The Underminer heads into an elevator to the surface. Now, he's on the agenda. The gigantic miner drill drives away. They proceed eventually to a moving platform that starts to proceed to the Underminer. Publisher(s) Man I wish I'll be friend with The Underminer! Mr. Cut to two robot workers. Frozone comes in and the six Supers face off against the supervillain. Shortly after clearing one of the spiked towers, from the rest of them emerge robot soldiers armed with guns. By the end of the film following the arrest of Screenslaver, it is likely that the Underminer is still at large as supers have been declared legal again. After the heroes pass through the sludge room, they enter another conveyor room. Incredible gets of and appears to the Underminer.] The heroes must clear the obstacles in the way to reach the end before the boulder. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features $34.99. Incredible gets of and appears to the Underminer.] Over a decade after the game's release, the Underminer appeared as a minor antagonist at the start of Incredibles 2, thus rendering the game's plot non-canon. It smashes a picnic bench in the area. As they continue on, Mr. The heroes approach a single spotlight, and what appear to be stationary laser emitters. Rick Dicker: File 82-712. This video will guide you through LEGO The Incredibles level 1, Undermined. The Crustodian, who is really just a glass cylinder with electricity in it to keep it active, begins to leave, as its remaining live head rolls and jumps off a ledge, and Mr. The Incredibles is Pixar's sixth feature film, released in 2004, an affectionately parodic Decon-Recon Switch of the Superhero genre, happily lampshading on many conventions. Incredible Junior Supers Action Figure Play Set 4.5 out of 5 stars 184. The Magnomizer Guardian reappears after clearing the minions. It features Mr. The door to the force fielded chambers automatically shuts once all robots in a wave are defeated, but one of the heroes must flip a switch to progress the bridge one step. The Underminer drills out of the ground and monologues on how he will rule the world, as the Incredibles get into their suits and prepare for battle. Incredible and Frozone must defeat a group of robots the Underminer has for them. The Underminer is voiced by John Ratzenberger 1 Origin 2 Biography 3 Personality 4 Skills and Abilities 5 Paraphernalia 6 Appearances in other media No origin is provided for the Underminer. The two damage the machine, but the Underminer returns to the Gilgenbot to rest while the rest of his robots try to defeat Mr. Both of them have to be on its metal surface in order for the trapdoor to give way, causing the heroes to fall. One of the Underminer's vehicles pulls up, and out it emerges a squad of more robot soldiers. Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Nintendo DS, NA: October 24, 2005 (PC, Mac), November 1, 2005 (other). He does not have any superpowers but instead utilises robotic gloves, a drilling machine, bombs and other equipment. The Underminer … As soon as the heroes defeat the robots patrolling the area, the lasers power down. They board the elevator, and it starts ascending. and Underminer takes his Drill Gun and fires at the man, only for Dash to jump in and block the shot, sending it back into Underminer, and blasting Underminer back as the Sub-Terra Bots all aim at Dash, only to be silently sniped by Clementine and Lee, who approach Underminer. Underminer: I have begun the rise of the Underminer! Incredible: Honey, we'll go after the Underminer. The robot moves to fight Mr. It delivers one smash of its hammer on the ground. Meanwhile, Violet Parr's love interest Tony Rydinger also discovers her superhero identity, forcing agent Rick Dickerto erase his memory. The Underminer will say either of the following lines to summon a wave of robots. Incredible has to lift these door sections to keep the elevator rising. Incredible and Frozone continue their journey to defeat the Underminer through more robots. The heroes jump down once Mr. Incredible clear the path and open the door: The Underminer flees via a path the heroes cannot proceed upon. The Parr family then put on their masks, ready to battle against him. The Underminer is a villain who appears briefly at the end of the animted movie The Incredibles. Picks up right where Incredibles 2 left off, with gunmen interrupting the theater date with Violet and Tony. The elevator's run ends once the robots are defeated. Mr. The Incredibles successfully prevent the drill from destroying the city, but at the cost of thwarting the Underminer and their chance for becoming legal again. Working together, the Incredibles are able to prevent the Underminer’s drill from destroying City Hall — but the Underminer himself gets away. There is another pool of sludge, but the containers do not immediately drop to allow the heroes to cross. Incredibles 2. Although the