Musa: Ready! Tecna: All set! Stella: So you shine brighter! However, the group is quickly driven out of the village the moment they reveal their intent of climbing the mountains on the day a full moon is scheduled to appear, leaving them with no other option but to keep moving forward. Icy: I have always been the strongest, so only I can be the Empress. They won't be a concern. Icy: Right, but how do we wake him up? The next day, Flora joins the Winx in on breakfast in the school's cafeteria where, just as Bloom arrives late, Faragonda announces the upcoming Traditional Meeting Dance that is scheduled for later that night. Age (at first appearance) However, with Bloom still missing, the Winx have no other options but to continue fighting, hoping that their friend is on her way with the Dragon's Flame back in her possession. Bloom: Huh? In "The Talent Thief," the Winx go about their usual business and manage to scout Annabelle, a shy waitress with a natural talent for singing. Bloom: Politea, just leave him alone! In cases like in The Swamp Monster, she tries to help the girls understand and appreciate both sides of nature (beautiful and scary), while, in instances similar to the beginning of Heart of a Fairy, she will act as the soft voice of reason for the girls; often bouncing off of Tecna's more rational and sometimes harsh reasoning. Forget your friends, forget your magic, forget Sky. bức ảnh. Afterwards, they travel to Santa Monica Beach under Lorelei's lead. Icy and Stormy: Darcy! Stella: Don't ever do something like that ever again, understand? You are a princess! Its power is too great, you'll be destroyed. Icy: Move out of the way, the Throne's ours! Politea's too powerful, even for you! She also uses the same vines she used to rescue Silke as a makeshift bridge so that they could all make it to her uncle's home. We're aren't actually here for you. Stella: What? Serena: Omnia, I can see someone coming. We said finish them off, but you didn't! Where did...? The reef protecting the pearl is the deadliest of traps. It's just so romantic. Serena: Omnia, no! Luckily, Faragonda allows for Bloom to stay at Alfea, and the girls head up to their dorm to rest. No one knows where it is hidden. Sky: Er... Tecna: Griselda's like a rock. added by Winxclubgirl202. Omnia: Bloom, when he was released, the Throne absorbed his life force. Flora: We're all coming, Bloom. To make matter worse, the Winx end up being pursued by Evans and Gómez, a pair of detectives who believe that the Winx were responsible for Annabelle's abduction. 1. Politea: Welcome, fairies. Winx Club - The Mystery of The Abyss: characters, games, posters and videos of the third Winx Club animation movie, by Rainbow, released from September 4th 2014. Bloom: Girls, hang in there! After the Winx lost, Helia was about to go over and speak to Flora but was interrupted by Krystal who came up and hugged him. You have your own magic, you just have to find it. Now I must rest. The Trix, they've allied with... Watch out! Stormy: Hey, you had a good idea for once, I'll give you that. - Race through 75 levels, battle against Merciless Mutants,… Talking Plant Additionally, Flora had made it so her thorny vines would bloom by the time the full moon passed to remind Karel that she would eventually come back into his life to truly help him. *, The Winx enter the cave along with the mutants chasing them. Flora finding Yu's whereabouts through the plants. Icy: Yes, my Emperor. Sky: We'll see! To properly combat them, the Winx lure the shadows back into the forests to transform and, during the fight, Flora, Tecna and Musa are engulfed in a shadow tornado until Stella breaks them out. Where have you been?! No kings or princesses, just you and me. Tritannus: What the...? Politea: Exactly. You can forget it! *, Darcy and Stormy try to take the pearl but they get shocked. Bloom: We're gonna get you out of here. Pick up Sleeping Beauty there and let's beat it! She was rescued by Stella. AlfeaWinx ClubSpecialistsLinpheaWOW (WOW S1) Stella: We have to wake the others up! The story begins with a view of the mystical Infinite Ocean, which has become overrun with pollution. Omnia: We meet again, Politea. Bloom: Sky! Tritannus: If she really knows of the pearl's whereabouts, she must return it to me! The Winx help Annabelle realize her dream of singing for a crowd, but during the night of her performance, many strange things occur: the Winx gain a strange new power and Annabelle suddenly goes missing. I should've known