One of the most curious aspects of Avengers: Infinity War was that Groot was able to lift Thor's Stormbreaker ax, even though it was believed that characters need to be worthy in order to wield such a weapon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 1 History 1.1 Origin 2 Properties 3 Alternate Reality Versions 4 See Also 4.1 Footnotes Stormbreaker came into creation following the fight between Thor and Beta Ray Bill at Skartheim. After the battle, Bill began to feel guilt over his victory, now feeling that Mjolnir was Thor's by right. Firstly, Thor does not need Stormbreaker, lets get that out of the way right now. Thor Odinson is the Asgardian God of Thunder, the former king of Asgard and New Asgard, and a founding member of the Avengers. Everything We Know About Thor's Famous Weapon. Mjolnir is a ferocious weapon and an essential part of the God of Thunder’s identity, but Thor's lost the hammer multiple times– and not just to Hela. Why Thor Changed So Much In Avengers: Endgame, According To The Writers ... they need to assemble the surviving heroes. Here is why Thanos was unable to stop Thor’s Stormbreaker assault As it turns out, it was not just Thor's strength that almost took down Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. So Cap called a "Thor-worthy" weapon and happened to get Stormbreaker (which was in the direction Thor just threw it) and Thor did the same in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, Odin doesn't provide us with a … He lost his hammer in Thor Ragnarok, but the thunder god's latest weapon in Avengers: Infinity War -- Stormbreaker -- can trace its origins to some classic comics -- and a beloved character. When his irresponsible and impetuous behavior reignited a conflict between Asgard and Jotunheim, Thor was denied the right to become king, stripped of his power, and banished to Earth by Odin. You'll also notice in the scene as soon as he calls Stormbreaker, once it's in his hand, he does a double take (and so does Thor). Endgame completely undoes the good work that Waititi did with Thor in ... Everything you need to know. After all, no weapon in existence should be able to stop the combined power of the Infinity Stones, no matter how powerful the wielder is. Thor does not NEED Stormbreaker in the movies. The criteria for wielding Mjolnir and Stormbreaker aren't clear. Both are visibly confused at what just happened. ... And he very nearly did it. How Did Hela Destroy Mjolnir? He gets some action scenes and kicks some arse with Stormbreaker but not much more than that. At the beginning of Thor (2011) Odin places this enchantment on Mjolnir: Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.
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