Not to be judgmental or anything, but I think that's spot on. Mary Sue, I HATE when they Boruto look weak or dumb because of her, he can fight an Otsutsuki but when a rock is falling on him he suddenly can’t move. I'm not saying it's not gonna get better in season 2, but by the end of season 1 in A:TLA, the three members of Team Avatar were lovable and developed to some extent. She's unlikable because she, like most girls brought up in today's "I'm special/feminine infallibility" culture, has no concept of the qualities of heroism. Korra never really seems to grow, always aggressive, always contradictory and at times kind of mean while Aang clearly becomes a stronger, more … Once she loses her bending, the very thing she prided herself on, she is left feeling defeated. And I Hate Pokemon Fans kind of! Korra represents what is wrong with our societal norms today. But all that goes by the wayside by the end of the 1st season till the end of show. 2. … Later, Korra realizes that her responsibility as the Avatar comes from who she is and what she fights for rather than her bending prowess. It makes things regress. Eventually, Korra's role as Avatar defined her entire being. But Korra was given space to be herself, to show her flaws and grow as a person. Despite her good intentions, Korra didn't think her decision through and unintentionally caused a lot of suffering as the world entered in a new era. Let us know here, do you get annoyed at Korra, do you adore Aang and do you agree with my theory of the teenage treatment? Failure to Examine its Central Conflict in a Meaningful Way. When this happens she becomes  funny, endearing and adorable and she does everything she is told, she makes  decisions that may be tough but are also necessary which is impressive for a four year old. However, there are a few reasons why … Much of Korra's character arc in this season centers around her trying to learn airbending, an element deeply rooted in spiritualism, which she struggles with. The avatar is supposed to be a badass but in LOK Korra has in every season won with either pure luck, help from someone else, … Why Korra Had To Lose Her Avatar Connection. In the first show, the audience learned about bending at roughly the same time t… When Toph joined in Season 2, she got developed well and fast. RELATED: Avatar Theory: Why the Legend of Korra's Zaheer Could Fly and Other Airbenders Couldn't. Why is it that we loved Aang  and find Korra so annoying? And Korra agreed with Zaheer to an extent, her experiences up to that point leading her to believe that her existence did more harm than good. Even before she grows out of her immaturity, Korra is a devoted, hardworking and loyal person, albeit one who holds her role as Avatar too close. dogs will always bark then why to give shit about it and start barking along with dogs. Korra is only able to unlock airbending when she chooses to fight for someone other than herself. I know so many people who say oh well those aren't real fans. Korra made her mistakes by not seeing how dangerous people could be because her own early life was so much more safe and secure. Good Cartoons have Gone Sour. So that’s why for this post I will explain these five facts in further detail to why I came to this conclusion about Nickelodeon. We all know at least one person who has explained in grandiose, often drunken detail why Radiohead is the greatest band ever. Korra makes plenty of dumb mistakes early on, but she matures and grows into a more intelligent and humble person. Mako: its especially annoying when he goes missing. Rey and Korra are some of the most commonly cited characters when it comes to this. She makes decisions with good intentions, but learns that even the best of intentions can have consequences. 4. The last trick: let your character learn from her mistakes. Iroh is arguably the best character across both series of Avatar and … This plays into her arrogance as she grows eager to take down bad guys and establish a reputation for herself in Republic City. Season 1 ending was complete bullshit and season 4, while good, didn't meet expectations. With so many new elements  being introduced(does Lin Beifong have a sister?) Korra is out on Netflix so no better time to re-explore the biggest misstep in the Avatar franchise. Korra: Wow, Wu is annoying. Knows shit about Uchiha, don’t blame this only on Sasuke and Sakura she could ask you know. I love talking about anything and everything(except country music, I hate country music). They’re even reusing the Dai Li plot of spiriting away citizens from season 2 of Last Airbender. "Kid A was one of the greatest creative experiments in history" and blah, blah, blah. Animation, that stupid love triangle, Korra herself being annoying. Taking her love of storytelling, she is now studying screenwriting for film and television. It's annoying when fans can't admit when their band flops, as if to admit such a thing would disregard their massive influence on rock music. She is at the height of teen angst, of relationships and various other issues that teens have. What’s funny is Aang isn’t immune to this treatment either, the comics which bridge the gap between season three of The Last Airbender and The Legend Of Korra show an older Aang who is learning to deal with the changes in the world. Watching Korra and the team go Skywalker and Dak against the AT-AT of Kuvira’s Colossus was so great. In the end it seems like the writers of the Avatar series can handle  a lot of archetypes except for maybe teenagers, there are exceptions of course, Zuko, Sokka and Wan spring to mind but at the end of the day if you’re looking for an answer to that nagging feeling which makes you feel like Korra is acting a bit annoying look no further. It's all about her opinions and she doesn't believe anything I say or it just doesn't come to her. Avatar: Could the Gaang Beat the White Lotus? In this season, she grapples with the consequences to her actions. I watch ATLA at least once a year but with LOK and the avatar movie I completely forget its existence … Entire cultures were createdaround different styles of bending. and so many returning elements(Oh my God is that Zuko!?) And I Hate Pokemon Fans kind of! In this comic Aang seems to get the same treatment as Korra, the teenage treatment I call it. 4. The Legend