Dear Co-chairs of the International Syria Support Group, I am writing about the ongoing reports by human rights monitoring groups, in particular Amnesty International, that document the widespread use of torture and other ill As a result, thousands AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL FOCUSES ON: A humanitarian and human rights crisis What started as peaceful reform demonstrations in Syria escalated into a prolonged and brutal internal conflict, leaving some 100,000 dead, hundreds of thousands injured, and over 9 … retposts ≠ endorsements. Ottawa, ON – Amnesty International welcomes Canada’s decision to request formal negotiations on Syria under the Convention against Torture. Dear Co-chairs of the International Syria Support Group, I am writing about the ongoing reports by human rights monitoring groups, in particular Amnesty International, that document the widespread use of torture and other ill-treatment and lethal conditions in Syrian detention facilities. Thousands of civilians trapped in Raqqa, northern Syria, are coming under fire from all sides as the battle for control of the city enters its final stage, Amnesty International said following an in-depth investigation on the ground. With no end to the conflict in sight, these numbers will increase. It also urged the Syrian authorities to provide unimpeded access to U.N. investigators currently looking into the human rights situation in Syria . Follow us for news & updates. صفحة سوريا في منظمة العفو الدولية‎ Q&A with Amnesty International's Research Director Anna Neistat for Syria Deeply on her undercover human rights work in Syria over the past four years, and her thoughts on the future of the conflict. "Evidence gathered is suggesting a nerve agent was used in an air-launched chemical attack which killed more than 70 and injured hundreds of civilians in Khan Sheikhoun in Syria’s northern province of Idleb, Amnesty International revealed as the UN Security Council meets for an emergency meeting in New York this morning. Amnesty International works to stop Syria human rights violations. Syria continued to host hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees who had access to its education and health infrastructures, but continued to be denied the right to work. ‎Amnesty International page for Syria. New Amnesty International report: "Nowhere is safe for us" Unlawful attacks & mass displacement in north-west # Syria, details 18 cases Syrian and/or Russian forces targeted medical facilities & schools in # Idlib, western # Aleppo & north-western Hama governorates. Britain’s Boris Johnson tweeted: “Sickened by reports from Amnesty International on executions in Syria. Amnesty International Kogruppe Syrien. Les det åpne brevet og kravene fra Amnesty International, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) og Human Rights Amnesty International reports Syria: Elderly Prisoner of Conscience charged (5 November 2009) Syria: Lifetime law practice ban against Muhannad al-Hassani sends chilling message (12 November 2009) Wir verurteilen... Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Amnesty’s 48-page report - Human slaughterhouse: Mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya prison, Syria - shows that on top of these extrajudicial executions the Syrian authorities are deliberately inflicting brutally inhuman conditions on Saydnaya detainees, with systematic torture, deprivation of food, water, medicine and medical care. Amnesty International has detailed the emblematic stories of four civilian families who were brutally impacted by the relentless aerial bombardment. From amid the rubble of Raqqa, civilians are asking why US-led Coalition forces destroyed the city, killing hundreds of civilians in the process of “liberating” them from the armed group calling itself “Islamic State” (IS), Amnesty International said in a new report ahead of the offensive’s anniversary. A new Amnesty International report, 'Nowhere is safe for us': Unlawful attacks and mass displacement in north-west Syria, details 18 cases – the majority in January and February 2020 – where Syrian and/or Russian government Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust. 991 likes. Amnesty International has concluded that, in most instances, the mass displacement was not carried out for civilians’ security or an imperative military necessity and therefore also amounts to a war crime. Assad responsible for so many deaths and has no future as leader.” In this submission, Amnesty International raises concerns about the state of emergency that has been enforced in Syria since 8 March 1963. Amnesty International researchers travelled to Raqqa in February 2018 and spent two weeks visiting 42 locations of strikes and interviewing 112 witnesses and survivors. Four million are being sheltered by Syria’s five neighbouring countries who are struggling to cope. Amnesty International is calling for at least 10% of Syria’s most vulnerable refugees to be resettled from the main host countries by the end of 2016 KEY FACTS : Gulf countries including Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain have offered zero resettlement places to … But an investigation by Amnesty International found that in just nine airstrikes, 21 civilians were killed and 11 others were injured. Amnesty International is urging ISIS to end its reign of abuse in northern Syria, including the abductions, torture and unlawful killings of detainees and others, and to respect the human 政府と反政府勢力の対立が激化してから4年、シリアから国境を越えて、ヨーロッパや他の地域へ多くの人びとが逃れています。近隣諸国5カ国にシリア難民の約95%が避難しており、受け入れは限界です。日本を含め、世界中での受け入れが必要です。 Amnesty International repeated its call for the U.N. Security Council to refer the situation in Syria to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. Since the start of the crisis in Syria in 2011, it’s many civilians are still yet to see justice to the many atrocities committed along the way. This is the worst humanitarian crisis of our lifetime and the international community cannot continue to turn its back on Syria’s refugees. Nach fast zehn Jahren Krieg ist noch immer kein Frieden in Syrien in Sicht. A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (03139939) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1051681) and Scotland (SC039534). A new report by the rights group Amnesty International says the Syrian government killed as many as 13,000 people by hanging them in a military prison. Amnesty International visits An Amnesty International delegation visited Syria in February/March to look into the situation of Iraqi refugees and to gather information about human rights abuses in Iraq. Syria human rights abuses can end with your support. … Types: Amnesty FNs utsending til Syria må få styrket mandatet sitt. 2 talking about this. Amnesty International reports On 1 February, the authorities and UN agencies permanently closed the desolate camp at al-Tanf in the border area between Iraq and Syria, where Palestinian refugees who were long-term residents of Iraq had lived. Amnesty International can make this claim with a straight face because they have effectively “disappeared” the reality of Syria. Dear Co-chairs of the International Syria Support Group, I am writing about the ongoing reports by human rights monitoring groups, in particular Amnesty International, that document the widespread use of torture and other ill-treatment and lethal conditions in Syrian detention facilities. Between them, they lost 90 relatives and neighbors – 39 from a single family
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