*Donations of RM50 and above are tax exempt under Section 44 (6) of the Income Tax Act 1967. Today, more than 24 million people—including 12.3 million children—need humanitarian assistance and protection. But you can help. School closures and the worsening economic situation due to COVID-19 restrictions have increased the vulnerability of children and women to exploitation, violence and abuse, including child labour, domestic and gender-based violence and child marriage. Peacemaker is working for a unified Korea. Building on gains made in previous years, UNICEF will continue to pursue a balanced approach between providing immediate life-saving interventions and investing in systems strengthening. More than five years since the conflict began, Yemen remains the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, with 24.3 million people – 80 per cent of the total population – in need of humanitarian assistance. The COVID-19 response involves protecting children and their families from exposure to the virus, minimizing mortality and supporting the continuity of essential services. Over 70 per cent of funding requirements are for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health and nutrition. Three years of intense civil war have pushed chronically underdeveloped, overlooked Yemen to the brink of collapse. We thank you for choosing to donate to UNICEF. Donate and keep a child safe. But so much more needs to be done. Restrictions on fuel and food imports have forced millions of Yemenis to rely on humanitarian food assistance. 289,402 children admitted for treatment for severe acute malnutrition, 5.5 million children vaccinated against polio, 6.1 million women and children accessing gender-based violence risk mitigation/prevention/response, 8 million people participating in engagement actions. The protracted situation risks bringing Yemen to the brink of famine; at least 325,000 children are severely malnourished and 2 million are moderately malnourished. After that, donations will go to our Children’s Emergency Fund, to save and protect children in emergencies around the world, including Covid-19 and other emergencies where funds are most needed. Box 725. Donate by phone. Please donate today and help us protect children in Yemen. Postal address: UNICEF. Humanitarian access in Yemen remains constrained due to the escalation of the armed conflict and increasing bureaucratic impediments that are hampering the work of UNICEF and partners across the country. provides conflict- and disaster-affected children with access to water, sanitation, nutrition, Over 70 per cent of funding requirements are for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health and nutrition. Yemen is a perfect storm of humanitarian, protection and economic crises, with each fuelling the other. Republic of Yemen. The COVID-19 pandemic has further strained the fragile health system and exacerbated the underlying protection and gender-related vulnerabilities of children, adolescents and women. UNICEF will build the resilience of affected children through life-skills education and psychosocial support in community spaces, schools and hospitals; mitigate the risk of injuries from exposure to landmines and explosive remnants of war through targeted campaigns; and provide services to children with acute protection needs, including children released from armed forces and groups. By 31 August 2020, Yemen had confirmed nearly 2,000 cases of COVID-19, including over 1,100 recoveries and nearly 570 deaths. The following error occurred while trying to process your gift. But we urgently need your help. Humanitarian Action is at the core of UNICEF’s mandate to realize the rights of every child. Our teams are working tirelessly to provide Yemen’s children with critical service and supplies. Freepost, UNICEF Ireland, 33 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin D01 R283. As you have indicated that you are under 18, we would like to talk about the best way that you can make your donation. Your gift will help children every single day by investing in their health, safety … But this represents just 5 per cent of the COVID-19 supplies UNICEF requires. Since the start of the crisis, we have helped to reach more than 4 million children with over 3,000 tonnes of life-saving supplies, including life-saving … Shawqi, 1, with his mother at the maternal and childhood centre in Zingibar, Abyan. 2020 will be remembered not only for COVID-19. Nearly every single child in Yemen needs emergency assistance – that’s more than 12.2 million children. The economy is in ruins. If you choose to give monthly, you will be joining an exclusive group of donors who receive regular videos, emails and reports about the impact of UNICEF’s work. You can also give simply by sending a text, and your donation will appear on your phone bill. When you make a gift to UNICEF Canada, you’ll join us in our mission to fight for the survival and development of all children. Acute malnutrition threatens half of children under five in Yemen in 2021: UN, The pandemic has deepened acute food insecurity in countries already under intense strain, leaving millions of children at risk of famine, Window to prevent famine in Yemen is narrowing, UN agencies warn. Everyone has a role to play, and we cannot afford to wait. The Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting will engage with parties to the conflict to establish concrete measures to prevent and halt grave child rights violations. Tel: +967 1 211 400/1/2/3. Your donation will go to reach Yemen’s vulnerable children and families. UNICEF leads the nutrition and WASH clusters and co-leads the education cluster and the child protection sub-cluster, providing dedicated full-time support to coordination and information management. Every dollar makes a big difference to a child in need, and monthly donations are a powerful way to have a year-round impact. UNICEF will continue to improve access to and enrolment in safe learning environments through the rehabilitation of damaged schools and the establishment of temporary safe learning spaces and safe COVID-19 school protocols. — but as a year in which we failed the children of Yemen once again. Please donate. Since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Yemen on 10th April, donations from supporters have enabled UNICEF to provide over 33,000 N95 respirators, 33,000 face shields, and 18,000 gowns to the country. The conflict has left 3.6 million people, including 2 million children, internally displaced, and 422,000 people are now migrants and asylum seekers. UNICEF is