Underminer robs the Metroville Bank and escapes, they manage to stop his out of control drill from destroying Metroville's City Hall with help from Frozone. Xerek (pronounced "zer-ick")is avillain who was supposed to be the main antagonist in The Incredibles, but was replaced by Syndrome due to the latter's popularity among the producers. Finally, Mr. Incredible and Frozone escape the blast and Mr. After Frozone and Mr. The floor eventually collapses, and the heroes fall into an empty reception room. Incredible and Frozone on their own, but it tells them that because of its actions, the Corrupterator will simply shut down, and the Underminer has no idea how to reactivate it. There is a scanner at the end of the room - the rejected parts processor. The Underminer use… They eventually confront the Underminer and try to stop him, but escapes in his Gilgenbot. ), He appears at the end of The Incredibles, threatening a war against the surface world. John Ratzenberger reprises his role of The Underminer while the other characters from the film are voiced by different voice actors.. If the fight is drawn out for long enough, this exchange will play out: As soon as the heroes damage the Crustodian enough: A wave of robots appears. When the heroes throw the switch at the end of the room, this above line of dialogue is interrupted. The room is also slowly flooding alongside it, and a series of doorways act as stops to the elevator. When the scanner detects the heroes, a trapdoor disengages below them. The elevator stops before a spotlight and laser trap. Incredible has to destroy both generators, but no lampposts are present to do so like the first one. The heroes end up in a chamber with a floor made out of frozen ice. It is the third installment in The Incredibles franchise and the cast will movie their roles, in this film, The Underminer will try to take over the world, to which The Incredibles will have to stop him. The control towers each have one control panel. They board, and the drill pod disengages and begins falling to the surface. The game then takes its own storyline, as the Incredibles face off against the Underminer. Frozone tells Mr. The heroes walk into an elevator that rises up a short distance once they board. After defeating the excavator robot, one of the robots on the other side of the chasm throws a switch to extend a bridge across the gap. My 3 year old is obsessed with the Incredibles. The game features cameo appearances by the rest of the Incredibles, though they are not playable characters and don't talk in the game as well. Suddenly, the bridges to the platform the heroes are on retract, trapping the heroes in the platform. The Underminer manages to rob the bank for a large amount of money and escapes in his tunnelling machine, leaving the Incredibles and Frozone (Lucius Best) to stop his drill machine from destroying City Hall. Incredible and Frozone approach a series of burning pipelines, where the flames periodically strengthen and recede. You and the kids stop those drills! Incredible and the Underminer start fighting each other.] By on September 9, 2005 at 10:50AM PDT Midway through, it starts collapsing, and boulders and other debris starts falling on top of it. Related: Incredibles 2: All The Easter Eggs You Missed. THQ Incredible and Frozone defeat the Crustodian in battle by destroying its giant robot body and the entire place slowly starts to crumble. At the end is another door. The game then takes its own storyline as the Incredibles face off against the Underminer. Once they reach the end and rescue the scientists: As the scientists head into the escape tunnel, the heroes proceed. Incredible and Frozone proceed through the city, amidst falling debris and panicked crowds. The Incredibles 2 The Mr Drill Attack Playset Action Pack Play Set by The Incredibles 2. Three months following the defeat of Syndrome and the Omnidroids, the Underminer appears at the end of the film, where he announces his \"war on peace and happiness\". Frozone comes in and the six Supers face off against the supervillain. While the supers succeed, they are arrested by the police for breaking the anti-super law. The heroes smash through an under-construction Gilgenbot. They continue in pursuit. After the heroes damage the Crustodian enough once more: Another wave of robots appear. Straight from the movie is the final scene of the movie, where the Underminer appears before our heroes. Heavy Iron Studios (PS2, Xbox, GC) Beenox (PC, Mac) Helixe (GBA, NDS) After destroying the second control panel: The bridge that extends leads to the main doorway. Fire up your child's imagination for some LEGO® Juniors The Incredibles 2 excitement, with this thrilling Underminer Bank Heist set, featuring a bank vault with breakaway door, Incredibile vehicle with Quick Start chassis, Tunneler machine with Quick Start chassis and spinning drill bits, plus a street build with brick wall, wanted