Workplace Violence. Includes a workplace violence prevention course for nurses (Dec. 2016) FEDERAL: World Health Organization Case studies by country, research instruments and working papers on workplace violence in health sector. Workplace Violence Prevention Toolkit for Home Care. Crises have impacts – for good and bad. Prepare the workplace harassment and workplace violence policies. – Domestic Violence Workplace Survey Results. ��&��rMOE2t���W��62gu� uKop�5�Ep�W�l����d pv"c�����bO�T���Pg+@�pZM�e���J9 ,��Ѐ�(Z-�cଝk��N��C�뀣���4g��8!wpvZ�������hs��t�� pl���#�@I���@!�h%+�1�a�q�� �X2,���Y�I�P�%�[ While research commissioned by The Vodafone Foundation, Domestic Violence and Abuse: Working together to transform responses in the workplace, showed that employers overwhelmingly recognise their duty of care. ׌I�bj�f�O8���]����VC>h7��|���:[����0!��ګ��^O�p8��\�@'�P=i��1㨒]��%�*�׳����V�{�2�W���c\�*'�K��/5تn��jߋ����R�F�V��I���B�x=%4��̱�g��x�\d�=�*���k��Oy�sR��4g����:v���i|���D*���J��)%�r@�(�'��ny{R��_?i�i$K~�_��$/� �>��>c���.�*;���;�����v�rqh�-��ZpP���=4��36_Cd$3����2����اK��X��(v�ê�W�Ib�'aGg;눬��wBu��{�#~$�����6n� v��qյ�*L[�dO�ZcIWW��}gт��.���d+�j��*g媮���5��F��Q\b���>�t������m�M���Z�2�w���6F���~ߘze�NcFȘ~���*��L�=-%�É���۴"�c��+�d Our next several blogs will expand on the key elements in the toolkit. One Workplace Violence Toolkit Binder with 18 individual sections that include relevant materials for the implementation of a Workplace Violence Prevention Program. Preparedness and Resiliency are key brand attributes for every company. Workplace Violence Toolkit. Toolkit for workplace violence Resources for hospital leaders. 1. 4фr�b�Z�b�u]�[YW=���C��,��ԟ��X�8 &��&�n����?~=��/�E��2��6iٵ|�.�Ue�p���b��Ԍ�r�l��r��SO�-�ۭW�٣���s[� G�į,8��ȧ�'��p��Ey[��Ey�Dy۩g�0�m1�y�d�6��\.��X�16y�d�o�b| wJ_t�E����/��w��㡶���1��|��vJ�]�\��5��K��lm�����j�. Presented by: Cynthia Rogers, Bargaining Unit President, Regional Municipality of Durham, Local 51. �L�椟ETs�zTsNj�̽W3D5��������UEuy�WDU�^�(���PTW�Ԟ�Q͔z%���r%)S�حʪq��`5ARQڗ/�O/)���X5稟�#r�SY7��d�R�rTA�,�\�|a���|vO��^_��u�t����0��귵O���7�7:��o'�+ Download Now . Leadership is involved and engaged personally. ͘(t0U�N�I�� v�%@��#P8\i�1i9��H#̕Jj�,���1�55>ܰ`8j�U*DI� Statistics on Workplace Violence in Canada These sources provide a quantitative snapshot of violence and safety in the health care workforce in Canada. Section content is presented in an actionable layout, ready for immediate implementation. October 16, 2018. �9��(5F��$��3��?�[6��0_%��EN���م�L7�Bt������يѥE�R]�\�I){�����2�0�E��m]������}h���ǾIh�c�d�o-f�_�56��%M��Ϝ�65]�I���޷�뽤��n�܊�+Yfe��ȭ���({�EoU����Z��z��d�G�z��k(�j!��,��Z� Posted by Firestorm Team on Wednesday, 07 November 2018, Posted by Firestorm Team on Tuesday, 30 October 2018, Posted by Firestorm Team on Sunday, 28 October 2018, Posted by Firestorm Team on Monday, 22 October 2018, Posted by Firestorm Team on Sunday, 21 October 2018, Posted by Firestorm Team on Wednesday, 17 October 2018, Posted by Firestorm Team on Wednesday, 12 December 2018, Posted by Firestorm Team on Tuesday, 06 November 2018, Posted by Firestorm Team on Wednesday, 31 October 2018. AHA RESOURCE: AONL Workplace Violence Prevention Links to HAV, HAVhope and toolkit. Firestorm brings expertise in the development and implementation of Workplace Violence Prevention Programs, incorporating prevention, identification and response to emerging situations. Decisions must be made quickly with limited and often incorrect information. ASHNHA Quality Webinar. Campaign Toolkit (Arabic version): Stop gender-based violence at work - support … Customization of these tools, via the software provided, to synchronize with existing plans and procedures, is suggested to improve overall effectiveness of your company’s current Workplace Violence Prevention Program. The AS360 Workplace