The mere conviction of the brevity and hollowness of life is not in itself a religious or a helpful thought. Psalm 39:12 - NIV. Transient! This idea of being a sojourner is applied by Abraham to himself (Genesis 23:4), by Moses to all Israel, considered as the feudal subjects and dependents of YHWH (Leviticus 25:23) and by David to himself and his contemporaries (1 Chronicles 29:15). 12th March 2021 - 4) David's Submission. Peter applies this idea of the ‘stranger and sojourner’ to the Christian as he goes through life towards his heavenly home (1 Peter 2:11). And if this relation to time be recognised and accepted and held fast by our hearts and minds, then what calm blessedness will flow into our souls! stand thou still on Gibeon; and thou moon! There is, no doubt, a double idea in the metaphor which the Psalmist employs. In thy land or territory, in which I sojourn only by thy leave and favour, and during thy pleasure, as this whole phrase is used, Leviticus 25:23, whence these words are taken, as also Leviticus 25:35 36,39,40,45,47, where that branch of it, with thee, is so meant. And withal this phrase, both here and Leviticus 25:23, may have a further emphasis in it, implying that every Israelite, and particularly David himself, in respect of men, were the proprietors or owners of their portions, of which no other man might deprive or dispossess them, and therefore David’s enemies had done wrongfully in banishing him from his and from the Lord’s inheritance; but yet in respect of God they were but strangers, and God was the only Proprietor of it. Past generations, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-whose names God ‘is not ashamed’ to appeal to in His own solemn designation of Himself-have held the same relation, and their experience has sealed His faithful care of those who dwell with Him. in the valley of Ajalon,’-the tramp of the hours goes on. But did you ever take that well-worn old story, and press it on your own consciousness-as a man might press a common little plant, whose juice is healing, against his dim eye-ball-by saying to yourself, ‘It is true of me. Apparently he had some illness, which he relates to God’s hand of discipline (39:11). Seek God’s strength. We know it, and yet how hard it is not to yield to the inducement to act and feel as if all this painted scenery were solid rock and mountain. Let us lay hold of Him with a loving grasp-and ‘we shall live also’ because He lives, as He lives, so long as He lives. Wanneer de hand des Almachtigen iemand drukt, en God iemand een weinig verlaat, zo wordt een mens door zielenangst en treurigheid in weinige dagen zo veranderd, dat niemand hem kent, gelijk wij aan Jobs voorbeeld zien (Job 2:12 v.); toen zijne vrienden hen in zijn kruis kwamen bezoeken, kenden zij hem niet, begonnen zij te wenen en konden zij in zeven dagen niet met hem spreken, want zij zagen dat zijne smart zeer groot was.. De motten van het Oosten zijn zeer groot en schoon, maar kort levende. 2. 12Hear my prayer, O Jehovah! 39:12. Hear my prayer, L ord, listen to my cry for help; do not be deaf to my weeping. This agreement supplies an important proof of David's being the author of the Psalms, and of the genuineness of the superscriptions generally. Psalms 39:12. Hold not thy peace at my tears — Joined with my prayers. How settled soever their condition be, yet this is the temper of the saints upon earth -- to count themselves but strangers. Psalms 39:12 Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I [am] a stranger with thee, [and] a sojourner, as all my fathers [were]. The sting of affliction is removed, when sin is forgiven. They had nothing in and for themselves, but only in their lord of the manor and patron, In remarkable agreement with this passage, David says in 1 Chronicles 29:15, "for we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as all our fathers; our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is no hope." You remember that by the Mosaic law, there was no absolute sale of land in Israel, but that every half century the whole returned to the descendants of the original occupiers. II. For instance, it might be used to describe the restless motion of a wild beast in a cage, raging from side to side, never still, and never getting any farther for all the racing backward and forward. 11 When thou with rebukes dost correct man for iniquity, thou makest his beauty to consume away like a moth: surely every man is vanity. The pebble you kick aside with your foot-how many generations will it outlast? It is an intensive frequentative form of the word-that is, it represents the action as being repeated over and over again. Alas! The other, out of the very same fact, draws blessedness and hope. These have been the commonplaces of poets and rhetoricians and moralists in all time. Then, things being so, life being thus in itself and apart from God so fleeting and so sad, and yet with a hope that brightens it like sunshine through an April shower-the Psalmist rises to prayer, in which that formerly expressed conviction of the brevity of life is reiterated, with the addition of two words which changes its whole aspect, ‘I am a stranger with Thee.’ He is God’s guest in his transient life. 10 Remove thy stroke away from me: I am consumed by the blow of thine hand. (4.) Psalm 39:12 - NIV. How awful that silent, unceasing footfall of receding days is when once we begin to watch it! 13 Look away from me, that I may enjoy life again. 3. Seed corn is found in a mummy case. He was a foreigner, not naturalised. ‘I opened not my mouth; because Thou didst it.’ The variety of human life and its transiency is not less plainly seen than before; but in the light of that hope it is regarded in relation to God’s paternal correction, and is seen to be the consequence, not of a defect in His creative wisdom or love, but of man’s sin. We shall have Him with us while we journey, and all our journeyings will lead to rest in Him. 1. The one may come from no higher point of view than the level of worldly experience; the other is a truth of faith. Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew Scripture. The trifles are so much more lasting than their owners. I am gliding onwards to my doom. There is an undesigned coincidence between the words attributed to David in the history in a different connection (1 Chronicles 29:15), and his words here in the psalm. ‘O life! The idea behind these words is that the earth is God’s, and we enter into it but briefly, as though we were mere immigrants with only a short time to dwell on the earth, before finally going on our way from here and being no longer on it, God being the only One Who has permanence here. (2.) What is all our bustle and business, when the sad light of that thought falls on it, but ‘labouring for the wind’? And, therefore, I greatly need and desire thy pity and help. 23:4 ) ( 35:27 ) ( (For the passionate appeal for a respite, comp. Rawlinson admitted that this rendition is the literal meaning but preferred the Prayer-book … So they may seem as they approach; but those who come hold the hands of those who go, and that troop has no rosy light upon their limbs, their garlands are faded, the sunshine falls not upon the grey and shrouded shapes, as they steal ghostlike through the gloom-and ever and ever the bright and laughing sisters pass on into that funereal band which grows and moves away from us unceasing. (Psalm 39:12) But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly; therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, because He hath prepared for them a city. And the one addition which is needed to incline the whole weight of that conviction to the better side, and to light up all its blackness, is that little phrase in this text, ‘I am a stranger with Thee, and a sojourner.’ There seems to be an allusion here to remarkable words connected with the singular Jewish institution of the Jubilee. David meditates on man's frailty. Na een weinig regen kunnen deze schitterende insecten gezien worden, zich bewegende in elke koelte, maar het droge weer en hun talloze vijanden bestemmen hen spoedig tot het algemene lot. It is susceptible of the most opposite applications, and may tend to impel conduct in exactly opposite directions. Or. Psalm 37 is an alphabet psalm. (78) The purport of the Psalmist’s discourse is, that God sees from heaven how miserable our condition would be, if he did not sustain us by his mercy. We have eaten of His salt, and He will answer for our safety.-’He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of Mine eye.’, ‘A stranger with Thee,’-then we have a constant Companion and an abiding Presence. If even here we come into such blessed relationships with God, that fact is in itself a prophecy of a more perfect communion and a heavenly house. Because life is fleeting, therefore, in part, it is so hollow and unsatisfying. (2.) When he calls himself a stranger and a sojourner, he again shows how miserable his condition was; and he adds expressly, before God, not only because men are absent from God so long as they dwell in this world, but in the same sense in which he formerly said, My days are before thee as nothing; that is to say, God, without standing in need of any one to inform him, knows well enough that men have only a short journey to perform in this world, the end of which is soon reached, or that they remain only a short time in it, as those who are lodged in a house for pay. at last, David's come to the end of himself.... he raises the white flag to God. Strangers we are indeed here-but not solitary, for we are ‘strangers with Thee.’ As in some ancestral home in which a family has lived for centuries-son after father has rested in its great chambers, and been safe behind its strong walls-so, age after age, they who love Him abide in God.-’Thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations.’, ‘Strangers with Thee,’-then we may carry our thoughts forward to the time when we shall go to our true home, nor wander any longer in a land that is not ours. regard his prayers, since he has so often expressed a concern for He wants to be able to make the best use of the time he has left. in the world, and to the men of it; being unknown to them, and ывал к милости Божьей именно потому, что был смертен. Psalms 39:12 "Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear to my cry; Do not be silent at my tears; For I am a stranger with Thee, A sojourner like all my fathers. Psalms 39:12 Context. This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. By our own inconsiderateness and sensuousness, we live in a lie, in a false dream of permanence, and so in a sadder sense we walk in ‘a vain show,’-deluding ourselves with the conceit of durability, and refusing to see that the apparent is the shadowy, and the one enduring reality God. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry -. Therefore it is said in the Psalms 56 Psalm, that God numbers the tears of believers, and in the (Isaiah 25) 25th of Isaiah, that he will wipe away all tears from our eyes." Inexorable, passionless-though hope and fear may pray, ‘Sun! 2 I said, “I will watch my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will keep a muzzle on my mouth.” 3 Mute and silent before the wicked, I refrain from good things. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Go into a museum and you will see hanging there, little the worse for centuries, battered shields, notched swords, and gaping helmets-aye, but what has become of the bright eyes that once flashed the light of battle through the bars, what has become of the strong hands that once gripped the hilts? The prayer is grounded by pointing to the impotence and helplessness of the Psalmist, who, not less than all his fathers, has nothing except what the Lord administers to him, is wholly dependant upon his compassion, and must perish if this is refused him. Hear my prayer, O L ord, and give ear to my cry; hold not your peace at my tears! Psalm 39:12. But the law itself assigns a purely religious purpose-the preservation of the distinct consciousness of the tenure on which the people held their territory, namely, obedience to and dependence on God. Our ceaseless prayer must be for pardoning mercy, till obtained. It is alien to us; though we be in it, our true affinities are elsewhere; though we be in it, our stay is brief, as that of ‘a wayfaring man that turns aside to tarry for a night.’. Can you fill your souls with anything which belongs to this fleeting life? The difficulties in our work for Christ. This Psalm can be used to plea for God’s wisdom and also ask for forgiveness. Hear my prayer, O LORD ! The night cometh.’ The other accompanying beliefs determine whether it shall be a blight or a blessing to a man. what wait I for? Shadow is opposed to substance, to that which is real, as well as to that which is enduring. 2. 4. 2nd, The views of man's vanity bid him look for a more enduring portion in God. (1-6) He applies for pardon and deliverance. In thy sight or judgment, and therefore truly. Cross references: We are deceived by illusions. Psalms 39:12. Now if a man can scarcely be silent at a person's tears, how much less the Lord God! It thus comes to be parallel with the stronger words which follow,- ‘Surely they are disquieted in vain’; and one reason why all this effort and agitation are purposeless and sad, is because the man who is straining his nerves and wearying his legs is but a shadow in regard to duration-’He heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them.’. So when a man looks back upon his life, if it have been a godless one, be sure of this, that he will have a dark and cheerless retrospect over a tossing waste, with a white rim of wandering barren foam vexed by tempest, and then, if not before, he will sadly learn how he has been living amidst shadows, and, with a nature that needs God, has wasted himself upon the world. 2. ‘In our embers is something that doth live.’ If we had said all, when we say ‘We are as a shadow,’ it would matter very little, though even then it would matter something, how we spent our shadowy days; but if these poor brief hours are spent ‘in the great Taskmaster’s eye,’-if the shadow cast on earth proclaims a light in the heavens-if from this point there hangs an unending chain of conscious being-Oh! He was a stranger, a visitor for a brief time to an alien land; he was a sojourner, having no rights of inheritance, but settled among them for a while, and though dwelling among them, not adopted into their community. Ver. Hear my prayer, O Lord ... hold not thy peace at my tears - the petition. As humans it is very easy to fall into sin, this Psalm can be used when one is in an emotional state of mind and struggling to get God’s salvation. He is with us still. Hebrews 11:13.) All saw themselves as just ‘passing through’. I dwell with you as a foreigner, a stranger, as all my ancestors were. I will keep my mouth with a bridle from every murmuring expression under my trials, while the wicked is before me; who would take pleasure in seeing him provoked to speak unadvisedly with his lips. And that this progress and variety in the thought is the key to the whole psalm is, I think, obvious to any one who will examine it with care. Hold not Thy peace at my tears. Nothing is more difficult to restrain than the tongue; and he is a perfect man who can always govern it. Mental indolence, a secret dislike of the thought, and the impostures of sense, all conspire to make us blind to, or at least oblivious of, the plain fact which every beat of our pulses might preach, and the slow creeping hands of every parish clock confirm. may be had to the land of Canaan, in which David dwelt, and which The psalmist, like the Apostle, applies Abraham’s words metaphorically to this earthly pilgrim age (comp. Several have pointed out that the true meaning here is 'muzzle,' not 'bridle.' And so, dear brethren! Psalm 39:12 Translation & Meaning. PSALM 39 * The Vanity of Life. (Heb. The ground on which it rests follows. On the expression: at my tears be not silent, John Arnd: "This is the effect of tears, when one sees or hears any one weeping sadly, one cannot well remain silent, as the Lord Jesus said to the woman at Nain: weep not, and to Mary Magdalene: woman, why weepest thou? Important economical and social purposes were contemplated in this arrangement, as well as the preservation of the relative position of the tribes as settled at the Conquest. True, men walk in a vain show; true, ‘the world passeth away and the lust thereof,’ but, blessed be God! Let me point, in the second place, to the gloomy, aimless hollowness which that thought, apart from God, infuses into life. We are apt to flatter ourselves that we are settled inhabitants, and can hardly believe we are but strangers on earth, but thou knowest the truth of the matter, that we really are such. We may feel amid all the visible things of earth as if foreigners. behaving as a stranger among them; all which was known to God, I am a stranger with Thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. ‘The knights are dust,’ and ‘their good swords are’ not ‘rust.’ The material lasts after its owner.
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