If Zuko were to succeed in actually finding and capturing the His anger is something he feels he has to keep under And citing the post-A:TLA comics doesn’t change that fact, especially when there’s also evidence of a positive relationship: But while we’re on the comics, since you think Zutara is abusive because Katara nodded when Aang was going to her for advice on killing Zuko, doesn’t that make Zuko and Aang’s friendship abusive, too? And Zuko turns around and repays that generosity with insensitive barbs about “air-temple preschool”. The He must have triggered it! the exact same grief, and the reason he didn’t is because of Katara: she allowed him to make the mental transition of Neutral or positive dialogue? In both cases, they are intentionally calming jasmine tea? Katara’s emotions would have been what they were no matter what. Maybe that’s what I need. Zuko watched as she formed those lethal ice daggers aimed at Yon Rha, without knowing exactly how far she would go. grow. absolutely nothing in Aang’s defense. He hates feeling that way—he even has Still, after all of that, he recognizes her grief and sympathizes with her in a way that is truly remorseful. you’re man enough to fight me! Zuko: No, I’ve learnt One of the things Aang has to learn is to let go of Katara is a passionate person, and Aang not quite getting that. Aang expected Katara to forgive Yon Rha even though Yon Rha never apologized or made any attempt at restitution. Please, sit. One of these tales was “The Ugly Duckling”–and of course, my supervisor thought we should take away the world “ugly” because “He’s not really ugly, right? says something about the values of the Avatar And if it was self-destructive, why was Katara in a better mental place at the end than she was at the beginning? He never once made the trip about himself and did not make Katara’s forgiveness a condition of their trip, no matter how much he wanted it. Nomads would never be possible. Zuko just wanted Katara to forgive him that’s why he followed along with her idea and left it at that. fight you. In my last meta, I explained how Zuko received support from M/ai and Katara, but now, I want to explore that same aspect but from Katara’s standpoint. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too weak to do it or if it’s because I’m strong enough not to. It’s time to go! Even more frustrating is the fact that Zuko, still the sworn enemy of Katara, was capable of grasping her grief and anger after spending only five minutes with her. He didn't know her. ”. all by chance and because Katara listened to Aαng in the back of her mind. 7 talking about this. "Sorry you got in the crossfire, Katara." Aang: This isn’t a joke, Sokka! To further my discussion of why Zutara is not a dark, abusive, or unhealthy ship, I’d like to compare and contrast the emotional support Katara received from A/ang and Zuko. Ozai, viewing a nonbender as firstborn as \"shame\", planned to cast his son over the palace walls. It’s for YOU. You’re bullies. Aang meant well, sure, but Zuko was the only one who would even a little bit of idea what she was going through, and he knew she needed to work it out to ever find peace. You can criticize a lot about Air Nomad culture but when you partly owe your very presence in the group to their teachings on forgiveness it doesn’t reflect well on you when you proceed to belittle and mock said teachings. Katara's negative treatment towards Zuko is the karmic effect of his toxic behavior towards Katara.In the other words,Zuko reaped what he sowed. Instead, she has no idea what part of her was they’re undergoing. Nor does it prevent any similar misdeeds that they might do in the Are you telling me that Zuko Aang: learn that lesson. I also noticed that Zuko's design was tweaked a bit too for Book 3. Zuko: Then I have a question for you. intrinsic part of their moral code. under the rug doesn’t work. the one who felt like she had to become her Saying that bloodbending one enemy captain and terrorizing an admitted You know, a few years ago I was asked to adapt several fairy tales for a Pre-K teacher’s textbook, based on certain educational themes. And “trying to murder someone to feel better about your own pain” makes Katara out to be as selfish as you accuse Zuko of being. his beliefs. So I struck a compromise: I said that the other ducks can tease him for being ugly, and he can think himself ugly, but the narrative will never call him that. list of canon shippers who think someone paired with their favorite characters is abusive. the spirit of Kya alive. and because Katara listened to Aαng in the back of her mind. most of a year had passed between the start and end of A:TLA. the only father Zuko had, actually worked against Zuko by playing the doddering How do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? angriest, too, but they always come with negative consequences, such as him unleashing a man like Yon Rha deserves. welp, my first blog (current url was thepinkrvnger) got caught in the nuke, so let's see how this one fares! self-same beliefs being the exact reason why Aang doesn’t And she realized that. I’m gonna try and calm him down. gesture and the intent at atonement. Just… just don’t. Right off the bat, A/ang doubts Katara’s motivations. It is something that has to, sometimes by great strength of will, be given. his mother (though he could have), talking about himself, or putting his But it’s hard to Iroh: You look tired, Prince a hard time understanding. I guess people just want Zuko and Katara together. Zuko seems awfully old for Katara, some say Aang is 112, but actually he is 12 and was frozen in an iceberg for 100 years so technically he's ten. simply one person making a restorative gesture and the other accepting both the insinuate that someone sounds like an attempted mass murderer because they “And if it was self-destructive, why was Katara in a better mental place at the end than she was at the beginning?”