Sadly, this isn't really wanted anywhere except for maybe VG, but it does work well on that fight, especially for handling green circles. The Berserker may also be expected to contribute a lot of CC when needed, so encounter familiarity is a big advantage. The support version is the safest option, but Condi is the most generally useful if the squad does not require extra healing, and will outperform power on practically every encounter. Light Armor 1. In GW2 non-raid content everyone has self-heals and takes care of themselves; if people are dying it's their fault. Keep in mind that, there is a level of skill that needs to be developed in order to fully master this class. If you take a thief, some of the things they can do: push the construct core at Keep construct (assuming you have plenty of tempests already), provide stealth for running the cave in Escort, solo CC the triple mortar spawn for Trio (very effectively and quickly, Revenant with Jade winds is probably the only method that's faster). The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Necromancer in most fights is also really easy but there's a lot more DPS to be lost by playing badly than with revenant. Profession determines skills, traits and equipment available to player characters for engaging in combat and is roughly equivalent to a character class in other games. I consider Engineer a difficult role to play in raids, but not because of specific raid-related reasons, but just because the class is difficult. A bad ele will die to an attack and blame his squishiness, a good ele will have cast rebound, and then die to the next attack because it's on cooldown. Elementalist 2. Easiest Difficulty: Warrior, Guardian, Revenant, Thief, Necromancer. Welcome to /r/GuildWars2 where we strive to be a place where you can share your Guild Wars 2 experiences and partake in discussions with players from around the world. Download Game; My Account; Hall of Monuments; New Player Guide; Support ; Shop. In groups that already have a banner Berserker, the player can easily switch to DPS Berserker, which is a competent DPS class in its own right. Raids are 10-man instances with bosses and encounters that require you to coordinate with your teammates to succeed. Assuming that by "hardest" you mean "hardest to play at an adequate level" then the answer is almost certainly chronomancer. The low skill cap definitely helps make this an easy alt to pick up.Engineer - Has a potentially very complex rotation, but messing up on the rotation a bit isn't a huge deal since cooldowns are short. Yes, they have lots of dodges. Necro Medium Armor 1. This guide will explain commonly used options in each category, as well as providing some frequently-seen compositions and explaining what makes them work. Furthermore, the ability to grant instant invulnerability to your teammates is a huge responsibility that doesn't really have an equivalent. Not an easy job and I don't know how they do it - plenty of tempests skate by, but I'd say maybe 1 in 8 is actually good at it. This light class is able to do massive areas of effects. The Tempest elite builds make this class a force to be dealt with. So let's start with the basics. Chronomancers are also, most of the time, assigned as tanks, which adds another significant layer of difficulty to the class. While many find the rotation to be simple, it can be difficult to recover from - the most important thing is keeping and synchronized. Screw up even one skill timing, and it might just be a wipe because your raid loses that much DPS. This enables Scourge to save a group from situations that would otherwise be a wipe. MetaBattle content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. On ele survivability, it's all about knowing your skills (and knowing how to dodge, but that goes for all classes). Main ele since launch, raid from day 1, don't blame your deaths on "being an ele". Sounds simple, actually doing it all mid-fight is surprisingly difficult. Community Resources . While I haven't played every single class just yet, I raid very often, and have good knowledge on classes and their roles in raids, so I can probably cook up a quick tier list. Barrier effectively prevents the targets from taking damage and can even allow the group to survive some attacks that would otherwise instantly down players. These skills provide a powerful effect that is usually very helpful for the encounter you get them so learning which skill you will get is very useful. Mesmer 3. First and foremost, exotic armor is fine for literally all content except tier 4 fractals. Eles have one of the best sustain in the game. Easy rotation, allowing the player to improve quickly with the class. If you want easy classes take thief or warrior, warrior is a little more forgiving and more meta, thief has one of the easiest rotations as an dps, while ele wil always have more potential since fractal favors burst more, most players will do much more with thief. In GW1 when I'm the monk it's my job to heal people; if people are dying, it's my fault. PS War, Revenant, and Reaper are all straightforward and a good start for beginners, on top of being in constant demand. As a support role, the player will need to maintain squad coverage of and . There's a lot of crap you can do to optimize rev play like moving into boss hitbox to hit with all three sword 2 projectiles, weapon swapping early to waste less dps in staff, giving stability or jalis elite at good times, using sword 3 as an invuln for marginally better damage, etc. In weaker groups, it can provide a small amount of group Quickness by taking instead of , and using every time it