poster and buildable streetlamp. The bridge to the other side is retracted. Mr. The Underminer is an antagonist of in both The Incredibles and Incredibles 2. Throwing a switch opens it. The gigantic miner drill drives away. Dug activates one final control console to open a door to the Corrupterator. Once they cross, there is a giant door powered by two generators to the side, requiring Mr. Underminer: And then, kind of surprisingly, he’s never seen or heard from (or even mentioned) again in… One of the heroes throws a switch to start the barge. Mr. Out it emerges Mr. The heroes proceed and encounter a pair of heavy robots. After they succeed, the Underminer comes in to attack with another, smaller machine. Incredible and Frozone finally come out to the surface, and confront the Underminer, who shows off his only Gilgenbot to Metroville. In the distance, we can see a single robot boarding a drill pod. The Underminer raises the ground higher, and jumps back on without calling for reinforcements. Mr. At the end of the conveyor belt chain is a room where factory parts pass through. The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer is a 2005 action-adventure video game which serves as an alternative sequel to the animated film The Incredibles.It features Mr. The heroes continue proceeding through more unstable terrain. At the end, the blimp appears once again. As soon as they approach the second level: There is a blimp overhead in the distance that occasionally fires at them. How To Get It: Omnidroid is a Daily Mission character unlock. His mega-strength and invulnerability, combined with his uncanny ability to sense danger, make him a crime fighter extraordinaire! Incredible and Frozone to go into to save the scientists. As soon as the heroes cross: The heroes encounter another wave of robots. Unfortunately, Dug refuses to go any further and leaves Mr. Incredible to reveal the machine, which has to be smashed to progress. The heroes encounter a machine that opens up a container to deploy robots, then lowers it down as a platform. The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer is a video game and sequel to the animated film The Incredibles. Incredible manages to escape the vault and fight the Underminer. The path ahead collapses again, but this time, two gunner robots stand on the opposite end of the chasm. After lifting the second bolt: The Magnomizer's power source finally topples over. These conveyor belts each have slag being transported down them. While Mr. The Underminer drills out of the ground and monologues on how he will rule the world, as the Incredibles get into their suits and prepare for battle. The heroes board an elevator and start it by the flip of a switch. Incredible unscrews every bolt holding down the Magnomizer and the entire Magnomizer building starts to blow up. As soon as the heroes board the main elevator, it starts rising. The Underminer drills out of the ground and monologues on how he will rule the world, as the Incredibles get into their suits and prepare for battle. After they clear them: The path ahead is separated by a chasm with gunner robots standing on the other end. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The heroes proceed through more collapsing bridges and computers that burst into flames. Continuing ahead, there is a large door blocked by a row of spiked towers. Eventually, more lethal obstacles like laser traps are added in the foray. During the fight the drill's controls are destroyed and it begins to resurface. Incredible must Incredi-Slam to proceed. After destroying one: The heroes approach another barge. Incredible struggling to break into it. Studios comic book series as the villain of the ongoing story. In the end, Mr. Incredible tells his family to stop the drills. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 盛光 HSTM-0439 切箸厚物柳刃390mm,ネットau PAY マーケット 4-その他花・ガーデン・エクステリア・DIY工具-3-花・ガーデン・DIY工具 盛光 HSTM-0439 切箸厚物柳刃390mm 2020公式店舗 盛光 HSTM-0439 切箸厚物柳刃390mm We find the five Incredibles, aka the Parr family, where we left them last, fighting the Underminer. Incredible and Frozone fighting The Underminer's legion of robot minions. The Underminer quickly run to drive a drill before it reaches Earth's Core, the drill went up away from core. Incredible and Frozone have destroyed the Magnomizer and alerts the Crustodian, the head of the Giant Robot Factory, that the two Supers might arrive to the Factory. As the ambush proceeds, another wave enters. But Mr. The Stealth Jet then uncloaks and all the other Incredibles come out, and they capture Underminer. Another drill launches another car in the air, and this one lands on the camera. Mr. Throwing either switch causes the control tower on its respective side to rotate around. Mr. Throwing the switch causes the platform to lower abruptly. The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer is the video-game sequel to The Incredibles. The heroes proceed to the exit of the cave, blocked by debris. Mr. Mr. Incredible and Frozone. Eventually, Mr. Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The two get to the Underminer's machine, but he quickly escapes underground. They eventually reach the top roof of the Magnomizer, where the machine itself is. The Incredibles Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Incredible reveals the lower path. Despite this, the authorities are more concerned with the level of damage caused by the debacle. An elevator awaits. [The Underminer runs. The lower level bursts into flames, which slowly begin to advance to the upper levels. Although the Underminer robs the Metroville Bank and escapes, they manage to stop his out of control drill from destroying Metroville's City Hall with help from Frozone. More areas begin bursting into flames as the heroes proceed. Mr. The heroes proceed to another conveyor room. The game starts off with the final movie scene in which the Parr family walk out from Dash's race. The barrier room is closed shut, while the path ahead opens. Incredible to another of the drill pods. The heroes fight them. Once one of the heroes throws the switch like the last room: The heroes proceed down the pathway, when suddenly a tremor shakes the terrain. Underminer: Oh, great! The Underminer on his robot will jump to fight the heroes once the robot wave is defeated. As the Crustodian monologues, waves of robots arrive to fight the heroes. Immediately after the events of the first film, the Underminer's drill begins tunnelling downwards, with Mr. Defeating all the guards allows the player to reach Dug. A title card displays, reading "When we last saw The Incredibles..." Retrieved May 8, Rise of the Underminer for GameCube”. Ahead are a series of rooms with force fields blocking access. Then, they will have to take out Claude Pine, Syndrome's Father. On the way the two help protect Dug from robots it cannot command, upcoming lasers, deadly obstacles, and gaps. Upon the second wave: When all three waves are finally cleared, the main door opens into another spotlight and laser trap. Incredible is obsessed with stopping him. Incredibles 2 opens immediately where The Incredibles left off, with our intrepid heroes banding together to stop the supervillain the Underminer. As soon as they approach the bolt, robots appear and confront the heroes. The Underminer drills out of the ground and monologues on how he will rule the world, as the Incredibles get into their suits and prepare for battle. He has had this toy for 2 months amd plays with it constantly. Damaging the Crustodian enough at this point finally defeats it. Incredible and Frozone fighting the, The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Nintendo DS A tunneling robot emerges from underground, smashes a crate, then burrows back. The two Supers succeed in taking down the machines and the Underminer returns to fight Mr. Incredible cannot lift any more bolts while any robot reinforcements are in the area. Cannons prime and start firing shots at the heroes. His goal is to bring war to Earth and destroy supers. Once the heroes clear the ambush, the Underminer begins fleeing. I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! [The Underminer runs. While the heroes proceed along a different path, the floor collapses ahead of them yet again. Eventually, the heroes reach a dead end. [The Underminer tries to remove Mr. The reenactment of the Incredibles 2 plot ended with the Underminer's drill driving across the screen. However, Xerek would end up retooled for use in the Boom! Once the heroes throw the switch, the door ahead opens. The Underminer also tells the Crustodian to hurry the deadline for all 100 of the Underminer's giant robots called the Gilgenbots up to Earth's surface for his final attack on Earth and reign supreme as ruler of the entire planet. This elevator stops at another room where the exit is sealed. NA: October 24, 2005 (PC, Mac), November 1, 2005 (other) EU: November 11, 2005 (GBA, PC, PS2, Xbox), November 25, 2005 (GC, NDS). XB The Incredibles 2: Rise of the Underminer cb; SHIROKUMA セイフティエンド 35Φ AG 10個入 品番:ABR-803-35-AG TR-1978066×10 送料別途見積り 法人 事業所限定 外直送; ピクアドロ PIQUADRO メンズ バックパック ヒップバッグ 鞄 ブラック Wiz: The Underminer's vehicle is his drill. How To Get It: To unlock the Underminer, play as Mr. He appears at the end of The Incredibles, threatening a war against the surface world. Meanwhile, the factory begins bursting in flames. Incredible takes care of the gunmen, The Underminer rises from the ground and announces his plan to take over the world. The Incredicar, filled with The Incredibles, chases after the car with Gunmen. Incredible has to tip a pair of lampposts over to destroy a pair of generators controlling the bridge. The heroes proceed down, deeper into the under-construction Gilgenbot. He is also booked as a Terrorist and Bank Robber, which were not present traits in