They are mistreated and put into boxes of how they should live their lives. All he has wanted is for his people and his kingdom to be okay. They think Miel’s roses are the key to all, so they focus their attention on Miel and Sam. Lada Dragwlya is a brutal princess who wants the best for her people. 95% Upvoted. It’s José Ignacio Saenz de la Barra who is the most bloodthirsty, but the unnamed General (of the Universe) who is the most compelling villain in this novel: an impossibly long-lived tyrant who has borderline-magical control over the populace, and even the landscape, whose roses open early because, tired of darkness, he has declared the time changed; who sells away the sea to the Americans. Her tongue is chopped off, her fin is cut in half literally to make two legs, and whenever she walks on land, she will feel like she’s walking on sharp knives. Top 15 Fantasy Villains. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone book. Keep an eye on your inbox. It’s what is so appealing about her and about villains in general. The sorceress who was exiled to the island of Aiaia. American Gods. Strigoi are evil vampires, very different beings from the Moroi, who also are vampires—but Strigoi are made not born. Who was a very important part of Odysseus’s journey. Pennywise from It. This enchanting tale will continue enchanting for centuries to come. Read 167 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. What’s great about The Young Elites is that it’s the story of Adelina’s rise to evil. I always find fascinating the books that makes us wonder how these iconic villains rose to power. Our definitions have evolved since then, but most fairies are still dangerous (if diminutive) females. But she loves lying and bloodshed. He is the creator of the Shadow Fold, a space of darkness that houses horrifying creatures. For me, a villain needs to have a reason. When you buy through these links, Book Riot may earn a commission. The Wood is a frightful entity. 7. Queen Ravenna – Snow White and the Huntsman. She’s some sort of myth, of the woman stealing children away from their families. He is in need of a Sun Summoner, and when he finds Alina he uses everything in his arsenal to have her. Pennywise is a shapeshifter that changes into people’s fears or loved ones in order to manipulate them and kill them. 15 best books by Neil Gaiman to inspire your life. It doesn’t matter that Leck is actually a cold and calculated sadist, obsessed with torture and dissection, because to all those he encounters he can paint himself to be a kind, just, and loving king. The Wood ate you alive and good riddance if you so much as get neared it. She is the head of Blackliff’s academy, and her ruthlessness is known by every single person inside those walls. The Hobbit. He has the ability to control the minds of others simply through the power of words; so if Leck speaks something, all those who hear it believe it to be true. It’s also inspired by this story with their own dead girl who died in a well. From killing General Leo to poisoning a river which brought a kingdom to its death, Kefka has earned a spot as the best Final Fantasy villain. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. And they will have those roses even if everything comes crashing down. Which of your most despised villains did we miss? So take your time and enjoy the read. We read about them, we see them in movies, in the originals and remakes. This book is a slow read in all the best ways with gorgeous writing. I’ve never seen a thing like the emotions the Darkling causes. But she also has a heart; she has lived for a very long time, and throughout her life (dead-life?) [CONTAINS SPOILERS]. She wants revenge and she does it wonderfully. Given the number of books in the series (11 all told, consisting of Word & Void, Genesis of Shannara, Legends of Shannara, Paladins of Shannara, The Original Shannara Trilogy, Heritage of Shannara, Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, High Druid of Shannara, The Dark Legacy of Shannara, The Defenders of Shannara and The Fall of Shannara), it’s little wonder the franchise has pulled in around … For more ways to live your best life plus all things Oprah, sign up for our newsletter! She controls and destroys everything in her wake not only using her magic, but through creating fear and a sense of deprivation – forcing the inhabitants of Narnia to live in a state of perpetual winter, without the joy of Christmas. Whether it is his narcissistic world perspective or his maniacal laugh that makes him such a likeable villain, this is one clown I'm glad to have laid to rest. But we think there's something for everyone on this list of the 60 best … If you’ve read The Odyssey, you know about Circe. Tom Merritt, tech expert, author, and co-host of the sci-fi and fantasy book club Sword & Laser, says these science-fiction and fantasy characters deserve more love. Why is that? But she doesn’t care to spill blood to achieve that. While it’s not quite apparent that Biaz is a villain at the start of the story, as the books unfold we learn more and more of his arrogance and lust for power. In a fantastic world of criminals and nobles, The Lies of Locke Lamora is an adventure, loyalty, and survival guide along the lines of Robin Hood and Ocean’s Eleven. He has committed some mistakes along the way, but before anything else, his kingdom is first. Everyone deserves to see themselves represented on the page, which is why we love these fantasy books with LGBT characters and romances. Because I do. He is one book villain that we can’t never forget about. They know how they are and what they want and how they will do it. They’re also immortal and very hard to kill, as you know if you’ve read the series. What are some of your favorite villains you've read? As we know, the government is led by it and women in this society don’t benefit from anything. Forest of a Thousand Lanterns shows us the rise of the Evil Queen. Readers who identify as queer haven’t always had the same level of representation in popular books, but the stories in the list below are some we CAN’T GET OVER. They also have pushed for internment camps for werewolves. Marie Lu, the author, has said Adelina is based on Magneto and Darth Vader. A technologically advanced race of three-legged, twin-necked herbivores descended from herd animals, and noted for their so-called cowardice. This post contains affiliate links. He bullies Jude and her sister. His whole life he has been mistreated by his mother and father. hide. It seems like we were just here, telling you about the best science fiction and fantasy books of 2018… but no, another six months have indeed passed, and all we have to show for it is a towering stack of