reaches maximum charges. They also make use of Cantrips as well. 2. When in Celestial Avatar you want to spam your 2, 3, 4 as often as possible, and when you're outside CA you pop the buffing glyphs on your zerg and save your other glyphs and Staff 3 for panic moments. Minimal respon… Guild Wars 2 - Soulbeast DPS Lvl. Only real weakness is when you need to leave melee range as your ranged options are... limited to say the least plus you usually want a staff for the CC. It's somewhat forgiving in the sense that you have hard hitting skills with large AoE and on large hit boxes. Ranger is one of the most popular classes in Guild Wars 2, and it’s easy to see why. Among classes that are actually taken in raids, revenant is probably the easiest to play at an adequate level. The "eles are squishy so going down is fine" is a really detrimental attitude towards learning the class and to "getting good". Primarily autoattacks like daredevil, but good knowledge of CC can make this role shine. Yes, their rotation is simple. Raiding doesn't require AR, and the stat increase is minimal. Sadly, this is probably the least desired of the "meta" roles.Dragonhunter - Also one of the easiest classes due to a very simple rotation. If you are struggling to learn the ins and outs of raid fights, there are several communities on discord dedicated to teaching players how to raid. Be online and ready for squad invite at least 15 minutes before the start of raids. The condi scourge build while using a priority list instead of rotation you are going to very often be pressing buttons since most stuff is just pressed off cooldown. itself is not a DPS increase and so can be saved for the CC. Ranger. However, the class always has access to the elements which each change the performance of the weapon. Although not explicitly required, you’ll want a special build and ascended gear. News; Leaderboards; Partner Program; Affiliate Program; Services. However, do keep in mind that these classes are sometimes given extra responsibilities that they need to pay attention to, namely: Warrior is often the class that takes the timed bombs at Sabetha. , which will teleport downed players to your location and begin reviving them. Relying totally on shortbow removes the need to melee the target and makes the rotation less strict as it does not require using on the correct skills. Past that you just need to understand how to go where it makes the healer's life easier, and remember to swap attunements as necessary. Describing each profession with precision is quite hard because all professions have various gameplays and builds, so for now we will only have a visual description along with basic information. Being fully ranged makes it easier to avoid AoEs, though it is heavily reliant on flanking the target to achieve the best DPS. The animal companion is helpful, as it usually occupies the opponents so that they do not attack us. The easiest in any sense is thief, because their rotation is mostly just 1, and they have such crap utility that they rarely have to do anything else. scale raid bosses from easiest to hardest. That's why they are able to survive in most encounters completely on their own, as long as they dodge the shit, that (nearly) one-hits them. If you are trying to do hybrid Condi/Healing they are quite complex, but as full Magi/Zealot double staff it's kind of faceroll on your part. 2017-08-27. But you fuck the party so hard if you're not playing your best from both a dps standpoint as well as a mechanic standpoint. Condi Firebrand boasts high sustained DPS as well as being very bursty for a condi class. It can be hard to tell when it's my fault people are dying and when it's their fault. If struggling to maintain the rotation, the Daredevil can opt not to activate to have more consistent power. Which flavor of Quickness Firebrand works best will depend on the squad. In this case, the rotation fundamentally boils down to dodging and spamming and while under the effect of the buff. You have to understand, some of us are not a part of your abbreviated world, so we need these things spelled out. But no one really takes thief to raids so in a sense they're one of the hardest classes to raid with =P. This is the so-called “Kitless Holosmith”. Thief doesn't have any particular responsibilities from what I'm aware, but they'd do good to help with projectile destruction at Slothasor. Similar to Healing Tempest, Heal Scourge should be used as a secondary healer to a Druid. Guardian 2. There are three flavors of Quickness Firebrand (Power, Condi or Healing) but all provide quickness in the same way. Staff offers a huge amount of sustained healing simply by auto-attacking in Water Attunement and has the option to switch trait lines to provide additional boon support. Good mobility, solid options, varied abilities, good CC. Overview. The charge system on also makes it much more forgiving if the player is prone to miss skills coming off cooldown, as it can be cast twice in quick succession to “catch up”. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker or upgrading to premium membership.Upgrade, But not every build is capable of completing raids at all. Tier 3, it'll be slightly easier to get the Agony Resistance(AR) you need with a couple pieces of ascended armor, but still doable. That's no excuse. Especially the FA build. Necromancers are sometimes expected to synchronise epidemics with each other, and for certain fights, groups usually appreciate the Necromancer taking the Blood Magic trait line for Transfusion. This page was last edited on 1 February 2021, at 07:00. ^ Agreed with this, but if I may expand a bit, I'd say this:Chrono - This role is heavily dependant on using cooldowns efficiently. It's not inherent to the class. 