working day in and day out to supply nutrition, healthcare, COVID-19 response support and other vital services to children. We are leading the response to Nutrition and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Donate to the LOVE MYSELF campaign. UNICEF is Fighting to Save Children’s Lives. After nearly six years of conflict, Yemen has become the world's largest humanitarian crisis. Thousands of children die every day from diseases that are easy to prevent. But we can’t do it without you. Social services are barely functional. education, health and protection services. Nutrition needs are continuing to rise in the south, and lack of funding for WASH is undermining the WASH response. These conditions are heightening the risk of cholera, malnutrition and other WASH-related diseases, including COVID-19. But the crisis is worsening. Every day, UNICEF workers brave war zones, treacherous terrain, disasters and disease to make the world safe for kids. More than 325,000 children under 5 years are suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM), and more than 20.5 million people urgently need WASH services. This edition of Humanitarian Action for Children – UNICEF’s annual humanitarian fundraising appeal – describes the ongoing crises affecting children in Yemen; the strategies that we are using to respond to these situations; and the donor support that is essential in this response. Immunization coverage has stagnated at the national level, with 37 per cent of children under 1 year missing routine vaccinations. The world needs to get water smart. Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or pledge a monthly gift, we promise that the donation you make to Unicef today will be used to help keep a child safe. Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about UNICEF on our FAQ page.. For more specific questions and contact details, check out the websites of these UNICEF offices: You can send your donation by post to. Donate; Make A Donation Click Here > Mission Yearbook. Donate by post UNICEF will provide immediate life-saving assistance; sustain existing WASH services to mitigate exposure to disease in high-risk communities and avert further deterioration of humanitarian needs; and support public institutions to reduce risks of COVID-19 and support health actors to reduce secondary contamination in health facilities. Become a Monthly Donor; Donate Now; Buy a Survival Gift; Shop the UNICEF Market; Leave a Legacy Gift; Give a Gift in Honour; Give a Gift in Memory; Gifts of Securities; Support UNICEF. This balancing of humanitarian and development programming will require a nuanced approach in different parts of the country at different paces, and dedicated donor support. We will be available from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Make a donation online . UNICEF’s humanitarian strategy has a dual focus on direct life-saving assistance and system strengthening, in line with efforts to strengthen the linkages between humanitarian action and development programming. In Yemen, a civil war along with aerial attacks by the Saudi-led coalition have caused another sweeping hunger crisis. This kickstarted Nyanti’s humanitarian career, which also saw her leading the Ebola response for UNICEF in Nigeria and serving as the UNICEF representative in Gambia during a time of political upheaval. UNICEF is one of the only international agencies on the ground in Yemen and our teams are working hard to save the lives of children. Other Ways to Donate. How will my donation help children? They need your help today. With public services collapsing, UNICEF will continue to provide life-saving health and nutrition interventions through community-based activities for affected populations, including internally displaced persons, while sustaining and strengthening access to a set of high-impact preventive and curative services at the community and facility levels. Our teams are in Yemen right now, making sure children have good food, healthcare and can keep learning and stay safe from violence. Amidst an already constrained funding landscape, UNICEF requires US$576.9 million to respond to the humanitarian situation in Yemen in 2021. The fighting continues in 45 active front-lines that are home to nearly 1.2 million children. UNICEF is on the ground across Yemen to save children’s lives, to help them cope with the impact of conflict, and to help them to recover and resume their childhoods. Freepost, UNICEF Ireland, 33 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin D01 R283. You can help us reach more children affected by the conflict. ... according to UNICEF. In 2020, fighting erupted along new front-lines, bringing the number of active front-lines to 43. Unfortunately we can’t take CAF donations online, but you can donate to Unicef at the CAF website. Unicef is on the ground working around the clock to protect children in Yemen. What you’re about to do could change a child’s life forever. P.O. You can be a hero to children in need! Donate to help children CHILDREN FACING THE CORONAVIRUS NEED YOUR HELP Vulnerable children and families will receive integrated social protection services, including humanitarian cash transfers, in line with the Grand Bargain commitments. UNICEF … The Middle East’s most impoverished country has been devastated by a deadlocked civil war, and innocent children are paying the highest price. UNICEF WASH interventions will include the provision of durable, cost-effective solutions that strengthen the resilience of local institutions and communities. Eighty percent of Yemen's population — 24 million people — are living in poverty and deprivation, with more than 12 million children in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Shawqi is making a strong recovery after receiving care at the UNICEF-supported health facility. Hostilities are most intense in Marib governorate. UNICEF is on the ground across Yemen to save children’s lives, to help them cope with the impact of conflict, and to help them to recover and resume their childhoods. To donate by phone, call our Supporter Care Team on 0300 330 5580. For the first six months, monthly donations to this appeal will go towards funding Unicef’s work to support children affected by Covid-19. For nearly six years, children in Yemen have lived through a horrific war. Notwithstanding these challenges, UNICEF will continue to provide life-saving programmes for children in some of the hardest-to-reach districts with its robust field presence and network of five field offices.
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