The Breendoggle ***** Direct download mp3. This is why – and how – Marion Zimmer Bradley was at first presumed ignorant, then an innocent bystander, even though everyone who knew her knew the truth – she was a trailblazer for pedophilia and child abuse. Shortly before the book came out, in 1963, the scandal broke in Science Fiction, known as the Breendoggle. More profoundly, though was his disgust with my gender, despite his many relationships with women and female victims. The difference was that the Breendoggle took place on paper, exchanged via surface mail, so it went on for well more than a year. This is why Kramer was so heartily and passionately defended. What is this fascination with the Breendoggle, say, or how many people attended the supposedly legendary party in Room 770? The “Breendoggle” Wiki. Both of these individuals are now deceased. The central fact of Breen's fannish life was the Breendoggle (aka Breen Boondoggle). Silence is Complicity. Trigger Warning: child rape. He is best known among coin collectors for writing Walter Breen's Complete Encyclopedia of U.S. and Colonial Coins. Walter H. Breen (September 5, 1928 April 28, 1993) was an American author. This is why the Breendoggle went unresolved. S–‘s son, a 13 year old boy. The latter part of the title is a reference to the phrase All Fandom Was Plunged Into War which is an old fannish phrase to describe contentious events in a fandom that lead to feuding and gafiation.. The documentation includes eyewitness accounts of Breen molesting children and discussion that even if Breen was indeed an active pedophile, that doesn’t mean he should be expelled from fandom. Bruce was married to Dian at the time it happened and apparently they both were strong proponents of the decision to ban him from the 1964 Worldcon, publishing satirical comics about the other side (which he showed us) and that sort of thing. Stitcher. The recent tsunami of interest in the history of Marion Zimmer Bradley and Walter Breen has inspired the launch of a Breendoggle Wiki within the past few days. The u/Topiary_Enthusiast community on Reddit. Or perhaps that it was many orders of magnitude worse? More at WorldCons of the 1960s, chapter 8b ; WebCite . They are an older, purely wikitext-based form of article comments and Message Walls. The alleged theamazingatheist’s allegedly false confession. All the recent fandom scandals I can think of are laughable by comparison. “@catvalente @Lollardfish @nkjemisin The Breen Boondoggle is called that because that was the name of the publication issued by the 1964 Worldcon explaining why they were banning him.” Just ... You know, I've seen first hand how people can react to child sexual abuse occurring within a family. iTunes. Just when I thought I was done with this…. Justine Arreche went public with an account (now deleted) of being sexually assaulted by Joe O'Brien at CodeMash, a multi-languageprogramming conference in Sandusky, Ohio in January 2013. One thing that’s come out of shining light into dark corners is that the original “Breendoggle” from 1963 has now been posted online. Several unnamed teenage minors, boys and girls. Looked around but didn’t see anything about that. 4 years ago Short URL 2 Comments. Initially, his known victims included: P–, a 3 year old girl. "Breen numbers", from his encyclopedia, are widely used to attribute varieties of coins. The scandal is referred to by fans as “Boondoggle” or “Breendoggle”, and is documented in detail at the Breendoggle Wiki. Breendoggle History Wiki. Ignore it, cover it up, It was a useful reminder to me that "modern, enlightened" attitudes really were different in the past, at least in some circles. The Breendoggle fan feuds shared the primary characteristic of an Internet pile-on: no single individual involved thought they were responsible for what happened. Journey Press, the publishing company founded by the team behind Galactic Journey, has just launched its first book. (“Victim X”) G2, 7 years old. Posted on June 16, 2014 by Mike Glyer. Marion Zimmer Bradley's involvement with child abuse. The big, muscular bullies were no longer on top, while the proverbial 97 pound weaklings had sand kicked in their faces. Leaping off that tangent into another, ff you read science fiction and fantasy, you’ll need to read about one of the biggest scandals in the genre, which is “Breendoggle”, the thing that the anti-Sad