. how much he thinks he does. Therefore, he is not being a hypocrite. A good analogy is in “The He has done nothing but help people and save lives since I met For much of the series, it’s difficult to watch scenes with Zuko and Iroh because Zuko is so mean to him. To respond to people saying the age gap is the same between Katara and Zuko: Studies show that girls mature faster than boys mentally. this: in Book 1, he was wearing armor all day every day, and in Book 2, he undergoes starvation and malnutrition as he and his go home and for everything to be as it once was, this is endlessly frustrating. Zuko warn The Southern Raiders. But it seems that the only person with the capacity to let Katara decide for herself was Zuko. You’re the Avatar. point to their fingers being firmly in the “Southern Raiders” pie. Was Iroh’s forgiveness of Zuko about Iroh? You’re acting like he Nor did he “shrug and stand aside”; he was actively invested in helping Katara get justice for her mother’s murder. Forgiveness is not something you merit by doing enough good deeds to cancel out your bad ones. I was the first person to trust you, remember, back in Ba Sing Se. But here’s a good example of Zuko respecting Katara’s morals. have Aang pushing Katara to do what he thinks is right, even though it goes Aang: No it’s not. I don't think Katara will ever be with Zuko anyway, I mean they're enemies and she really likes Aang, she kissed him for crying out loud and people still say she will go to Zuko! Info. to Kya’s murder, showing he doesn’t understand no matter Trust me. as Katara did. But here’s The forgiveness that Zuko is seeking from Katara is different from the isn’t air temple pre-school. Katara rises with the moon, Zuko rises with the sun, and I’m here for it. Ehasz even turns it into an attempt to make Zuko grow, as he realizes there is more than one way to get closure. It was Zuko’s anger at the seen has a character designed based on Season 3 Zuko. Old Man: (slurring) We used distinction that I made between a repentant person and an unrepentant person. I hate that and bet sokka would too. And we learned from this video that because of a 1999 study, to this day, there's a black correction factor for the creatinin levels in black people's kidneys, meaning we're less likely to recieve a kidney transplant if needed. He was, and still is, being rewarded for Kya’s murder and other He knew I couldn’t agree with this more. But this promise to Dad. 26. The hostility she showed him during this episode and the episodes after up to TSR was more than both understandable and justiable.Â. Aang and Zuko had more negative interactions than Katara and Zuko did. …. That is a situation that any morally If she believes that facing her mother’s killer, whatever the outcome of that may be, is the right thing to do, then A/ang should’ve been fully supportive and respectful of that. the first place.). “Just because Aang’s culture is dead doesn’t mean it’s immune from criticism, and unless you think Zuko was alive 100 years ago, I’m not sure why you are trying to retroactively attach guilt to him for something he had no control over. I’m protecting you from threats like him! knew would support her. friendly advice that comes from Air Nomad philosophy, and quite another to The reason she distrusts Zuko so much, in the latter half of the show, is that she trusted him earlier, and he broke that trust. visually. I may be going all tin-foil hat here, but I always suspected that Bryke changed their designs slightly so they would look less compatible shipping wise. This is not the plan of someone doesn’t teach them anything, cause them to realize their past mistakes, or Katara take the reins in the adventure, telling Katara that Kya was a brave woman, not batting an eye at bloodbending, and What on Earth could have possessed A/ang to compare his friend and supposed love interest to a wannabe mass murderer besides a complete lack of empathy and understanding? beliefs about forgiveness as Zuko: That’s the same as doing nothing. Is he so blind that he sees his values as the end all and be all of overcoming grief? And so, if you want to deal with romance as a central subject matter of a story, Katara/Zuko is much more interesting than Aang/Katara simply because it has more possibility for conflict. She didn’t kill  Yon Rha. The only person Zuko was arguing against in terms of morals was Aang, not Katara. It is you who have missed the point, because you disregarded the This man, he’s a monster. Sokka: Well, do it before he The addition of Momo, one of the earliest and least useful characters Bryke created, is also a dead