Violence Workshops and Toolkits will provide you with an effective framework for establishing and maintaining your workplace violence program. Workplace Violence Tool Kit. Resources for learning about and navigating workplace violence. Access to up to two (2) pre-recorded webinars on topics related to the design or implementation of a Workplace Violence Prevention Program. W���af/����M;��X�#`\ 8����� �0�K Don’t wait. Crises are personal. This toolkit describes the multifaceted factors that contribute to “aggressive behavior” and the best practices of an aggressive behavior response program. Workplace Violence Toolkit for Hospitals. Workplace Violence Prevention . 2 E. Patient: Any individual who is present at ABC hospital for the purpose of receiving healthcare services. �)g(ɹQs+f�\+�=Ô%�d�AJqF�e��좌���F��-e��(�(�Q����(Ù��2�Ґ��ܘw�M��k����/�Tʟ^>��el�߿|�[Z��/�~��~{��o�������������?���/'wM��������R7i5(M�I� �.�d�p Workplace violence is escalating in almost every facet of American work life. What should the employer do? PERFORM® process emphasized throughout the ToolKit, your company will have the opportunity to develop a culture of preparedness within its own organization. Toolkit for Home Care. Introduction Alaska’s hospitals have experienced a significant increase in workplace violence. Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada. iv. 2016 Lost-Time Claims in Canada. It is your career. Your company’s reputation, brand, legacy, and profitability hang in the balance in a crisis. Control of events and message are lost. A suggested framework and strategies to aid program implementation, evaluation and sustainability are also offered. A workplace may be any location either permanent or temporary where an employee performs any work-related duty. Crises have a short duration, but have consequences that can determine the viability of a business or organization for years to come. open . This toolkit builds on the findings of that report and its recommendations. Editable source files (Microsoft Office 2010 format) for sections 1-18 of the ToolKit. HSE and local authorities have worked in partnership to develop this toolkit to help you reduce the risk of work-related violence in your licensed or retail premises. Firestorm’s Workplace Violence Toolkit package includes an enterprise license for your company’s corporate headquarters. X%�D���#n������Ị^-� Our Senior Team is ready to help your senior team. Firestorm Solutions, LLC. G. Visitors: All family, friends, clergy and vendors. 719 0 obj <>stream Incorporating this information into your organization’s business continuity program, creating a separate Workplace Violence Prevention Program, or including the Workplace Violence Prevention Program in an employee handbook are some options available for consideration. and compensation for time away fro Measuring operational losses and gains when developing a business case for WPV programs will be described further in Section 4 of this Toolkit. View the complete archive and download a brief today. Listen. The license includes: Click here for more information about ToolKit sections 1-18. 7) Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment, 9) Incident Reporting, Investigation, & Corrective Actions, – DHS Active Shooter Booklet Masks: Breaking the Chain of Infection in the Police Services Workplace Free Online Resource View Details. … Access to up to two (2) pre-recorded webinars on topics related to the design or implementation of a Workplace Violence Prevention Program. The maintenance fee grants the ability to visit the Firestorm portal and download any updates or new documents that have been added to the Toolkit after its initial