I will obey every Constitutional law so far as God gives me ability. We repeat, that we desire that all men should be aware of the fact that we have been the upholders of the Constitution and laws enacted in pursuance of that sacred instrument. . Judge Taylor responds: __"There has been a request ... that this courtroom be cleared of spectators, or at least of women and children, a request that will be denied for the time being. There are laws being enacted in order to deprive us of our religious rights, whereas the Constitution of the United States says that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof [US Const. As politicians or statesmen they must at least give us the benefit of the Constitution and laws. These principles I say, are inalienable in man; they belong to him; they existed before any constitutions were framed or any laws made. . You know, maybe I do need one after all.’ (pg.60). . . No man need have any qualms of conscience that he is doing wrong. At the time when the Edmunds law was passed I was living in what is known as the Gardo House. 'Are you the father of Mayella Ewell?' If they tear down the bulwarks of freedom and with impunity trample underfoot the rights of men we cannot help it. If it is our turn, to-day, to suffer wrong, it will be somebody else’s to-morrow, national retrogressions are not often arrested. If there aren't 5 just post the ones you do know. Now you’re a big girl, so you just sit up straight and tell the—tell us what happened to you. Through his questions the reader is given a chance to find out the facts that prove Tom’s innocence. Read it for yourselves in the Constitution. Yes, they are; and these things are being done with impunity. Would brother Kimball, or brother Wells? Sometime after dinner we sent for some wine. We believe that all legislative assemblies should confine themselves to constitutional principles; and that all such laws should be implicitly obeyed by every American. Whenever the Congress of the United States, for instance, pass[es] a law interfering with my religion, or with my religious rights, I will read a small portion of that instrument called the Constitution of the United States, now almost obsolete, which says “Congress shall pass no law interfering with religion or the free exercise thereof” [US Const. . These events appear to be forcing us into the exact position so plainly described by the Prophet through the spirit of prophecy. The Declaration of Independence states that men are in possession of certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Would I, as a citizen of the United States, come out in rebellion against the United States, and act contrary to my conscience? No; but we will rally round the Constitution that was purchased by the blood of our fathers, and will support it. We of all men would save the ship of state and would say to these national patricides avaunt [go away]! Some men will endure a great deal in matters of this kind, and they will call it humility; but I desire no such humility. If the rulers of this nation can afford to tamper with the sacred rights of the people guaranteed by the constitution of this great nation, and ruthlessly tear down the temple of freedom erected at the cost of so much blood and treasure, instead of anticipated glory, they will bring destruction upon the nation and ruin and infamy upon themselves. We have always esteemed it in this light, and it was so declared by Joseph Smith. Have we governors? . We therefore rest ourselves under its ample folds. They can ill afford to be the foremost in tampering with human rights and human freedom, or in tearing down the bulwarks of safety and protection which that sacred instrument has guaranteed. Richard Hope, Actor: Piece of Cake. Judge Taylor believed that Atticus was the one man who would do his best for Tom Robinson. …If there is any man in this congregation, or anywhere else, that will show me any principle or authority in the Constitution of the United States that authorizes the President of the United States to send out governors and judges to this Territory, I would like to see it. John Taylor served as the third president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1880 to 1887. It has always been a principle with us, and in fact is given in one of our revelations, “that he who will observe the laws of God need not transgress the laws of the land” [D&C 58:21]. . There are thousands of you who are Americans, who have been born in this land, whose fathers fought for the liberties we used to enjoy, but have not enjoyed for some years past. . Yes. “What do you think about the government of the United States as a government? If you do, live your religion, and the very peace of God will dwell and abide with you, for that is where peace comes from, and it doesn't dwell anywhere else. How is it with them? With Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, John Candy, Demi Moore. . . . he asked. Scout mentions that Atticus said that Judge Taylor believes that the "proof is in the pudding" and seldom reverses his decision when evidence is clearly presented. . We have a right to liberty—that was a right that God gave to all men; and if there has been oppression, fraud or tyranny in the earth, it has been the result of the wickedness and corruptions of men and has always been opposed to God and the principles of truth, righteousness, virtue, and all principles that are calculated to elevate mankind. Yet we are expected as citizens of the United States to keep the laws of the United States, and hence we are, as I said before, an integral part of the government, [sic] Very well, what is expected of us? No, we did not act as the Southern States have done. it," said Atticus. . Well, what will you do? . You can do that, can’t you?' . Yes. Observe the laws as much as you can. She nodded vigorously, saying, 'Don’t want him doin‘ me like he done Papa, tryin’ to make him out lefthanded…' Judge Taylor scratched his thick white hair. is introduced. It is true that the founders of this nation, as a preliminary step for the introduction of more correct principles