Rise of The Underminer, released 13 years before. Before they can confront him, ho… In Japan, Famitsu gave it a score of three sevens and one six for the GameCube and PlayStation 2 versions; one seven, one six, and two fives for the DS version; and one six, one five, and two fours for the Game Boy Advance version. Waves of robots occasionally impede their progress. Incredibles 3 (Often referred to as The Incredibles 3) is an upcoming 2024 American computer animated superhero film. As soon as the robots are all cleared, the elevator nears its destination. Plot. Incredible destroys the Magnomizer Guardian and its robots by throwing objects at it until it is unable to fire its sludge or fire balls. Incredible to proceed. Once the path clears and the heroes proceed: The heroes board an elevator that takes them off to a chute. Incredible and Frozone fighting The Underminer's legion of robot minions. The path ahead is blocked by a series of spiked towers. Incredible and Frozone quickly escape through a giant drill, and it falls all the way into a deep, dark pit the machine makes when it falls through the ground. At the end of the ride, the barge parks itself. At the top of the elevator, a doorway opens leading to a room where Dug is being held captive by a large group of robots. The heroes cross a bridge which begins collapsing. As they pass through the flames, another pack of robots spots them. The heroes reach a platform in the center. Throwing a nearby switch causes the barge to start moving. Mr. Incredible to lift the access panel and Frozone to freeze the tower. This one has glass shields covering the control stands. The game then takes its own storyline as the Incredibles face off against the Underminer. Incredible and Frozone venture underground and fight more robots. Exiting the elevator, the heroes walk through a hallway filled with laser traps and waves of robots. Released Once most of them are defeated: The Crustodian emerges once the minions are defeated. Incredible's family, who move away from their path. A Warkerbot emerges. Dug tells them that it did not mean to have robots attack the two Supers and it agrees to help them save a group of scientists that are trapped in the Underminer's Corrupterator. At the end is another sealed control panel. Agent Rick … Dug follows them in the second chamber below them, and then the elevator rises up all the way, putting the heroes on the upper level and Dug one level below. Incredible and Frozone then get to an elevator in which they go up to the surface to stop the Underminer once and for all. Now, he's on the agenda. Drills emerge near Mr. Incredible and Frozone. The floor must be slammed by Mr. The game features cameo appearances by the rest of the Incredibles, though they are not playable characters and don't talk in the game as well. Robot reinforcements emerge from a force fielded room off to the side. The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer is a 2005 action-adventure video game which serves as an alternative sequel to the animated film The Incredibles (2004) as well as its associated video game tie in.It features Mr. The heroes must defeat three waves to progress. The path clears after they eliminate the robots. The Incredibles stop the big Tunneler before its destroys the City Hall. Incredible and Frozone make their way to the Sludge Station, where the Magnomizer is increvibles. Incredible and Frozone get to a computer that maps out the Underminer's plans and they learn all about the Magnomizer, a machine that he has built which can be a threat to the world (extreme pollution) if it is not stopped. The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer is a 2005 action-adventure video game which serves as an alternative sequel to the animated film The Incredibles (2004) as well as its associated video game tie in.It features Mr. The pipes ahead are brimming under pressure. After Frozone creates the ice bridge, the heroes cross. Via a container floating on top of it, the heroes cross the pool of sludge. It features Mr. A lone robot gunner is on the other end, while the heroes fight a wave of the tunneling robots. A protected switch is present. Incredible jump off the Gilgenbot down to lower ground. The first bolt the heroes can dislodge is all the way opposite the end where the heroes came up. Incredible: Look out! If the Underminer damages any of the heroes at any point in the level, he will say one of these two lines: Damaging the Underminer enough causes him to retreat back on board the Gilgenbot. Mason Jar Rainbow Salt Craft Find the path that leads the Incredibles to the Underminer’s Drill. Underminer: Oh, great! A wave of robots awaits to fight. Child's Play (Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu), Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Destroying one causes one lock to unlock. If you reach an explosion, try a different route. The heroes pass through the pipe