4. You rely on your allies to stand still or move predictably since almost all heals have a decent delay, but there is very little mechanical skill required imo. Concept Art; Screenshots; Videos; Wallpapers; Awards & Accolades; Guild Wars 2 Asset Kit; Community. Good tempests are competent in the fight's mechanics, have optimal DPS, and good positioning & fight awareness so they don't die as soon as the healer stops holding their hand. As the only druid willing to raid in my guild, I'd argue that it really depends on your build whether it's easy or hard. Reaper - Probably one of the easiest classes to actually play, mechanically, since it is a very durable class and can stick primarily to range when needed, but a good knowledge of what traits to swap and when will be very important, especially for Salvation Pass encounters. Power Berserker is a semi-support class that otherwise functions as a DPS. Revenants project force across the battlefield. Chronomancers and Druids in raids are both support roles that are highly sought-after and very demanding. Easy rotation, allowing the player to improve quickly with the class. Engineer 2. THIEFThe Thief class has held their ground as nasty single-target damage-dealers and that still … A small mistake on hitting the wrong button or using your CS combo at the wrong part of a fight can have a major effect on your quickness/alacrity uptime for your group. They all have a combination of high survivability (passive or active) and fairly easy roles and skill rotations. A heavy portion of your raid party's CC comes from the Revenant. People need to get on board the daredevil hype train. When starting with raids, it can be helpful to have a build with a somewhat simple rotation that can allow you to focus on mechanics as you learn. On top of that, druids often opt for more offensive builds so that they can deal respectable damage on top of their healing output, which can be quite taxing too. Chronomancer is pretty mechanically demanding, especially when tanking. I'll chime in with the two I can personally judge: Pure boonspread Mesmer: hard. For many players, that means one thing: raids. Technically no class does what necro does in raids, but its raw DPS is outclassed by other condi dps classes. Posted by: Feanor .2358. Guild Wars 2 for free!! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Staff tempest rotation perfectly is actually considered one of the more difficult to get the maximum dps from the class. I'd also put their difficulty at medium. The rotation here is functionally using skills off cooldown, and as the second weapon set is not used at all it can be used for utility weapons. in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids. with the trait and are both instant-activation mantras that apply quickness in a small area around the Firebrand and a cone in front of them. The focus on damage prevention rather than healing means that Scourge is best when the player is already familiar with the mechanics of an encounter, and care must be taken with to ensure that downed players are not teleported to unsafe locations. Highly effective in the hands of a skilled player, so that it remains a strong choice long-term. Both these allow Reaper to cover for other squad members that may be slacking. Being a healer is a vital role that brings a lot of responsibility with it. This elite is available with the Path of Fire expansion. If struggling with the rotation, the scepter portion may be omitted and only swapped to if ranged damage is required. Tier 1 & 2 fractals are absolutely fine without a single piece of ascended armor. So go ahead and forget about ascended armor until you're at least in tier 3 fractals, by which point you've hopefully had an armorbox … Also requires you to be knowledgeable using two weapon different weapon sets, depending on the fight.PS War - Very straight forward role that's pretty easy to get into. There's also a wide variety of builds/gear/etc. Also, Tempests are usually the ones dumped on dealing with raid mechanics, such as green circles on VG, orb clearing on Gorseval, cannons on Sabetha, and mushrooms on Sloth, so you need to know the encounters and have good awareness. In addition to this, the reliance on Retaliation to crit-cap and relatively low sustained DPS makes it less suited to groups with poor boon coverage and/or long phases. Our guides strive for improving your knowledge of game mechanics, professions and fractals. The rotation is fairly difficult to pull off and is highly vulnerable to mistakes, because a messed-up rotation can completely screw over your cooldown synchronisation and quickness uptime. Power Daredevil has one of the highest-damage auto-attacks in the game and a very simple rotation that involves no weapon swapping, only one weapon skill, and only one (or two, depending on build) utility skill(s). Revenant 3. If you see a big attack coming, you can dodge it, use staff fire 4 for a free 1 second evade frame (and also to reposition yourself, seriously, that skill's the best), pop rebound if you know it's not an instakill attack, or start casting "wash the pain away" if it deals damage in ticks that you can handle. Tanking also requires you to manage your defensive cooldowns well and have a good reaction to blocking attacks. When starting with raids, it can be helpful to have a build with a somewhat simple rotation that can allow you to focus on mechanics as you learn. They're complex to gear and are often in charge of keeping their group alive. the line between 'I suck' and 'my team sucks and is just taking too much damage' can be blurry at times. 