purchase. ;P�G���{/t���㨫��^LĂ8���B�Gp�@������Ob����QI�;��H�,�(1HLĔ�3U�G/�,�:�9���'�����G��Е�Е�Е�����t�u����ȃ�����+=��`5xeo�J/���Փ���q�qo�J�AWI���G�~��ܫz����@�3�o������*#xr]�a�9�焫k�Ͻj�N�������p�Unl�ð���+�o�Ã8^� J�����%�eΐ���A$W��u�Z�P���e�$�C*y��Mcv�n{d�t��v�ϗ�̭�K̜~ǜ~/��5��w�����m,kܣ�5m��{��`w��Q�a�O��-��#��҃�su�-��Fs,zJ���pؕ�Na�@W�]ˊ�Ҟ7/�̖�f{X檲"x��>�p������H�Zr@�$7L9����ѣ~QGBY�P�_�i$|{،};����Ȏ An Introduction to PSHSA’s Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Tool: Recognizing Hazards and Planning for Prevention. Stick with us. Internal action to ensure the law has a positive impact on workplace violence. STOP Gender-Based Violence at Work - Campaign Toolkit in English. Research and Development Teams List of members that participated in the Research and Development of the resources. There may be other controls that are more suitable to your workplace's circumstances and to controlling the risks of workplace violence that you identify. An overview of the WPV program plan and activities that is, what, how, and when Every crisis is a human crisis. '*�_�|����/�aQ\���L�瓻�˛���P~�ή��_L�T�0zW�y�� �ȫ�_�ɕͼ���L����bj��vr9����x�W�0����1��0�}=�]�ߩ3���z�w�w_.� It is your brand. �( ����D_��o�� -�5D�� ��ծ]ö�#�>��>�z��}6����j��u�Cc�>O���A�G��[4���~zT��9��qmC]���o�fY�z�,�:~�mhpG�&� uE/�CnC����� �L�n=����{C�Bݔ2��oѰ#�+��m7�;t�m�� ,�,�sY�#tX�n�����T:ޢaGxW��M!q��²p�z�z���Ja)f6J:/ԯ�M;�!���&� Use this toolkit to help understand the issues, and acknowledge every employer’s responsibility to address domestic abuse. The sections of the ToolKit make up a comprehensive, actionable Workplace Violence Prevention Program that your company can adapt to its size and type. Click here to request more information, or to purchase Firestorm’s Workplace Violence ToolKit for your company. Workplace Violence Toolkit - Section 2 Section 2 - 6 Direct and indirect costs related to employee injuries can be calculated more easily than the impact of WPV on operations. Workplace Violence Toolkit – Section 4 Section 4- 4 iii. We put together the right team for you. Public scrutiny intensifies. Staff report feeling unsafe in the workplace. eA,�e�����B\��S��D= !�B2�t%0AW�f�i+BL,�b����İc%�*R��*r��*6>�b��Tż��4�����Qt`z�ٓ!��=a?�u}�:}����da�6����=��\���^�T�X'�1 !C�eJ�����/�� ��T{ ��-��#ZB�oK�(��`���%���C�{ ��D� #�=r�'��e��>���J�Q��`7�n����� #��e�a�ð���a��� = rP�,+��k�2:C�X�������#�7L�l�60�m�=Ǽ߈?~{���������smp�e�tX��\q*loe�G�>}�)�C�w�q+~��k<8 �f &7�q|�"%,P��V9#�� r � �kE ���AvX'0\�����q�'�'̧�/I�g��eL?fD� ��[ǃszk{м H U�"�� E (��Q4r���� @E�<1�-U�"��њ4T��G�F�0��� �첆0Y�}��@� ������jh���hB����ʞ�˰Q6w��F�������w̏����6�#Q BHZ�� B(��Y;cmO�h6� ����qK�$$ �; Hh� HٞD�'�Pj��w�h�D#�Z����ڶƔ㋇}!6 ��O ؞T�N��@` ����w?�!������ (�=�� ��Au�&�Au�cx��=�gx�Q�xX�aA-8V��*=F�{��xjb�d���((5n{�b��#� W��ǃA��z�~ X��H�7/� Workplace Violence Toolkit – Tool 4b 4b. �o�Hq֜����2K��A�>irOZ٤���R�\�`]�_mˣ{o(�ɷV���~su5W��Ω#�����ޗ�� rQ�,�#šȁ*gա�=�&����W�ւ8��b�,$��^ᨓ��p������ḾѨ�����\�^. ASHNHA will monitor the impact of the new legislation on health care facilities and will work with members to address issues that arise. Visit for training such as this recorded webinar that will discuss the prevalence of violence in healthcare workplaces. As the leading crisis management company, our founders, executives, principals, and Executive Council are available to assist as needed. Workplace Violence Prevention Toolkit for Home Care The toolkit will strengthen the internal responsibility system (IRS) within organizations and guide employers to develop a safe home visit protocol/program for the safety of all its workers. Domestic violence is a public concern that affects employees in the community and the workplace. ENA’s Workplace Violence Toolkit: assess your own department/facility’s status in a variety of ways--staff, culture, environment-- to create an action plan targeted at your department's specific needs. In fact, the healthcare industry leads all other sectors in the incidence of nonfatal workplace assaults, and the emergency department is a particularly vulnerable setting. Workplace Violence and Harassment Toolkit. The goal of the WPV program or vision of future outcomes after the initiative is completed. Occupational Violence topics. Campaign Toolkit: Stop gender-based violence at work - support an ILO Convention (updated version – April 2018) 16-06-2017. PPE in Police Workplaces During COVID-19 Free Online Resource View … 17-11-2017. h��X]o[7�+���HJ(�k�u�� {��&wi��.