss Maudie in the kitchen during the missionary circle tea? Keeping this in view, why does Atticus want Calpurnia to come with him? While in Atticus’s home, Aunt Alexandra proves to be somewhat racist and very classist—she detests Calpurnia ’s presence and disapproves of Atticus’s choice to defend Robinson. Atticus does not tell Scout to follow his leadand reject the racism of Aunt Alexandra, but Scout sees what Calpurnia means to her family andsees how Atticus respects Cal as an equal. Atticus acidly says that they might be quiet if they didn't have so much to talk about. To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 14 DRAFT. Aunt Alexandra finds out that Scout and Jem went to the black church with Calpurnia and tries to forbid Scout from visiting Calpurnia's home.
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