'I suck' and 'my team sucks and is just taking too much damage', Not an easy job and I don't know how they do it. Going down is due to a mistake. Warrior. Guardian is expected to reflect at Slothasor and occasionally at Matthias too. The following builds are chosen such that they fit the following requirements: A simpler version of Condi Soulbeast is the Condi Shortbow build. You should have basic knowledge of your class and some understanding of its role in a raid. Squad compositions in Guild Wars 2's raids are typically made up of a selection of DPS classes, classes that provide offensive support/buffs and anywhere from 1-3 healers in a 10 man group. Druids are arguably almost as difficult as Chronomancers, if not just as difficult with certain parties. It also requires some decent meta-knowledge, as it adapts its build/tactics to its team and the boss fights probably more than any other class. Hardest part for me is remembering I can swap pets for another F2 heal. You’re level 80 and you’re ready to experience the challenging end-game content of Guild Wars 2. With extremely high burst damage and decent cleave, Power Dragonhunter is a very popular build at every skill level. Discretize is a high-end Guild Wars 2 fractal guild. Daredevil has an advantage over Deadeye due to the power of its stolen skills. Ranger 3. Sword and deal good consistent damage, and offers a large amount of burst when required. He wears medium armor, has some survival skills and often fights at a distance with the longbow. The rest of the classes I would probably consider the easier bunch to play in raids. The ranger is best suited to get started. I remember reading somewhere that unless you are a chrono/tempest/PS/druid, you will have trouble getting a spot. Knowing which utilities to take is also very important. 3. It’s not necessary to run the meta in order to clear content, but once you step outside of what is proven to be strong, you delve into experimentation. Necromancer can work, but you might struggle to be accepted in pugs except on specific bosses. Necromancer is not a meta class, but it is viable and it has a very easy rotation for raids/fractals alongside a 19k health pool. If they are able to find a location and kneel, this is the most powerful ranged class in the game dealing the most damage and having the greatest range with 1500. 9:55. Highly effective in the hands of a skilled player, so that it remains a strong choice long-term. ElementalistBecause elementalists are one with earth, wind, fire, and electricity, they have not one … There's a pretty insane amount of intricacy in the way it works. However, it is not the most mobile class making it far different to play from the typical Thief class it is part of. The build has good burst, a lot of skills that can CC, a very large cleave radius, and strong Vulnerability application.. Whilst Power Reaper lacks single-target damage in most situations, its strengths make it useful for encounters with split phases and multiple adds. Tier 2 (mediocre, there’s some stuff which can go wrong) – Sloth, VG, KC, Sabetha. The Power Holosmith can be modified by replacing with (or on large hitbox targets). They also have built-in evades in some of their abilities, decent mobility, passive defences built into their traits, and the ability to just facetank anything without a care in the world. Thief Heavy Armor 1. Since this isn't wanted on all fights, it's often good to have a DH as an alt to swap to as needed rather than a main that you expect to bring to all fights. You have a metric crapton of buttons to press just to be able to keep up with the DPS of your fellow DPS classes, and while survivability is high thanks to certain traits and lots of sustain, it is quite hard to pay attention to staying alive while still keeping up with your damage rotation. that can be used.Tempest - As mentioned, there's a low skill floor for a lot of fights, but a high skill ceiling for maximizing DPS and playing the role well. If taking this route, the holosmith should let their heat drop 10 lower than usual before re-entering Photon Forge. You always could have done something better. The power rotation is much easier to get to grips with than the condi version but is fully melee and requires flanking the target to deal the most damage. Can also be very tough to survive on if you do something like handle the green circles on VG. This involves careful positioning of banners in encounters that involve movement, as well as ensuring that banners are picked up before they despawn naturally. Which is the easiest class? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You may be asked to bring boon removal for VG, soft CC for spirits on gorse, or protection for a high damage fight, etc.Reaper - Probably one of the easiest classes to actually play, mechanically, since it is a very durable class and can stick primarily to range when needed, but a good knowledge of what traits to swap and when will be very important, especially for Salvation Pass encounters.Daredevil - Also one of the easiest classes to play due to having a very simple rotation, but the high mobility does allow for a skilled player to shine above an average one since this can allow you to fill roles such as cannons in Sabetha or just maximize DPS time by reducing time out of melee range. All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. Feanor .2358. Note that this does not work for as the quickness is applied via the trait, and has an internal cooldown.
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