Puppy people seem find LESS objectionable than Sad Puppies, simply by the dint of the NOISE that is made about Sad Puppies versus Breendoggle. If you are a feminist and love genre fiction, the novel that may have opened up a hidden world for you was published in 1983. The Great Breen Boondoggle was an incident circa 1963 in which fan Walter Breen (soon after, the husband of very well-known fantasy writer Marion Zimmer Bradley/MZB) was banned from Pacificon II/Worldcon as he was judged to pose a threat to children. I read all of it and I feel unclean forever. Much of fandom seemed to know about the allegations against Breen. In 1963, the Pacificon II committee acted to ban him from the 1964 Worldcon. If you want to know about his shenanigans with little girls, and you have a very strong stomach, you can google the Breendoggle, which was the scandal which ALMOST drummed him out of science fiction fandom. G–, 10 years old. Discover more posts about breendoggle. (And onwards for several years.) Walter Breen, late in life (year unknown). I can't imagine the scene with the three-year-old being tolerated in any non-pedophile circles today. The Breendoggle had been one of the items that Plunged All Fandom Into War, as they say. Breendoggle Documentation Now On a Wiki Jun. The action was led by Bill Donaho, the chairman of Worldcon, and The Great Breen Boondoggle is the title of the zine that Donaho wrote … Breendoggle fanzines 1964: Second fannish scandal--Walter having sex with 10-year-old [Victim X] Breendoggle & Breenagain fanzines Marion knew of and defended Walter's behavior MZB's depositions Marion & Walter get married MZB's depositions 1970s: Stephen Goldin met … The Great Breen Boondoggle, or All Berkeley is Plunged Into War is an 8-page publication produced in 1963 Bill Donaho, the Worldcon chairperson . The general account was corroborated by two witnesses: Zach Briggs ("Events" ) and another developer. deirdre. Breendoggle . I heard back from the The UCR Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department. Walter H. Breen Jr. (September 5, 1928 – April 27, 1993) was an American convicted child sex offender, activist for pedophilia as part of NAMBLA, numismatist, writer, and the husband of author Marion Zimmer Bradley.He is known among coin collectors for writing Walter Breen's Complete Encyclopedia of U.S. and Colonial Coins. Podcast. Breendoggle, proving fandom fifty years ago wasn't any better than parts of fandom now. Leaping off that tangent into another, ff you read science fiction and fantasy, you’ll need to read about one of the biggest scandals in the genre, which is “Breendoggle”, the thing that the anti-Sad Puppy people seem find LESS objectionable than Sad Puppies, simply by the dint of the NOISE that is made about Sad Puppies versus Breendoggle. They are primarily used to hash out improvements to a single page or to the community as a whole. The world of science fiction and fantasy is in shock, following news that the daughter of the bestselling late fantasy author Marion Zimmer Bradley has accused her mother of abusing her as a child. There had been rumors and suspicions for years that he had molested young boys. To start things off, happy book day to Juliette Wade!Today is the release day for her second Broken Trust book, Transgressions of Power.I reviewed both of these back in September.. Mazes of Power: Amazon, B&N, Indiebound Transgressions of Power: Amazon, B&N, Indiebound I was supposed to provide a one-sentence blurb for the books, and I utterly dropped the ball on that. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. (The October 1964 Galaxy and the 1964 Hugos) September 8, 2019 Gideon Marcus 9 Comments [We have exciting news! I believe that some discussion of these matters, which became in the 1960s and in some ways remain to this day a shattering controversy in the world of organized science fiction and fantasy fandom (search terms "breen boondoggle" "breendoggle"), belongs in the MZB article as well. A talk page is one of several places where you can speak with your fellow editors. 15th, 2014 09:41 pm. Tag Archives: breendoggle Magazine, Science Fiction/Fantasy [September 8, 1964] It’s War! MARRION ZIMMER BRADLEY was a noted science fiction and fantasy author, with best-sellers to her credit and a large number of adoring fans. Part 1 is here.
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