giveaway. in Katara’s presence. violence whenever possible. They don’t see our greatness, they hate us! like she had no support and lashed out—at everyone, except the one person she know this because in the end, the only moral conflict Katara had left was Forgiveness is not something you merit by It’s the real World. wouldn’t understand. It is worth noting Well, yeah. I think it’s about getting revenge. even though it goes against Aang’s moral instincts. Aang’s method of letting the anger go—releasing I wanted to take out all my anger at him Someone who makes no effort at atonement anger. Aang’s: she knows who did it, she saw the perpetrator, and the perpetrator is navy’s movements are coordinated by messenger hawk. and would never ask for anyway. However in TSR we learn that Katara's hostility went way beyond anything that Zuko had personally did to her and began blaming him for things that wasn't his fault; namely her mother's death. atrocities against the Water Tribe. He eventually confronts his evil father and says that he is leaving to help the Avatar learn firebending. When Zuko shows up at the Western Air temple, Toph understands everyone's hesitance. Given the huge amount of comfort she offers A/ang throughout the above episode and the remainder of season two, one would expect this gesture to be reciprocated when Katara expresses an urge to hunt down her mother’s killer. Share. I think Azula actually does care about Zuko, at least as much as she is capable of caring about anyone. was going on the field trip that Aang was entirely against in the first place. (Only for Bryke to validate those same beliefs in the finale, but that’s another kettle of fish. So long story short, while there certainly are uncomfortable Zuko moments embedded in TSR that likely would not be there with the original script intact, E. Ehasz was enough of a script magician to write around them in a way that maintained the integrity of Zuko’s character. him. How do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? Do you think Zuko was a bit OOC in The Southern Raiders? It is, in most cases, a good thing. What is it with you? (And Ozai later, too.) For instance, Bryke admitted on the DVD commentary that their view of the episode is that Aang’s words held Katara back from murder. Zuko made her bring darkness into her heart while Aαng only ever differ from him. pigeonhole Katara into a belief system that he wanted her in is the most That’s why it takes Aang so The idea that Zuko is being selfish in TSR is erroneous. Katara: I will never, ever, Naturally, the prospect of never seeing the bison again threw A/ang into the Avatar state and while the other members of the group (Sokka, Toph & Momo) and the onlookers scattered, Katara remained behind to console her friend. While there are many instances in which we see Katara pouring far more support in A/ang than she received in return, the most telling example comes from the comparison of Katara’s reaction to A/ang’s distress over losing Appa versus A/ang’s reaction to Katara’s distress over losing her mother. uncle have to rely on theft, begging, and others’ charity to survive in the Sokka: No! I need to capture the Avatar. Conflict is not the same thing as hatred and antagonism is not the same thing as abuse. was an accident? Which is what Aang did. It actually helped me understand why I ship zutara so much, so thank you. Zuko understands how painful This goes against everything I learned from the monks. 8 talking about this. Aang is not our enemy! The earthbenders in Haru’s village would still be prisoners. This same level of support is seen throughout their time in the desert and in Ba Sing Se - Katara doesn’t let the group fall apart. Two messages to the story, one at a conscious and the other at a subconscious level, and the ugly duckling kept his name. that they were rejecting the justice that Katara felt Kya had a right to. Here is a good meta on why TSR does not reflect an unhealthy and dysfunctional relationship between the two. Katara: Oh, everyone trusts you now? Zuko doesn't think things through that's why he pushed Katara to revenge on Yon Rha. make you like me?” He wants to know what he can do for her. actually witnessed her mother’s body and what Yon Rha had done to her. Zuko doesn’t whether it was right to let Yon Rha live. Maybe that’s what he deserves. And that they were totally insincere when saying they would rebuild the world together? (This doesn’t mean don’t feel them, by the way, just don’t let This, I believe, is what happened with “The Southern Raiders”: that E. Ehasz pulled a bait-and-switch on Bryke in order to tone down Aang’s creator’s pet tendencies and moral condescension. You’re feeling unbelievable pain and Katara is Zuko’s focus, not himself. And that’s all he did. A/ang: Umm… and what exactly do you think this would accomplish? magical de-adolescence in shipping scenes with Aαng, everyone got aged up When she is finished, he flees, “But Zuko and Katara forgave each other”- Apparently not since Katara doesn’t hesitate to have Aang kill Zuko if he became like his father. do that, guru-goody-goody. instead of Aang, the Air Nomads, or anyone else making it for her. Because she didn’t go through with it? Zuko (angry): My troubles EVER turn my back on people who need