that she was behind all this! Stella: Some people change, others have style... She also wears six different bracelets on her right wrist and always has one long strand of hair hang off the right side of her face that often rests on her right shoulder. Flora works the medical station in the Love & Pet shop. Bloom: Thank you, my friends. The Throne! Stormy: Then I'll cool you down! Aisha: Yeah, together! Winx: Huh? Occupation She's the only one who can help. Aisha: Aisha, Fairy of Waves! Flora, Tecna, and Musa (except in the 4Kids dub) are the only Winx who are not princesses. Politea: Take this! Stella: Once again, except in English? Omnia: Do I have your word that you will free them if I were to tell you? Politea: Seems you really don't get it, do you? Flora quickly gets acquainted with the rest of her roommates—Tecna, Stella and Musa—but is interrupted when another one of her plants starts attacking Kiko. Bloom: A whole day just for Sky and me, yes! Later as they come, Helia makes a special origami for her. Student #1: I didn't know you would be here! Politea: Yes! You imprisoned me, I'll return the favor. If she destroys the pearl, her power would extend not only to the Infinite Ocean, but also to all the seas of the Magic Dimension! I don't see Sky, let's move in closer. Icy: Politea? Flora struggles fighting Diana's spells, but with Helia's encouragement, overcomes Diana, though with much difficulty. Bloom: Stella, now what? Flora: We'll make noise, Musa. Bloom: We have to find another way... Cinélume Omnia: Bloom, the pearl! I get the feeling the witches aren't the only ones in need of a lesson here. Like this! Flora: Alright girls, are you ready? Icy: Not yet, but we will be as soon as we've gotten rid of you, and absolute power will finally be ours. Go get it! Bloom: If there's a way, no matter how dangerous it might be, I'm ready for anything! Family winx club. Stella: It looks really scary from here, and we aren't even through. Upon finally reaching the home of Silke's uncle, the Watchmaker, the Winx find that it deserted until Evans and Gómez come out of their hiding place to inform them over Bloom and Jim being ambushed and forced into the World of Dreams by a gang of Zombie Pirates and their leader. Flora is the only Winx member to earn her. Tritannus: Omnia! You just have to free Tritannus. You witches! The reef will open for its legitimate ruler. Icy: His trident. Musa: Tell us exactly what happened, Bloom. Aisha: Oblivion is a vast prison. 1 Winx Club: The Mystery of the Abyss 1.1 Scene: Underwater Infinite Ocean 1.2 Scene: Stairway 1.3 Scene: Alfea's Central Courtyard 1.4 Scene: Hallway 1.5 Scene: Classroom 1.6 Scene: Gardenia 1.7 Scene: The Emperor's Throne 1.8 Scene: Gardenia's Park 1.9 Scene: The Emperor's Throne 1.10 Scene: Gardenia's Street 1.11 Scene: Gardenia's Park 1.12 Scene: The Emperor's Throne 1.13 Scene: … Naturally, such an event causes the cafeteria to erupt into various conversations, with Flora being particularly excited over how the boys from Red Fountain, a nearby all-boys military school, will be joining them. Now, then, light is an element... What are those? And now I'll show you who rules the Infinite Ocean. Sky: See? The Throne really looks unguarded. Relationships Icy: Rest, my beloved. Stella: Why do evil witches have a habit of kidnapping somebody's boyfriend? Icy: Oh, them. Stella: That old threat again, huh? When does the concert start? Her magic is green in color. Stella: Those three witches! Bloom: Don't be ridiculous. The Winx emerge victorious against the Queen's henchmen and are soon faced by the Queen of the World of Dreams herself. Icy: All right. Icy: The information we have gathered is incomplete and confusing. Sky: Bloom, watch out! Don't worry about me. Her Charmix bag also hangs from her shoulder thanks to a strap instead of hanging around her waist like the other Winx's Charmix bags. Icy: You fool! This was enough to cause her to write Helia's name in her notebook, daydream about him in class and present yellow flowers to him at his window. Soon Tecna enters the room and tells Flora to tell Helia how she feels face to face. These Winx Club: Mystery of the Abyss cheats and hacks are designed for Android based devices by our developer team and you can get unlimited resources for every in app purchase. I need him where he is. Sky: Bloom! Musa: Stella! Let's look for them. Icy: That's enough. Sky: You need to branch out. Politea: Ah, now we're getting somewhere. Stella: You know, whenever we