of Korra season 2 is one of the most polarizing parts of the entire Avatar mythos, due largely to the tragic moment when Korra loses her connection to her past Avatar lives. KEEP READING: Avatar: Could the Gaang Beat the White Lotus? Aang was cheerful, passive and adventurous, excelling in the spiritual aspects of his role. So here you go, the fulcrum in the scales (and in no particular order): Ten Reasons Why I Dislike Korea. My views are my own and I would love to discuss them with you. While many have come to terms with Korra's character by now, during the Legend of Korra's first season, she was pretty widely disliked for being whiny and obnoxious. BORING! And I hate when there's a sun and blue sky. Then there is Aang’s few appearances in The Legend Of Korra where he is around the age of forty, he’s wise, he’s thoughtful and he’s now got that fatherly aura which makes him the ultimate hero. Knows shit about Uchiha, don’t blame this only on Sasuke and Sakura she could ask you know. The first show was praised for its epic, sweeping story that spanned all three seasons, wrapping up nearly every plot and character arc beautifully and satisfyingly by the finale. Mako, gazing at Wu from afar with heart eyes: yeah, hes really annoying when he has his hair all fluffy, ya know, like that. 5. 2. While I like Korra better than Aang, man, that second season of Korra was so fucking awful. Her development has a lot more bumps in the road than Aang's, but comparing her character from book 1 to book 4, it becomes clear that she is not the same impatient, hot-headed Avatar as she used to be. It's why I love the last season so much. Korra was weak, she broke the Avatar state and she constantly turned against people she had known her whole life for someone she just met, her character never had any growth. Bending, the control of classical elements through martial arts, is a cornerstone of the Avatar world. if the last airbender actually feels like a trilogy in the case of the legend of korra the only two seasons that are properly linked with each other are book 3 and book 4, book 1 and book 2 have almost zero connections and are basically independent stories. In many ways, she's presented as Aang's opposite, starting off her series as impatient, brash and hot-headed, excelling in the physical aspects of being the Avatar. The fundamental conflict of The Legend … Korra's "annoying" traits help her to stand apart and make her a welcome departure from typical BIWOC heroines. Changes like these are an important part of why Korra’s most outspoken fans, many of whom are women and members of the LGBTQ+ community, relate to the show so strongly. Superman enthusiast, pop culture fan and film journalist. This is why Korra feels like she's trapped in the big city. she's not only got problem with Indian's but i also think she got problem with other country race as well. No Varrick and Zhu Li, no Mako or Bolin, it’s all Korra and Asami. It’s pretty simple actually, it all has to do with the age of our lead. That Korra Is a Terrible Avatar. What makes Korra so great are her flaws. Janet Varney wasn’t the issue, in fact she was totally fantastic especially in the emotional moments. I was so bored of the show that I didn’t bother watching the last 2 episodes. It makes things regress. And, unlike her predecessor, she loved being the Avatar, though eventually learned the burden that comes with the title. While often dismissed as annoying, the Avatar Korra's boisterous personality in The Legend of Korra is a welcome break from the classic token heroine. RELATED: Avatar: Iroh's Reputation With Fans Vs. In-Universe COULDN'T Be Any More Different. But they also set her up to eventually become something more. Korra at the end of the first season has a genuine and spiritual moment which deeply moves her and seems to give her a huge moment of growth. I would like to put this question to every fan out there, why do so many fans find Korra annoying? Cities are built by Earthbenders. Is it really annoying or does your brain do this thing where it forgets how you sound like? This funnily enough doesn’t detract from the excellence that is the Avatar series, if anything it gives us a huge and varied cast of characters to talk about. My first instinct is a Hard yes. Korra's severance from her past lives was sad but inevitable and necessary, due to the lore of the Avatar world, the show's themes, and Buddhism. I'm glad to see ladies considering traits beyond just the physical, including things like kindness, loyalty, playfulness, and sense of humor...all categories that I would say Bolin wins at. It annoys me so much because Korra started out with so much potential with the main protagonist, antogonist, music and art direction. People just not being able to accept difference and putting their nostalgia aside. And fans are gifted with a great arc because of that. Why is it that we loved Aang and find Korra so annoying? I find it so annoying when people keep getting away with their self-centered behaviour. However, in season 3, there's growth. She kicked his desk through a wall. Mako: and when he calls me his big tough guy. While both characters had great development, Korra's gradually touched on each of her flaws throughout all 4 seasons. The season one plot can be summed up in one sentence: Mako dates Asami, is kind of a terrible person, and ends up with Korra (the audience is supposed to forget that both Korra … Why:Because I think he is so cute X3 and I love Mako.He is a great and cool character to me the 2nd best character to me after Korra :) posted over a year ago Still bolin is hotter RELATED: Avatar: The Kyoshi Novels Explain Why Zuko Was So Bald in Season 1. Korra goes against every good idea she is given and this usually causes a lot of problems for her and her allies. If you look at him as just an annoying child then his scenes seem very funny. Despite these revelations, in Book 2 Korra is still stubborn in her mentality and abuses her power, like when she activates the Avatar state to win a race. It's so annoying, I want to act but I'm afraid people will tell me my voice is annoying. Mary Sue, I HATE when they Boruto look weak or dumb because of her, he can fight an Otsutsuki but when a rock is falling on him he suddenly can’t move.
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