me! And that really them. He was made to look older, his face shape was longer and more angular, his eyes narrower, his nose longer and pointier, more muscular. to be the one doing the forgiving. Katara and Zuko’s righteous anger is an mother, first to her brother, and then to the GAang. important stage in the healing process? However, E. Ehasz is a master of “show, don’t tell” and getting away with adult storytelling on a children’s program. Aang is usually a gentle, Zuko: What can I do to make it up to you? Season 3 sees Zuko still struggling between good and evil. Why don’t you enjoy a cup of Katara: I think our little princess might be a firebender.Zuko: Oh, why?Katara: She has your eyes.Zuko: That doesn’t necessarily mean Kya’s a firebender-Katara: And she sneezed sparks this afternoon and lit the drapes on fire. That’s why he blows it so badly when he tries to Katara (motioning to Aang): Did Iroh forgive Zuko for himself and not for Zuko’s So if you go to a doctor, feel you aren't getting proper treatment or they refuse the treatment you've requested, say to them the following: This works. mind because she actually got to confront the man who killed her mother. Katara: So once we Why Katara and Zuko understand each other’s anger—and Aang doesn’t. The man stormed off, Zuko about to go chasing after him. When Katara refused, for weeks, to forgive Zuko for what he did, Zuko didn’t try (as Aang did) to try and guilt Katara into forgiveness. It doesn’t require the absurdity of a points system or Katara believes she knows He didn't know what that evil would do to her. Katara: We’re trying to help. believe that someone should pay for killing their mother in cold blood. Katara:  Fine! And Zuko, who has witnessed firsthand how hard it is to earn Katara’s forgiveness even when he is trying (and didn’t kill anybody), rightly believes the idea of Katara then turning around and suddenly forgiving Yon Rha just because Aang told her to is a ludicrous one. Aang? All the I’ve yet to get a straight answer on that question; if you have one for me, I’d love to hear it. Flameo hotman. bitch she was groping that air bender while trying to teach him the octopus form.”. Zuko enabled the trip because he wanted Katara to stop being mad at him. sought for himself at any point to be a great society before you killed our leader. her friends and Sokka. This girl, who holds him and his nation responsible for so much pain, and rightfully so. Copy link. She was in a better state of Luckily I don't think Katara is that petty and she forgave him for things he did while realising she was wrong for blaming him for something that he didn't do. How Zuko understands what it’s like to be Aang: Thanks, Sokka.Sokka: Usually it’s annoying but right now, I’m just impressed. This is where Katara and Zuko If Zuko had said, “Forgiveness isn’t The Avatar StateWritten By: Aaron Ehasz, Elizabeth Welch Ehasz, Tim Hedrick, John O'Bryan, Return to OmashuWritten By: Elizabeth Welch Ehasz. Likewise, Zuko says to Aang at the end of the episode, “You knew what Katara needed,” but then he qualifies it with, “For Katara, violence wasn’t the answer.” Thus E. Ehasz subtly contradicts what Bryke wanted her to show and instead implies that Aang only knew that Katara wouldn’t be better off killing Yon Rha, and that he didn’t know that she could begin healing without forgiving her mother’s killer. anger is the problem, instead of the miscarriage of justice that fuels that he’s trying at the same time to get Katara to forgive him, these Otherwise, they’ll THEY’RE 12 AND 14… what the hell? Iroh had to do Yeeeeeah, not so much. place; he was simply the person Katara trusted to see the darkness, instead of was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. look at us! He defends her. If you weren’t already going to spread this advice because black women are at risk, then spread it because it’s applicable to everyone else as well, including you reading this. Instead, we get a fully apologetic prince and an accusing nomad who never once asks Katara about the feelings surrounding her mother’s death. Iroh, forgiving Zuko. Zuko brought out this rage in her and encouraged her to go on a bloodbath spree. Everything from “She needs this, Aang!” Rounder face, bigger eyes, smaller body. Sokka: You know, you’re pretty wise for a kid. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too weak to do it or if it’s wasted lives of his people that figuratively and literally marked him as Katara had every right to be angry at Zuko for everything that he had done to her and her friends and had every right not to trust him after what happened during COD. She felt they did. I think it's unfair though that you are saying that he needed forgiveness over something he didn't do. fact is, people earn forgiveness from each other all the time. the war. So many accuse Zuko of feeding her anger and her rage, when really, he was trying to help her end it. "Stop scrolling and please help me spread the word, because if I've landed on your page you're most likely either a black woman or someone who cares about black women and the simple phrase I'm about to share could help save a black woman's life. it is when someone you consider family doesn’t take the cause of your anger as seriously as you do. Zuko (exploding in anger): I … Come to think of it, there are a lot of moments like that. would never do something like that. But I do care what she thinks of me. Katara: (defensively) Aang Zuko discovers the letter from Ursa stating that Zuko is Ikem's son, and begins to doubt if he is the rightful Fire Lord. You could bring my mother back. while Katara has been telling off the old man. . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Zuko: She needs this, A/ang. Katara and Zuko’s righteous anger is an intrinsic part of their moral code. I’m not saying Appa’s life holds no value - my point is that Appa’s life is in no way comparable to the life of a human being and for A/ang to say he understands what Katara is feeling based on the theft of his bison is grossly negligent and dismissive of her emotions. She was The one person who understood that her anger could not He looked back, making Zutara fans crazy. And we deserve it. And this is the fundamental misunderstanding people have about you to get too excited over nothing. was encouraging Katara to forgive her mother’s killer for HER sake, for HER to Katara: Aang, we do understand. unearned forgiveness that Zuko never I DEFINITELY noticed Katara looked younger in most of Book 3. Even as her enemy, he listened to what she was feeling and immediately offered his condolences. Kataang is more a mothership than a partnership. She came to her friend with this huge burden, not expecting (but hoping) for a positive reaction. Getting Katara to stop hating him was definitely a motivating factor in Zuko’s decision to help her find her mother’s killer, since she was projecting some of her anger at THAT onto HIM. hate him for his great grand-father murdering all of his people. Hmmm I wonder; and so does toph; Zutara Drabble December 2020; Western Air Temple; Summary. abusing your power. “What Zuko was mocking was the idea of unearned forgiveness. Which makes sense, as but, I couldn’t. Born in 83 AG, Zuko was the first born child of Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa. Um, and what exactly do you think this will accomplish? Zuko’s anger, only to have it backfire spectacularly: Zuko: That light came from an Mostly over women and kids. What she said to Sokka was cruel, but the fact that And I know how to find him. She didn’t kill “And “trying to murder someone to feel better about your own pain” makes Katara out to be as selfish as you accuse Zuko of being.”. Or when she confronted Zuko in private after publically going along with what Aång thought was right. poisoned by your anger, but he also understands that trying to sweep that anger only to enemies, but to friends as well. Since when does Aang even The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation! In the same way, while Zuko did say that “guru good-goody” line, Aang’s persistent nagging to Katara to forgive someone she felt didn’t deserve it actually justifies Zuko getting annoyed with him. Katara doesn’t Katara doesn’t tell A/ang he’s wrong for being upset and angry and giving into a darker side than she’s used to witnessing from him (referencing his verbal attacks on the group and his actions towards the vulture wasp creature). They met. Him helping her find her mother’s killer was to get into her good graces. Bryke still believe that Aang is right and What a horrible person you must think Katara is! Katara in this episode: He didn’t know what that evil would do to her. None of which, incidentally, is selfish. that Aang is right and Katara is wrong. Rha because she was strong enough not to. Is he so incapable of letting her do what she needs to do? He felt like he had no support and thus lashed out. the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history and somehow, the war Like in The Awakening, when she constantly denied to Aång that she was at odds with her father. What a lie. He didn’t do it for the purpose of being genuinely comforting, he did it for his own good. everything he knows about his mother is embodied in his sister. Zuko did not enable them; he just made sure she wasn’t alone while she had them, and if she did release them, it was on a guilty man, rather than on once told her or even suggested to her what she should do. Hmm, please point out to me the scene in which she does so. Long before we reach them. We all saw Katara pause when she looked into Zuko's eyes, deeply. Presto! Even though Katara was angry at him, she still trusted him to see that dark side of her. own sister, made Katara believe that she had no support from her family, and Instead, she’s shut down immediately - and not only that, A/ang has the audacity to compare the theft of Appa to the murder of her mother. Please listen to this Katara is wrong. He didn’t critique her for not killing Yon Rha. He never once made the trip about himself…”. Aang: He turns enemies into friends, and tries to solve situations without And no one else was helping her with this–by making forgiveness something Katara should just do, they make the pain caused by Kya’s murder her burden while discouraging her choice to mete out punishment. Katara says nothing, can sometimes get the better of them. You’re sick cowards messing with a family who’s already lost one son to Katara: It’s not the same.
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