visit the Infinite Ocean, the way the Sirenix power tints our hair looks fabulous on you. Icy: Bloom, you don't want to leave Kiko in our hands, do you now? As the six of them scout for talented young people for the show, they are also investigating a string of strange incidents where talented individuals are being kidnapped by someone the Winx have dubbed as "The Talent Thief." Bloom: What's happening? Darcy: Dark Spell! Icy: And all ours! Perfect! Winx Club Stella: Hey, what's so funny? Stormy: I like it. Bloom: No! Comic Tritannus: Help me. Ready to go to Gardenia? Last Appearance Ancestral Wand (S6) Tecna: Didn't I tell you all? Bloom: But, Sky! Go to Omnia, She's our only hope. She along with the rest of the Winx earned their Sirenix in "Sirenix" and entered the Infinite Ocean along with their Selkies. With no strength left to fight back, the Winx are forced to endure the torturous ringing of the Queen's magic bell until Bloom swoops in to save them. Tritannus: You succeeded in getting me out of Oblivion? In Season 5, Flora wears a pink, soft jagged edged, sleeveless shirt with a grass green vest. Flora is one of the founding members of the Winx Club, being the third Winx girl introduced after Bloom and Stella, and is an alumna of the Alfea College for Fairies as of The Secret of the Lost Kingdom. Stella doesn't wear glasses... huh? Icy: Don't worry girls, we outnumber her, three to one. Stella: Or maybe a nice mud bath... Politea: Get them! But if I find out you lied or hid something from me, I will come back and exterminate you one by one. Bloom: Uum... Let's put our goggles on, girls, before we start with the incandescent light spells. Stormy: Huh? Bloom: But why Sky? Musa, Tecna, and Stella encourage Flora to change Mirta back from a pumpkin. Selikies: Oh! Bloom: I must get to her and stop her before it's too late! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Bloom: That evil witch! Later in the series, Flora confronts and fights Diana, Earth's Major Fairy of Nature whose powers overshadow Flora's. Tritannus: Be careful, nymph. The team of Dark Magic: Th… Flora searching for the Crocodile Man through the assistance of nature. Bloom: Sky? I've got an idea! Now the pearl is mine! Stella: Yeah, we rock. Winx: Winx convergence! Bloom: Sky! Musa: We have to shake them off. Is it really you? Darcy: And the Winx can do nothing to stop us! Something that's his. Let's hope nothing's happened to him. Winx: Let's go! This skill has also proven to be a disadvantage at times, as the destruction of nearby nature will cause excruciating pain to her and weaken her own self and her ability to focus her magic properly, even her flight. Somebody help me. They said they needed Sky. Stormy: At least, more than Sky. Aisha: Would you leave them alone? She's gonna pollute all of the seas of the Magic Dimension! Give up! Politea: Why? The Winx Club is struggling with a terrible mystery that will make your heart beat faster! She was very helpful by assisting in cleaning the house and washing dishes for Mike and Vanessa and encouraged the rest of the Winx to do chores. Flora gains her Believix after Roxy reveals to believe in the Winx Club and their magic. Sky! Aisha: Where are the Trix? The Winx will show up sooner or later. All clear. Politea: The Throne answers only to Tritannus! As the Winx run down the mountain having been made to leave the Specialists behind to fend off the wolves, Flora gets separated from her friends as two wolves slip past the Specialists' defenses to chase after her. According to the Spirit of the World of Dreams, the Winx would lose their fairy magic should the World of Dreams fall into ruin. Let's go! Once the witches have fled, Flora and the girls circle around Varanda to check if she is alright, only to end up with more questions when Stella repeatedly calls her "Bloom." Additionally, when they all enter the palace, they are met by Daphne, the disembodied spirit of Bloom's older sister who had been watching over her since she was sent to Earth as an infant, and learn that Bloom's birth parents are still alive somewhere within the Magic Dimension. Nothing substantial happens to Flora alone as she continues playing the supportive, almost motherly role within the group as they continue going on various misadventures while trying to get through school. Darcy: So? Sky: Bloom! Stephanie Sheh Icy: Oh, really? Stella: Oh, no! Stormy: I'm pretty sure I just told you not to tell me that.
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