room and enter a metal crusher and incinerator. Please check out my other listings in my Ebay shop. But he flees in his mini Tunneler. Incredibles 2 ending scene: What does post credit scene mean for the Parr family? After entering the elevator (by forcing the door open): The heroes throw two switches off to the side. Incredible away.] Fire up your child's imagination for some LEGO® Juniors The Incredibles 2 excitement, with this thrilling Underminer Bank Heist set, featuring a bank vault with breakaway door, Incredibile vehicle with Quick Start chassis, Tunneler machine with Quick Start chassis and spinning drill bits, plus a street build with brick wall, wanted poster and buildable streetlamp. Mr. The door opens, revealing another room with a spotlight and laser trap. Mr. After all this, Dug opens an elevator for Mr. After hitting the Magnomizer Guardian three more times, it hides again, and another wave of robots rushes in. Please support our YouTube channel by subscribing and liking this video. The heroes end up in a massive tunnel, before one of the Underminer's drills. [The Underminer tries to remove Mr. Another drill launches another car in the air, and this one lands on the camera. Watch out! 3.7 out of 5 stars 7 ratings. The Underminer drills out of the ground and monologues on how he will rule the world, as the Incredibles get into their suits and prepare for battle. Incredible attempts to face off against the Underminer but is sucked up by the Underminer's vacuum and into a vault in the Underminers drilling rig. After throwing something to destroy one generator: The heroes enter a room with a pool of sludge at the base. Robot reinforcements arrive. Once they are defeated, the Underminer emerges again, much as last time. Waves and waves of robots fight them one after another as they proceed through the Magnomizer. On the third level, a pair of gunner robots are acting as guards. The game starts off with the final movie scene, in which the Parr family walk out from Dash's race, only for The Underminer to drill out of the ground and begin to monologue on how he will rule the world, as the Incredibles get into their suits and prepare for battle. New and sealed. Once they clear them: The heroes are once again before the Underminer, seemingly having him cornered. Before they can confront him, however, drills and robots come out of the ground like moles in a garden. The Underminer tools are pretty small, so beware if The heroes approach the second wave of gunner robots. A robot ambush emerges. In the middle of the ride: They disembark one barge and board another. The heroes continue smashing through more bots and debris. Frozone comes in and the six Supers face off against the supervillain. A title card displays, reading "When we last saw The Incredibles..." Straight from the movie is the final scene of the movie, where the Underminer appears before our heroes. However, the government is more concerned with the amount of collateral damage caused by the incident, and shuts down the Superhero … LEGO Juniors/4+ The Incredibles 2 Underminer Bank Heist 10760 Building Kit (149 Piece): Toys & Games The heroes walk across a narrow bridge. Incredible and Frozone easily find and save the scientists in the Corrupterator building, but they must keep them from getting killed by lasers. Incredible and Frozone finally defeat the Underminer, making his machine go haywire, fly into the sky, and land on the Gilgenbot's head, causing a giant explosion that destroys the Gilgenbot and kills the Underminer. The Underminer. Once Mr. [Cutscene] At a certain depth, the Underminer detonates several bombs, which causes the Metroville Municipal Bank to fall down below. Fire up your child's imagination for some LEGO® Juniors The Incredibles 2 excitement, with this thrilling Underminer Bank Heist set, featuring a bank vault with breakaway door, Incredibile vehicle with Quick Start chassis, Tunneler machine with Quick Start chassis and spinning drill bits, plus a street build with brick wall, wanted poster and buildable streetlamp. They fall on top of a conveyor belt. Use finger to turn the plate at the back of the wall to rotate the drill! Price: $9.99 FREE ... LEGO Juniors/4+ The Incredibles 2 Underminer Bank Heist 10760 Building Kit (149 Piece) 4.8 out of 5 stars 131. Frozone comes in and the six Supers face off against the supervillain. Incredible and Frozone fighting The Underminer's legion of robot minions. Frozone comes in and the six Supers face off against the supervillain. Underminer's legion of robot minions. The heroes must destroy them. Mr. They take an elevator that leads them to an underwater plant that originally supplied power to the now-destroyed Magnomizer, and the still-active Corrupterator, a giant machine that has a building which is the size of a city meant to help the Underminer further his world-dominating goals.
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