\h��(��v�x�XW`��+����C�>F�9��^v1��������ω\��^�;��u�b̽c]G�'�̎(''��z](�:�YQ!y�c/A�<9�N���U;G/*$�S�ê�r�R�t;�BNe�*�P�� Are you sure? endstream endobj 720 0 obj <>stream Optional, ongoing annual maintenance, beginning 6 months after initial contract. It also showed more needs to be done to ensure all employees affected by domestic abuse receive the support they need to be safe and rebuild their lives. ASHNHA Workplace Violence Legislation Toolkit Page 1 of 8 . ]����] Doing the wrong thing or doing nothing can create a point of no return. Are you ready? workplace”, a rallying cry for employers to address domestic abuse in the workplace. download. In crisis, we assist senior management in developing or implementing a Crisis Management Plan. These events resulted in recommendations from the AUA Practice Firestorm empowers its clients to manage security risks through assessments, audits, program development, training and advisory services using our PREDICT.PLAN.PERFORM.® methodology. Home Go back Print Email this page Report a bug. OSHA provides a number of tools to assist employers such as a workplace violence checklist and specific guides for industries such as healthcare, social services and retail which are more vulnerable to incidents of workplace violence. Using Firestorm’s PREDICT. It is your company. PLAN. View the complete archive and download a brief today. �mkG����2�H�(E�� endstream endobj 721 0 obj <>stream Implementation toolkit for workplace violence . Each tool provides a simple step-by-step implementation process, customizable elements and a variety of support materials to enable robust workplace violence prevention program planning and implementation that meets the unique needs of your workplace. Stacey Papernick, Health and Safety Specialist. Firestorm empowers its clients to manage security risks through assessments, audits, program development, training and advisory services using our PREDICT.PLAN.PERFORM.® methodology. hޜZˎ���A�QEV�؉ RW�ש�R7))�&5�`h�>J*�Ϛj�sO�㘿5�ԜϞd�椵c,I��5��疺�Y�>k���L9���ْ�gO%�1��4j�k*5WL�c�P A crisis is business as unusual. and Charles G . }�e�u�+4�;M��!r��]'��s�G����S�G�Sc�ةp���8%v~�jF�[p���B � Workplace Violence. How you answer the question “What should we do now?” can have far reaching implications for your company or organization. The development of the Workplace Violence Prevention Toolkit was designed to support nurse’s knowledge and confidence in addressing workplace violence and harassment in their workplace. Violence toolkit Preventing Workplace Harassment and Violence Throughout the year, Firestorm produces hundreds of webinars with companion briefs. Firestorm’s Workplace Violence ToolKit offers a systematic approach to engage senior leadership, identify and analyze hazards, design strict policies, procedures, and communications, and manage both predictable and unforeseen threats of workplace violence. We provide advice and insight to help managers make crucial decisions, and communication experts to assist with social media communications and public relations. Crises come as surprises. ���&��9W�c�6�}�F����J׼�xLi���m����&��m���ni����G7~8��0��)z����P�o�k�W4��;�^ޜ��~'�L����t֞��=�����?