We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for COVID-19 relief—Join Now! Sign up now, Latest answer posted June 12, 2016 at 7:44:37 PM, Latest answer posted May 01, 2012 at 1:44:26 AM, Latest answer posted August 13, 2013 at 1:36:13 AM, Latest answer posted October 10, 2017 at 9:39:53 PM, Latest answer posted November 15, 2018 at 2:39:20 PM. How did Aunt Alexandra describe the Cunninghams in To Kill a Mockingbird? How does her repetition of the metaphor help establish her tone and indicate her feelings about Alexandra’s attempt to influence her? In Chapter 9, Scout compares her Aunt Alexandra to Mount Everest because she is "cold and there." What does “nigger-lover” mean to the residents of Maycomb? eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Describe Aunt Alexandra and explain her negative feelings about Scout. Scout punches him so hard she splits her knuckle to the bone. compares her aunt to Mt. She earneslty tries to pass along this information to Scout, who is not particularly interested. 3. • She fits in the stereotype of a well-mannered girly girl. how to cook: According to Francis, with whom does Dill live? How is femininity portrayed in To Kill a Mockingbird? Summary: Chapter 9. How does Aunt Alexandra perpetuate (promote and continue) stereotypes? Log in here. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Are you a teacher? Alexandra is very strict, traditional ideas of how society works and the role a Southern woman should play. When Aunt Alexandra appears, Francis whines that Scout cornered him. What metaphor does Aunt Alexandra use to describe the role that Scout should play in her father’s life because she is a girl? 34.) Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. According to Scout, why does the talk fail? Cloudflare Ray ID: 633a69388e01562d Describe Scout's relationship with Uncle Jack. Thereof, how does Scout describe Aunt Alexandra in Chapter 9? Scout dislikes her, as Aunt Alexandra takes great offense to Scout’s tomboyish nature and desperately wants Scout to wear dresses and act more feminine. Aunt Alexandra seems to be a woman who talks behind the backs of other people. In To Kill a Mockingbird, what is Scout's relationship with Aunt Alexandra? • Aunt Alexandra tries to pressure Atticus into telling the children why they should behave and "live up to your name." 33.) Describe Scout’s relationship with … Already a member? As was mentioned in the previous post, Scout compares Aunt Alexandra to Mount Everest in Chapter 9 by saying, "she was cold and there" (Lee, 49). Scout does not appreciate her aunt's austere attitude and disagrees with Alexandra's view that she should dress and act more feminine. Scout notices Alexandra wants her to be girly and Atticus does not mind how she is She disapproves of Scout because she is a tomboy with different interests than her Aunt has. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. He keeps getting passed from relative to relative, and he lives with Miss Rachel for the summer. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Scout describes Aunt Alexandra as a solid looking woman, who wears clothes that pinch her waist and lift her bosom. Scout seems to not understand why Aunt Alexandra is saying to be polite to Walter but she cannot invite him over to the house. Aunt Alexandra feels Scout is not being raised well without a female influence in her life. What is Scout's relationship with Aunt Alexandra like in To Kill a Mockingbird? How is Francis related to Scout? However, despite Aunt Alexandra's rough exterior and authoritative demeanor, I would argue that she has Scout's best interest in mind and wants her to become a successful, respected adult. Describe the premise of the "talk" Aunt Alexandra makes Atticus have with the children. To Scout, Alexandra seems like an authoritative woman who is determined to change her (Scout's) personality and force her into becoming a proper Southern Belle. Scout … What is the result? Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. Asked by elvira z #832183 on 10/18/2018 8:30 PM Last updated by Aslan on 10/18/2018 9:09 PM Answers 1 Scout thinks they are talking about her, but it turns out to be Calpurnia.Aunt Alexandra believes that Calpurnia is not a good addition to the family, but Atticus thinks otherwise because of the good influence she has had on Scout and Jem. Scout and her Aunt Alexandra seem to be having a contest about who can antagonize the other the most. From any angle, it was formidable.". In To Kill a Mockingbird, what does Scout think of her Aunt Alexandra. What is the main source of the tension between Scout and her Aunt Alexandra in Chapter 9? Aunt Alexandra is an austere woman who views Scout with contempt because of her tomboyish personality and appearance. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. In this way, Scout is also a victim of this old-fashioned system for judging individuals, and as Aunt Alexandra tries to mold her into the image of Southern femininity, she gets a clear taste of what it is like to be held up to a stereotyped identity rather than being allowed to simply be herself. Aunt Alexandra explains that she should stay with the children for a while, to give them a “feminine influence.” Maycomb gives her a fine welcome: various ladies in the town bake her cakes and have her over for coffee, and she soon becomes an integral part of the town’s social life. Chapter 9 Chapter 8 & 9 Thought Questions ... What problem does Aunt Alexandra have with the way Scout is growing up? Scout gets angry at being lectured and attacks Jem. She has a strong idea of what Finch women should be like, based upon years of family tradition, and tries to impose this onto Scout. Aunt Alexandra feels Scout is not being raised well without ... to teach Scout herself and to have her involved in the "female" activities and wear a dress rather than overalls. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. What is Aunt Alexandra going to teach Francis? 8. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. ©2021 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Why does Scout get in a fight with Francis? Atticus' parenting methods are different to what she knows, and are therefore not the right way. Aunt Alexandra begins trying to form Scout into a proper Southern girl, and meets with much opposition. "I said I would like it very much, which was a lie, but one must lie under certain circumstances and at … Later, she tries to convince Atticus to get rid of Calpurnia, saying that they no longer need her. Scout also had a unique assessment of Alexandra's general appearance, commenting that the clothes Alexandra chose "managed to suggest that Aunt Alexandra's was once an hour-glass figure. He is Aunt Alexandra's grandson. Aunt Alexandra begins trying to form Scout into a proper Southern girl, and meets with much opposition. jwhip2. 7. In Chapter 9 Scout further adds to Aunt Alexandra's worries by belting Francis (Aunt's grandson)for calling Atticus a "nigger lover". That night, Jem tells Scout not to antagonize Alexandra. What does Francis say that sparks a flame in Scout? Aunt Alexandra feels that scout and Jem are being brought up the wrong way. Scout finds Alexandra to be "there" because she is Atticus's sister, thus a part of the family, and an inevitable part of Scout's life. Scout compares Alexandra to Mount Everest: "She was cold and there." 32.) caras5342. Aunt Alexandra is judge mental she wants Jem and Scout to be better than others because they are finches. At school, Scout nearly starts a fight with a classmate named Cecil Jacobs after Cecil declares that “Scout Finch’s daddy defends niggers.” Atticus has been asked to defend Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. Alexandra is concerned with raising Atticus's children "properly," and thus appears during the summer of Tom's trial to stay with them. Jem seems to understand better than Scout about the view Aunt Alexandra has on the Cunninghams, because of Jem’s maturity. What is the main source of the tension between Scout and her Aunt Alexandra in Chapter 9?. Explain at least two examples that reveal Atticus's parenting skills. Scout mentions that Aunt Alexandra's body appeared to be a … Aunt Alexandra believes that all girls should wear dresses and have wonderful manners. She is opinionated and very concerned about what society says is right. Francis kicks around the yard, gloating, and repeats his slur again. Aunt Alexandra continually criticizes Scout for playing outside, wearing overalls, and behaving like a tomboy. Atticus refuses. In chapter 9, Scout mentions that her relationship with Aunt Alexandra was "analogous to Mount Everest" because Alexandra was "cold and there." Alexandra rarely offers Scout encouragement or shows her sympathy. Scout wears overalls and is pretty much a tomboy. TKAM 9-11 chapter study guide. She says she is becoming too much of a tomboy and not enough like a lady, she tries to teach Scout herself and to have her involved in the "female" activities and wear a dress rather than overalls. Describe Aunt Alexandra. What might this be? According to Aunt Alexandra's way of thinking, dishonesty and inferiority are traits somehow genetically endemic to the entire race. Jack is fatherly, but Scout feels she can confide in him; he ... 8 terms. Aunt Alexandra and Uncle Jack separate them, and Francis bawls that Scout called him a “whore-lady.” How does Aunt Alexandra perpetuate stereotypes? Scout cannot stand her aunt and gets into several heated arguments with her in the novel. Aunt Alexandra is … Does Scout learn anything from overhearing Atticus's conversation with Uncle Jack? Scout compares Alexandra to Mount Everest:  "She was cold and there." Toward the end of the novel, Scout matures and begins to view her aunt in a new light. Scout finds Alexandra to be "cold" because she rarely expresses any feeling or emotion except perhaps disapproval, which is almost always directed at Scout's clothing, or behavior, or some combination of the two. What does Scout find in the knothole of the tree in the novel, What are some quotes related to Boo Radley that can be found in. Aunt Alexandra tells Scout she cannot go back the next Sunday. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. 3. Everest - "she was cold and there"; shows that Alexandra is stuck in her ways (77) ... TKAM Chapter 1-11 (Russell) 47 terms. How does she feel about her? ... After the events of this chapter she no longer thinks that Atticus is weak as he shot the dog on his first attempt. In chapter 9, Scout mentions that her relationship with Aunt Alexandra was "analogous to Mount Everest" because Alexandra was "cold and there." TKAM Chapter 1-11 (Russell) 47 terms. I think that Scout and Jem are particularly startled when Aunt Alexandra attempts to impose her standards on Atticus’ household. Your IP: Compare Jem and Scout's relationship with Atticus to their relationship with Aunt Alexandra in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. How does she attempt to provide female influence? Question #4 Chapter 9 Aunt Alexandra is very moralistic, opinionated, and very proper. Aunt Alexandra comes onto the scene like a bull in a china shop. What comparison does Scout use to describe her relationship with Aunt Alexandra and what does this reveal about her character? She is not submisive and, much like her father, stands up when she feels an injustice has taken place. Atticus breaks up the fight and sends them to bed. What metaphor does Alexandra use to describe the role that Scout should play in her father’s life because she is a girl? The family history, Scout needed a woman. Aunt Alexandra is a formidable lady and is the only Finch sibling who stayed at Finch’s Landing, the family’s old plantation. I think that Aunt Alexandra possibly represents a broader concept concerning the conflict between Atticus and the majority of individuals in Maycomb County. Atticus and Alexandra respect each other. Describe Aunt Alexandra and explain her negative feelings about Scout.
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