In the morning, Scout puts on her heavily starched dress. This is really just a short answer space: you have many questions here. Scout is stating how she dosent view people differently and that no one is different. ... She comes from a better background because she is from North, AL. Scout's father, Atticus Finch, studied law in Montgomery while supporting his brother, John "Jack" Hale Finch, who was in medical school in Boston. Harper Lee was a tom boy in her early years and so is Scout. Scout points out that Atticus left collection for them and they haven’t misbehaved in church in years, but Calpurnia invites Scout and Jem to come to her church instead. Scouts states that she thinks " there is just one kind of folks" ( Lee 220) I think scout is saying that everyone should be treated the same and that no one is different. Why do you think Scout looked forward to starting school? Scout is a very unusual little girl, both in her own qualities and in her social position. Scout doesn't realize that Walter, having come from a different background, has different habits than she does. cite a quote from the text that supports your answer. A summary of Part X (Section6) in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. The background given to Scout and Jem was from Aunt Alexandra talking how the Cunninghams are white trash. What do you think she hoped it would be like? Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Scout is connected to Harper Lee in many ways and their childhood is connected together. Jem seems to understand better than Scout about the view Aunt Alexandra has on the Cunninghams, because of Jem’s maturity. The narrator explains that the Ewell family is even poorer than the Cunninghams. Scout heads for the kitchen. On February 22, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides across 150 countries celebrate World Thinking Day—that’s one big celebration! How do you think they rank on a social skills? “I think there’s just one kind of folks. Miss Caroline sees a "cootie"-or bug- crawl out of Burris Ewell's hair and is terrified. Scout disagrees, wisely reasoning that background cannot be the ability to read and write because these things must be learned: "No, everybody's gotta learn, nobody's born knowin'. She is unusually intelligent (she learns to read before beginning school), unusually confident (she fights boys without fear), unusually thoughtful (she worries about the essential goodness and evil of mankind), and unusually good (she always acts with the best intentions). Scout believes that everyone is the same. Calpurnia asks what to do about church this week. And old, southern family who have lived in the maycomb area for generations. Jem says peoples differences are because there are different types of people. That night she bathes Scout roughly and supervises Jem. briefly describe the finch's family background. That Walter's as smart as he can be, he just gets held back sometimes because he has to stay out and help his daddy. The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), along with Girl Scouts of the USA and the other WAGGGS member organizations, have celebrated World Thinking Day since 1926. They were neighbors all through childhood, and became writers together. When Scout returns to school after lunch, things only get worse. Background: After observing racism from Aunt Alexandra towards her friend Walter Cunningham Jr., Scout gets into a discussion with Jem about it. Family background is important to the people of maycomb county. Her mother died when she was twenty- five years old and in the book Scout's mother died when she two years old. Folks.” – Scout. I think Jem understands background more because he is older than Scout … Their sister Alexandra remained at Finch's Landing. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of To Kill a Mockingbird and what it means.
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