=���_������s�w_���M����c���˟~����|����ܷ��KM_�f�b�&�c���'[����*g8�v�! If you are explaining, you are losing. Long Term Care Resources. �U� ���6-_E�8r����(ڂ`���mj�ㆽ�@�4‹yRO����d�� ���Gy�9C�^�I]j ��Kžg�C��;(���"(�|����8c[;R���rƶ$m?R��Q������p�Wξ?�Ѧ{xrlk�^Sh19ۻ��#og�mʺ�Vb{�_�p}�}�jGz�S�{�m�M�Z�q��|q��Q�],�$Y�٩XpK������C{��WN�X��k����y�A^ܴ�,fw�/D\9�`�-^Hq��=,1� �㿕ҽ��������A���@dv[l�خ[�5b��>x�m�3�q���x��*��k�*c�=�:@����s���g�mb*#�`Z� 3�2�d���O�_�p�U��66;�}G�r%�q)��Ʋ��)珉��} Z���t f�7����ڽ]�إ5�P�`�b|����>�\���)d1��2�w�ˁ�{9����r��)z-��u���#%6r��{ۮ"8r�{__�O��~2\9����,�����V����H�̓��+�k��� t��p^���ׇꞿ��>�����I�[�3F��ߐ��IX�ظd�m=fL�%c����!c�L�LW���)j]���?��!��~�|�w���F�H�>�c��h�¾�����6� �j�Z�� ��� Where the risk/crisis conundrum balances depends upon your initial critical decisions, your crisis communications, your monitoring of events, and your adjustments made to strategy and actions as events develop. Since 2005, Firestorm has assisted clients by responding to some of the largest and most complex critical incidents. %PDF-1.6 %���� A crisis is not business as usual. Recommended Courses. This toolkit was produced for the Vodafone Foundation by Dr Jane Pillinger, but builds on much that the Foundation has learnt from our partners over the last ten years. Enable colleagues to openly discuss this topic, and provide a supportive workplace Respond Review your policies and processes to ensure you are providing a supportive workplace and can respond to disclosure. h��ZM�$� �+:&��H�� À $p�x��m�C�,'�c��}�Si�����f�r�)uu���Rs����Jͩ\JI��U5I6\kk���Rq��]q�T���S˼���-'+��ڨ�l�����z�|k�w��4`�4O%gހ�xo������qǠ_���A-�bx��]S�i� �N��9?�8��/��3H���Cs���Q�ákP�@��x ��“��2�D�e,h��$��`,�� =i� B0ءٴ�,i�fo\@s',�J:��ΐ���ł�&��Y�Ba���c�D�ʌA���xiu.J�&�� H�I h�AH�� %I��A`��(�G�hH��M�=��� �T�\A+]�RS�,@�*� �X���Uܖұ�� �6$E��6� Call (770) 643-1114 and Activate Our Crisis Team. ���?��ߧ�c_��o�Ou����Z8 The ToolKit is designed to step organizations of all sizes through a logical planning process. AUA WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREPAREDNESS TOOLKIT 2015 2 PREFACE This toolkit is dedicated to the memory of Ron Gilbert, M .D . Workplace Violence Toolkit – Introduction ii - 3 Develop or strengthen the WPV program and policy by identifying processes that can be implemented to manage or control violence, and can address the risk of violence proactively. The above dynamics work aggressively against traditional empirical management decision processes. December 3, 2019. Our highly-trained team is an industry leader in providing custom safety and security solutions. ʢ�o����b~YW��f��U�t:�-&���tt6\.FO狛? Women ; Gender-based violence at work ; Economic Integration of Women; Equality; 17-04-2018. HB 312 – Violence Against Health Care Workers s ections . Step 2 – Assessing your program needs. One Workplace Violence ToolKit binder with 18 individual sections that include relevant materials for the implementation of a comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Program. Copyright © 2019. It is your reputation. Editable source files (Microsoft Office 2010 format) for sections 1-18 of the ToolKit. Workplace violence is a terrible issue that employers must be prepared to defend against. Proper planning requires that organizations PREDICT the vulnerability, PLAN the response, and PERFORM when the event occurs. Workplace violence is any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting. 7P�\C�T�^���um���+d�xġH-i����("��8�3 G*x �B�b(��S�N��T�v 9I3�#,4w��t(�j R�������=i�� L��V>IsL�npV*��q�D���h���7����A��)׀�g���w��ԧ�Ȗ��v��`�9̹��n��앨"7:S\�c�)���2_Y��8g�/��R�X)@? Our highly-trained team is an industry leader in providing custom safety and security solutions. �EQ��#h6�:��2�A�5g8��h�·�y�;��6�g��L���o�C�5GYt��V�Aٙ�D@�*��V�eT���h���`��h93%a���e��:ӄҳ�IXh��癰���'�=ya\H����3!��]�J`@!�v%͝� �S�B�X�1.��F�(=@H)hv���^���>�@�w�y�;�B��P&��ngs�^'a�\���"\A!uֲ�U����7��K��� S7 �Yw�G�<1D��>š��,�>�nPz#�� ��pC�f����IS�ޘE��L����9�wvS�i4"� �bWB-�@3������� �k T,��**a�3�6jPS�X��+4�\ef���E&۔