and that liberty and the rights of man might be recognized, and that all men might become equal before the law of the land, had that great palladium of liberty, the Constitution of the United States, framed. Courtroom Deputy: (843) 676-3859: Case Administrator: (843) 676-3859 : Email Address for Proposed Orders: The Honorable David C. Norton U.S. District Judge There's a reason: "When I come to town, […] if I weave a little and drink out of this sack, folks can say Dolphus Raymond's in the clutches of whiskey—that's why he won't change his ways. Are we American citizens here? The worst wish we have for the human family is that the principles enunciated in our Constitution may reverberate over the wide earth, and spread from shore to shore, until all mankind shall be free. … We therefore are not indebted to the United States for these rights; we were free as men born into the world, having the right to do as we please, to act as we please, as long as we do not transgress constitutional law nor violate the rights of others. . But then, is that a perfect system? . If I had the Constitution here, I would read it to you. During the Tom Robinson trial, he shows great distaste for the Ewells and considerable respect for Atticus. Is it right to traduce their characters? Scientific management in modern society. In doing this, we neither forget our duties as citizens of the United States, nor as subjects of the kingdom and cause of God; but as the Lord has said, if we will keep His commandments, we need not transgress the laws of the land. Go to God. 'Yes sir,' Mr. Ewell said meekly. Judge John Taylor is an elderly manand a character from the 1960/1962 novel/filmTo Kill A Mockingbird. No; Joseph Smith told us that they would do it. It is said in the Doctrine and Covenants, that he that keepeth the laws of God, hath no need to break the laws of the land [D&C 58:21]. We would say to men who profess so much loyalty and patriotism to the government, be true to your institutions, be true to the Constitution of the United States, as we say to all our people to be true to the same. Amend. Need we be surprised that they should trample under foot the Constitution of the United States? There is nothing of a bigoted, narrow-contracted feeling about that instrument; it is broad and comprehensive. The Prophet Joseph Smith said that “The Constitution of the United States was given by the inspiration of God.” But good, virtuous and holy principles may be perverted by corrupt and wicked men. Your fathers and grandfathers have met the tyrant when he sought to put a yoke on your necks; as men and true patriots, they came forward and fought for their rights and in defence of that liberty which we, their children, ought to enjoy. . Do you want peace to brood over your families? . We are governed by the law of God, which is not in violation of that Constitution. And while other men are seeking to trample the Constitution under foot, we will try to maintain it. . we do claim the guarantees of the Constitution and immunity from persecution on merely religious grounds. Do you understand?'". What does the British saying, "******* magic, mate! As American citizens and patriots, and as sons of those venerable sires, can we, without disgracing ourselves, our fathers and our nation, submit to these insults and tamely bow to such tyranny? . 'What was that?' Do you not believe in the laws and institutions thereof? They have, however, discovered the difference between a blind submission to the caprices of political demagogues, and obedience to the Constitution, laws, and institutions of the United States; nor can they in the present instance be hood-winked by the cry of “treason.” If it be treason to stand up for our Constitutional rights; if it be treason to resist the unconstitutional acts of a vitiated and corrupt administration, who by a mercenary armed force would seek to rob us of the rights of franchise, cut our throats to subserve their own party, and seek to force upon us their corrupt tools, and violently invade the rights of American citizens; if it be treason to maintain inviolate our homes, our firesides, our wives, and our honor, from the corrupting, and withering blight of a debauched soldiery; if it be treason to maintain inviolate the Constitution and institutions of the United States, when nearly all the states are seeking to trample them under their feet—then indeed are we guilty of treason. And if the people have given up to governors, legislatures, the judiciary and to the officers of the law certain powers, rights and privileges, this authority coming of or from the people, it is expected that they shall act for and in the interests of the people; and furthermore, that while they possess those rights ceded to them by the people, whatever is not thus ceded and placed in the hands of their rulers is emphatically stated to be reserved to the several States or to the people. God has given to us glorious institutions; let us preserve them intact and not pander to the vices, passions and fanaticism of a depraved public opinion. He is a very sensible and fair judge, who appoints Atticus … But if the professed friends of the nation — those who boast so much about human liberty and Constitutional rights—can afford to root up, override and destroy the principles of that very liberty about which they talk, and trample underfoot the sacred barriers of the Constitution, we can afford to have them do it. No man should make a scapegoat of me; if he wished to violate constitutional rights he should do it on his own responsibility. The Lord was opposed by Satan, Jesus had his Judas, and this nation abounds with traitors who ignore that sacred palladium of liberty and seek to trample it under foot. But we have entered into covenants and contracts in our most sacred places. When we have done that we will live our religion; we will cleave unto God and unto truth, maintain virtue, purity and righteousness, and seek for the Spirit of the Lord; we will be humble, faithful and diligent, and we will pray for our enemies and for all men.
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