fantastic, fantastical new reads.. Harry Potter's life is miserable. We're doing it, seriously. If you like your villains to be… well, vile and disgusting – then give The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks a try. Okiku, in The Girl from the Well, is a ghost who hunts and kills child murderers. They believe in the restriction of Downworlders’ rights, because they fear them. That’s Lada Dragwlya, our very own Vlad the Impaler. Well, she makes a deal with the Little Mermaid for human legs. CV's Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Characters List. That’s why everyone is afraid of it and the only one who can protect the town is the Dragon, another being that whispers fear. His crimes are huge. The sorceress who was exiled to the island of Aiaia. Her own father betrayed her, so she couldn’t trust someone so easily. Every villain is very controversial. With a panel of leading fantasy authors—N.K. Being the sixth son and someone with not a bright future, he was ignored his whole life. When she's not blogging for a living, she writes about her journey into freelancing, and offers help and support for new writers and freelancers over at her website. So you have that gray area that you can see how easily the hero can turn into a villain. And to be honest, every single thing sounds very Nazi-like, so a very big yikes. What are some books with some great Fantasy villains? It’s wonderful. Because yeah, Cardan is sort of evil and mean and does a lot of questionable things throughout the books. It has been argued that we’re in the middle of a new Golden Age of SFF, and this publishing year has done nothing to convince us otherwise—assembling this list of the … Read on for the best fantasy books to get lost in. share. In fact, glancing back at the heartless, abhorrent things Jorg does comes across all the more disturbing as we witness them through his eyes. These are the best YA fantasy books, with a mix of classics, newer releases, and genre-bending books you won't want to put down. Let us know in the comments! And with reason! Ursula Le Guin is one of the titans of fantasy and sci-fi – her books explore political and feminist themes in fantastical settings. The best fantasy characters. If you’ve read The Odyssey, you know about Circe. Many of these stories are YA and […] There’s more than turning men into pigs, believe me. While Lord of the Rings is one of the most important books of the fantasy genre, it all began with The Hobbit, a book that proved to children that magic really does exist and sometimes the most unassuming of characters can carry it in their pocket. And this, of course, is true for the fantasy genre – where villains often have dark powers to match their dark personalities. We're doing it, seriously. And Gollum. Adapted into a movie in 2007 starring Ray Winstone and Angelina Jolie, Beowulf is possibly the oldest surviving poem written in Old English. But when you read that, you don’t stop and think about Circe’s story and upbringing. And if something or someone is in their way, they will be sure to destroy them. She tortures and hurts anyone who makes a mistake. With darkness and light battling inside of her, Xifeng has to decide if she wants to become empress even though that path is filled with dark magic. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. One of the most terrifying clowns in history. What makes a villain iconic? Jude is our main protagonist. He threatens them, which shows you his cruel personality and his care for nobody. We’ve all had that one awful teacher who didn’t treat us properly – or that figure of authority who looked down on us with condemnation and disapproval (something Umbridge does with Harry time and time again). It’s a rather intelligent being that stalks the Derry kids in the form of a clown because it knows that kids love clowns so it would be easier to get to them. She is one scary and evil villain to be honest; every action she does is difficult to read about. That on top of Dolores Umbridge, who is the best villain of any of those books because she's a human kind of evil—you have met people like Dolores Umbridge." The Dragon. But Jude? Four beautiful sisters who are rumored to be witches, the Bonner sisters are alluring but yet terrifying. A living, dark entity that feeds constantly. Steph Simpson is a writer for hire with a background in health & fitness, branding and marketing. The Raven in Red is a woman with black hair and a crimson cloak. He dresses up as Santa, puts some antlers on top of Max’s (his dog) head, and call it a day. How does he do it? Fantasy introduces readers to adventures starring world-conquering villains and selfless heroes (or, sometimes, tender-hearted villains and amoral heroes). Our fae prince. So who doesn’t want a book that smashes the patriarchy with Latinx leads and a queer romance? Endangered Animals Illustrated With Color And Poetry In New Children’s Book, In Honor Of National School Librarian Day: The 5 Most Incredible Librarians In The Country, 5 Presidential Memoirs To Connect You With Past Commanders In Chief. They’re the true book villains of this series. Read 117 722 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. This is revealed at the end of the trilogy, when Regal meets a fittingly pitiful demise. Plus he pretty much doesn’t care about the world. You might know Ursula, the sea witch in the Disney’s retelling, but the Sea Witch from the original tale by Hans Christian Andersen is much worse and more cruel. The best fantasy characters. Xifeng knows she is destined for greatness. Originally a hero, he learns he was subjected to experiments as an infant and injected with cells from an extraterrestrial life form that attempted to subjugate the planet 2000 years earlier. However, this doesn’t mean that we sympathize with him. Adelina doesn’t have a lot of friends, but who needs friends when you can rule a kingdom? Not like the Moroi. It’s pretty amazing when you meet him for the first time. 86 comments. First up we have the Shannara series by Terry Brooks. Ramsay is cruel, unapologetic, and very, very evil. These are the best YA fantasy books, with a mix of classics, newer releases, and genre-bending books you won't want to put down. Or if they did come out, they would come out changed, be it in the mind or on their bodies. Looking for good fantasy book recommendations where the women are treated well. The 100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time. Today I share my list of the top villains I’ve read about in books! You don’t want to make her angry. Book Villains in Adult Fiction The Wood from Uprooted. Because of it, Khalid killed all his previous wives to save his kingdom.
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