�2Ӿ� �a��/W�'��9W����WQ�X!m�-&��Xцye�ˎrR�A8@ �`m���`|����X�@��T����q�L}��ӫw��Oo��6�o��|�t.�>}U����O��~���o?�������)P�~d�����J\�>�����T�����z'Q�9BMO�cǼ���Ӓ��W���?���#�h����l�V����׋ The Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act requires employers to assess the risks of workplace violence that may arise due to the nature of the workplace, the type of work, or the conditions of work. Every crisis starts with a combination of opportunity and danger. It also provides supporting documents for testing, training and awareness. Since 2005, Firestorm has assisted clients by responding to some of the largest and most complex critical incidents. RECEIVE CRITICAL NEWS, COMMENTARY AND ANALYSIS, Workplace Violence 101 – 5 Lessons Learned, There’s a time and a place for checklists – Insights by Guy Higgins, Surviving The Quiet Crisis – 8 Key Points for Communicable Illness Plans, 2018 Daylight Saving Time: The Pros, The Cons and the Human Implications, First Harvey, Now Heavy Rainfall – Texas Battles Significant Flooding for the Second Year, The Violence Prevention Formula – Part 2: Anonymous Reporting, Firestorm® and the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) Partner on the 17th Edition of the Global BCM Compensation Study, Firestorm Names Principal of the Year – Missan Eido, The Flu Causes 17 Million Employee Absences – Combating the Quiet Crisis, Recovering from Violence – Our Sympathies to the Tree of Life Synagogue, Download #ShareTheFormula to Prevent Violence, Download the Brief: The Year in Crisis Review, Behavioral Risk Threat Assessment (BeRThA®) License Agreement for Business. Planning tools are produced in a high quality DVD format and include a hard-copy binder. Gholdoian, M .D ., two urologists who lost their lives in workplace violence incidents . The general principles laid out in Firestorm’s Workplace Violence ToolKit are intended to help companies take the necessary steps to minimize and prevent workplace violence, recognize acts of workplace violence, and respond appropriately, if an act of violence occurs. One Workplace Violence ToolKit binder with 18 individual sections that include relevant materials for the implementation of a comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Program. Impacts accelerate. F. Staff: All physicians (non-employed physicians are considered to be staff for the purposes of this policy), employees and volunteers. It is your people. @�����S1�ݝ�F##Ќ���\X@���R����!�F���`P�`�P�MC��Yi;Ro0/�7:E��c0.��F�� A�C& Ro8���,�ٖ�T�Be���W��RR�*C�`,w�d���F+裈AP�*�s'H=��l�/D��.7b��9BX���@e6L`�b/���bT�:�%�#ד�‹�s�/��~XNf��pE8(bqYH=��IO>2_��P.g�|����H���s����������f.U��dkn Violence in emergency departments has reached epidemic levels and emergency nurses are particularly vulnerable. How do you know? Workplace violence in the hospital setting can be a daunting topic that must address multiple risks across the complex system of healthcare. u���P�)8�wU�5'�T��:α�}͖&%�jT�W=�o�5Yb盨y��6q�cA��Y�좴�|�J2U�5w�7h*�@ө�qc��*��X�y����P�V��A�{S�P�tоF�b;"G�L�,S�QjG(R)��zZ�2=�o�נ0���(h�{D�=�ӨPI�U2ib�,��[U��$ML+QOCX Workplace Violence Toolkit Ending Violence in Health Care This toolkit is an online hub for resources, research, information, tools and best practices related to violence in health care workplaces. Evaluate the workplace safety program and individual violence prevention practices at their facility or within their organization, against current best practices in violence prevention Identify and engage stakeholders and enhance the culture of worker and patient safety These resources are part of the Workplace Violence Prevention Resources - Hospital, Community Care and Long Term Care.
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